State your name and 3 REAL facts about yourself.

Name: Jeff

1. I've kicked it with several of your favorite NT'ers around the globe.

2. I stop buying shoes last year.

3. I went to the same high school as Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Lee & Minoru Yamasaki (Twin Towers architect) & My guy Law3001.
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1) formerly homeless.
2) have not used drugs/alcohol for many years.
3) absolutely love my life, wife and son. i feel blessed everyday.
Name: Darealist

1)My favorite sneakers of all time are the Nike Air Force 1.

2) I believe that Niketalk is the greatest forum of all time.

3) Posting on Niketalk> Anything
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Art Vandelay

1) proud of being in the military

2) youngest of three children ( older sister, older brother, and as a side note if me and my brother ran into each anywhere else away from the family they'd have to shut the city down because we are engaged in a real serious beef)

3) I'm scared to death of failing
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1. I'm a Graduate of North Carolina A&T State University
2. I can't remember the last day I didn't drink at least a beer smh
3. My girl lives with me and I'm starting to believe if she isn't the one for me I'm probably good on marriage.

1. Quit Smoking cigs cold turkey 5 years ago
2. Host my own radio show
3. am literally an only child(no brother,sister or cousins) my aunt(who adopted me) is my last living blood relative, not counting my deadbeat dad
My actual name is Joachim

1) People generally refer to me as my nickname Void, including my close friends' parents 

2) I'm 21 years old and have been stuck at home for 2 years now due to medical conditions

3) I earn a substantial amount of money online in my spare time by hacking and selling social media
Ryan, and I'll try to keep my facts clean and free of my deviance.

1) I had 2 heart attacks in 2003. I had mono which somehow infected my pericardium because I wasn't aware that I had mono and kept pushing it. At least that's what the doctor said. He was mad old so there was that.

2) My friends & I drunkenly invaded the set of Red Dawn II. We wondered why there were tanks and sandbags in downtown Detroit and thought there was a war that no one told us about. We started doing wrestling moves to the sandbags. I kept it simple with back body drops & the Garvin stomp.

We were reprimanded and asked not to return. We agreed on the condition that we keep a sandbag. They agreed and we ended up carrying the sandbag for about 20 feet before we realized it was heavy.

3) I spent Halloween 2010 vomiting on the flowers outside a Denny's on Long Island. I was drinking whiskey and got pressured into doing a few beer bong hits and that was it. We got to Denny's and after smelling the food for 5 minutes, it was barfamania. I heckled some guy in an Alex Rodriguez jersey by asking him if his costume was watching strike three pass as the Texas Rangers advanced in between ralphs. It took about 4 stops & starts to complete the heckling.
Explain #3 more
It's quite simple, "original" usernames on the most popular social media have a large market. I use various methods to obtain or hack inactive usernames (I do not take accounts that have been active in the last year), which I then sell for various amounts of money ranging from $10 to $500.
I mainly deal in kik usernames now and have established myself as the top dealer in that market. It helps keep me busy and while I'm not making obscene amounts of money I've had some weeks where I made over $1000 in a span of a few days. Generally I earn at least $1000 a month.

Instagram is a whole different game because a username can also be very beneficial for marketing. A friend of mine owns the instagram @Scary for example, the name alone is worth hundreds because it can easily be grown into a page for scary pictures/videos. This is called a "niche" instagram. As you can see by the 2m+ followers he has grown, it can help a lot.
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