(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)


sign me up for the 'tower tower joy joy' theory on j and dany
No point in hiding what were talking about now since the season is practically caught up.

It just dawned on me jon doesnt know bran is alive in the book. Forgot the show. Sam told jon.

Also in the show melisandre is with stannis going to winterfell but trued to get a shadow baby out of jon....i wonder why?
I believe the Tyrion is a Targ more than r+l =j

The ice dragon theory is much better imo

r+l=j has way more concrete evidence than the Tyrion theory lets be real....and the ice dragon theory.....come on. You can't buy that over r+l=J.

Agreed. I love the Ice Dragon theory but it reeks of FanFic. That doesn't take away from the brilliance of even conceiving that type of theory.
Sign me up for the 'tower tower joy joy' theory on j and dany

Take everything Preston says with a grain of salt.

Never thought about Brianne being hanged and brought back to life by Lady Stoneheart

Wouldn't Jamie be able to tell tho?
*randomly types letters to avoid spoilers for non-book readers*


Never thought about Brianne being hanged and brought back to life by Lady Stoneheart

Wouldn't Jamie be able to tell tho?

While Brienne & Pod are being hanged, Brienne screams out a word that saves her. Many believe she says "sword" meaning she'll find and kill Jaime.
Didn't people think she also may have yelled one of the kid's names? When did GRRM confirm it?
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Tdogg you're wilding. I had to post quick to make that go off the main page

Tdogg you're wilding. I had to post quick to make that go off the main page


Grrm said at a convention when someone asked... plus jaimie seeing brienne at the end of his chapter kind of confirms that right?


just gives no damns anymore. 

Mind ******* blown

This the greatest theory of all theories ever
Carefully re-read the theory and you'll see that it's incredibly misleading, but I will admit that some of it is pretty cool.

sign me up for the 'tower tower joy joy' theory on j and dany
Bro I love that theory as much as you and I want it to become truth because honestly r+l=j became boring over the years to me, but there are some stretches in his theory too. Also the hints that the season is dropping makes it obvious. 
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It just occurred to me that the change the show is probably making, and imo foreshadowed by all the marrying for political/military might that has happened this season (tommen to margaery, roose and walda, sansa to ramsey, dany to that scrub) is that Jon will go to the Wildlings and they'll refuse to follow him without some show of devotion to get their trust and Jon will have to marry Val or some other Wildling princess. News will spread to Ramsey (eventually leading to "bring me the wildling princess") and will ultimately piss off the rest of the Night's Watch and also draw parallels to the Night's King and will lead to Jon's getting stabbed up.

There are about 35 run on sentences there, I know. My apologies. Just came up with that in the shower and wanted to get it out before I hopped on the subway.

It just occurred to me that the change the show is probably making, and imo foreshadowed by all the marrying for political/military might that has happened this season (tommen to margaery, roose and walda, sansa to ramsey, dany to that scrub) is that Jon will go to the Wildlings and they'll refuse to follow him without some show of devotion to get their trust and Jon will have to marry Val or some other Wildling princess. News will spread to Ramsey (eventually leading to "bring me the wildling princess") and will ultimately piss off the rest of the Night's Watch and also draw parallels to the Night's King and will lead to Jon's getting stabbed up.

There are about 35 run on sentences there, I know. My apologies. Just came up with that in the shower and wanted to get it out before I hopped on the subway.
Val was never cast or even introduced unfortunately and Wildings don't care about marriage like that. Remember, they steal their wives. On top of all of that he is LC. Helping or not helping wildlings isn't a vow, but taking no wife is.
Honestly, has GRRM have any news on when his next book will be finished?

He announced as the season was about to air that he was going to severely cut back on appearances and cut all ties to the show from a writing/editing perspective to finish the book so it's released before next season airs. But who knows.

Preston's theories are based off assumptions he comes up with instead text from the book. At the end of his videos, he gives a disclaimer stating he's possibly wrong about the stuff he spoke about because it's all far fetched.

I look at his videos as FanFic, nothing more.

If you want actual knowledge taken from the books, check out Alt Shift X's page. Easily my favorite YouTube channel about ASoIAF
IMO Preston is all about conjecture with no concrete trail of evidence to speak of when he makes his assumptions. He lays out an idea because it sounds cool and not because it would actually fit in with Martin's writing style, the character's motivations, or general logic.

It's pure fan fiction and if you go back before Dance came out and look at the garbage he was spewing you'd get a clearer picture of why most everything he says is clearly nonsense.
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Thanks man.. Just asking.. I've seen most of alt shift x's videos too, enjoy those too
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