(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

People really wanted the tysha mention like that?

It's just that Tysha was extra motive for Tyrion to kill his father. Shae was extra bonus.

In the show it seems like he randomly chose to visit the Hand's chambers and just randomly saw Shae in there then randomly chose to point a crossbow at his father.
considering that they chose to meld tysha and shae, they should have given him clearer impetus for killing shae. or at the very least have mentioned tysha once this season so the admission wouldnt have show watchers like "Who?"
Tyrion already had plenty of motive to use that crossbow. twyin has hated him his whole life and was going to oversee his execution. Plus he just saw that the guy took his woman and was with her in his old bed.
ehhhh but why did he go to the tower of the hand. and why did he kill shae so quickly, no conversation. he turned her out and called her a *****. of course she'd go whoring. his motivation with the shae murder is iffy. but i agree a tysha admission would have been lost on the show only fans.
Maybe he left his favorite tunic and wine goblet in his old room. He wanted to try and sneak in to get them.
i dont know. i feel like the show gave enough motive for tyrion to go and off the both of them. in the show thread, i don't think you saw anyone say "why did tyrion kill shae and tywin?"

the show depicted shae and tywin to be such scumbags to tyrion after all he's done. you can just see it in their emotions, at the trial, at the trial by combat, etc. their betrayal seemed like enough justification to go back, IMO.
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i dont know. i feel like the show gave enough motive for tyrion to go and off the both of them. in the show thread, i don't think you saw anyone say "why did tyrion kill shae and tywin?"

the show depicted shae and tywin to be such scumbags to tyrion after all he's done. you can just see it in their emotions, at the trial, at the trial by combat, etc. their betrayal seemed like enough justification to go back, IMO.

Exactly. None of my friends who are only show watchers went in like why did tyrion kill tywin either.

Since Season 1 when tyrion met him at the camp. Tywin had been sh*(*(* on him.

now in the book we know the shay/tyshaw thing is what actually made him commit kinslaying but at the same time he was on death row anyway.
he went in there with no dambs given with or without the tysha story.

Michelle Fairley confirming that LS probably won't be on the show 

I said this on my fb group......................................................................dfksalfj;isalfksaldfjlsadfjlsdjfklddddddddddddddddddd

But this could also give more screen time to the brotherhood without banners. Once again we have to think in terms of how they did the Theon and Ramsay story, we may get extra insight to some things. we still have Dorne to explore, Pentos, Bravoos, and Pike. I don't think book readers should be too worried with with tem crossing over to twow stuff. and I'm pretty confident we'll get twow before season 6 or 7 comes out. lol then that will only take us like what....less than a week to read then we'll be wanting to see it on screen anyway
less than a week?

The entire series has taken me 14 months and tWoW will be the biggest one
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It took me a week, week and a half to read each book except for the last one. Had to read ADWD when I had breaks inbetween classes.
book 1 took me like a week in half.
2-3 about 3 weeks since I was reading it in between classes.
book 4 &5 took me about a month cuz they weren't as exciting so i put it down more frequently;
I think the problem is I've been so busy studying/reading for work the last year + that I only read when on a train or in a waiting room. I listened to AFFC on audiotape but didnt really absorb most of it. Did the same with ADWD and wikid what was missing but I imagine I don't have the retention of the material anywhere close to like you guys do.

so yeah 14 months and counting for the last 3 books
lol took me about 5 months to finish the series. ADWD took me the longest because I started it a few days before classes resumed. But with my thirst level all crazy for the next book, I'm most likely going to finish it in a book or so. I've ran through those leaked chapters like they were nothing :lol:.
i listened to audio tapes and red at the same time. basically audio tapes for the new characters and read the ones i liked, "Arya, Reek, Tyrion"

Jons was ok, i loved when melisandre was with him i read those. ready for her to try and throw the yambs at him in the show.
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all we knew were the hedge knight and sworn sword I thought. aren't the rest like mini mini stories????
that aren't quite asoiaf related????
Correct. I think they all take place in Westeros during a different time line, but not vital to the ASOIAF story line.

BTW Looks like George is making headlines for saying F U to all the people speculating his death.
I'm treading through this thread carefully. Just finished ACOK . Not sure about reading ASOS because the books are so time consuming.
well the season of that book is over, so you may as well read it to get the full story, Hopefully it takes you til about next season

Sean Bean wants to return to Game of Thrones


This is entirely possible with Bran meeting The Three Eyed Raven (or Crow) and his flashbacks through the weirwood tree. Eventually the show HAS to address Jon Snow's parentage and what other way than Ned praying to the weirwood tree!!

I just read a spoiler for this that claims Sean said something about something. When I get back to work, I'll post it.
I just read a spoiler for this that claims Sean said something about something. When I get back to work, I'll post it.


He said he believes that Ned is not Jon's father (aka The R+L=J Theory). Even though it is highly regarded as truth but not been confirmed by GRRM I do not think he bears any significance to the storyline as it stands at the end of Book 5. First and foremost as far as we know he was killed Ceasar style by his brothers in the Night's watch. Secondly, the only person left who knows the truth is Howland Reed and he is in the wind. Even if he were to come out and say Jon is a Targaryen, who would believe him? It would ultimately lead to Jon being killed(again?) by the Lannisters, Boltons, or even Stannis. Thirdly, he was raised as a Stark and there is nothing he will trade for his honor. He already turned down the prospect of being Lord of Winterfell so even if he did find out his true lineage his Stark background would never allow him to leave the Nights Watch no matter how much they hate him.
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