STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Matticakes hit a 324lb front squat on the gram just now. i mean i was feeling myself off 275. I want to extract her powers through her vagina.
I know this question gets asked regularly, but what BCAAs and/or other supps are y'all taking.

I haven't used any supplements in a long time, but feel like I could benefit from a good BCAA mix and maybe a pre-workout.
I know this question gets asked regularly, but what BCAAs and/or other supps are y'all taking.

I haven't used any supplements in a long time, but feel like I could benefit from a good BCAA mix and maybe a pre-workout.

For BCAA I've been using BPI. Recently decided to go switch it up and I am currently using Evlution Nutrition Lean BCAA which has CLA and L Carnitine Tartrate. Can't comment on how effective it is in terms of burning fat.

Other supps I am currently using:

Creatine Mono
Fish Oil
Whey Protein
The come up was real bros. All this for only $20 :lol:

I know this question gets asked regularly, but what BCAAs and/or other supps are y'all taking.

I haven't used any supplements in a long time, but feel like I could benefit from a good BCAA mix and maybe a pre-workout.
I like EVL BCAA energy. Don't know if it's still buy 1 get one on half off on

Decided to man up and try to do some pull ups. It was mental for the most part although i did feel soreness in my bicep. Managed to do 2 sets of 5, not much but i surprised myself. Gonna continue doing that everyday.
This morning leaving work i figured id have one since its right by my job before i hit shoulders but knowing myself id eat a i drove by like :frown:

hate cutting, but like seeing visible abs. :smh:
slow cuts are killing me. and not even the food. just looking at the scale move only 1 lb a week sucks. food wise im good tho.

also not use to doing abs everyday lol we need that jetsons technology. let me watch myself work out on the treadmill
I'm going through the same thing now. I would do a faster cut, but I'm trying to maintain as much strength as possible
That's the hardest part. Like you feel like you are depleted and hungry all the time...step on the scale...down .3lbs and youre like seriously?!?!

But its the journey...trying to enjoy the journey
My body is changing and thats what matters. But when youre so ise to looking at a scale not seeing it go down after uve been doing fasted cardio every morning and eating right. And u go from 188 monday to 187.6 next monday youre like.. damn...
But again its not about what the scale says.
I know im in a lot better shape cardiovascular wise
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