STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I agree with everything Durden and T said. It's not just about appearance though, there are other benefits both physically and mentally, especially for those of us getting older. I'm not condoning repeated use without a goal of competing in some respect. But running a cycle once every few years is not nearly as risky as people like to make it seem, assuming you are in fact educated.
how long does a cycle last?
how long does a cycle last?

Typically there is an on and off cycle. Think of on to boost. And off to stabilize. Its about 6 weeks for on and 6 weeks for off.

Some people do it once a year maybe twice. Others do it all year long.
(No different from people who only do pre workout in cycles of 4-6 weeks. And then off for 4-6 weeks. And then the dudes who take pre workout evey workout day all year long)
Varies anywhere from 6-12 weeks, I'd say standard is 8-10, followed by a few weeks of PCT.

I'd say there is a huge difference between cycling pre workout and gear.

With gear you have to take all the estrogen blockers and then do PCT to make sure that your body gets back to at least a stabilized level but even still it's never really the same.

Your body never really produces test the same way after you introduce it to synthetic test.
I agree with everything Durden and T said. It's not just about appearance though, there are other benefits both physically and mentally, especially for those of us getting older. I'm not condoning repeated use without a goal of competing in some respect. But running a cycle once every few years is not nearly as risky as people like to make it seem, assuming you are in fact educated.

Yea I plan on hopping on when I'm way older and my body doesn't produce test/HGH at the same levels anymore.

Also by that time technology will be even more advanced and I'll make sure I'm in a position where I can have my blood work done consistently.
how long does a cycle last?

Typically there is an on and off cycle. Think of on to boost. And off to stabilize. Its about 6 weeks for on and 6 weeks for off.

Some people do it once a year maybe twice. Others do it all year long.
(No different from people who only do pre workout in cycles of 4-6 weeks. And then off for 4-6 weeks. And then the dudes who take pre workout evey workout day all year long)


I'd say there is a huge difference between cycling pre workout and gear.

With gear you have to take all the estrogen blockers and then do PCT to make sure that your body gets back to at least a stabilized level but even still it's never really the same.

Your body never really produces test the same way after you introduce it to synthetic test.

My coworker tries to get me into it. I'm like nah, I'm good. Not wasting money on that. I don't even like shots at the doctor. Be damned if I'm gonna inject myself, see the needle coming and not freak out. I got pricked by a splinter once and flipped out.

Then not only do you shoot. Then you gotta take mad extra stuff to block this, block that, prevent this, prevent that. Sounded way too complicated. I'm good. I'll just do it the regular way and become as big as I can.
I remember asking my boy who I mentioned that was small but lean, why he didn't bulk up. He said "get bigger for what? I'm big enough for the girls"

It ain't make sense to me until this year.

Gonna try to be as big/strong naturally as I can at 185-190 for myself. Besides, that I'm big enough for the ****. They aint complaining.

Plus my body takes away from my hideous face. It's like having green eyes but you ugly. You need that distraction [emoji]128521[/emoji]
Again gotta educate yourself more than hearsay. The "block this" stuff has been made to where you can have that and the test in the same "injection
So you're not doing more than 1 a week and maybe a pill (if you want).
But if you're young and naturally gifted anyway. Wait away. I'm not trying to encourage or condone it. Just discussing it's not as negative as people make it out to be
In less than a page there is a ton of misinformation being spewed.... hence my initial post about education...
I really want to be on the stuff but I would only do it if I knew someone in person who really knew what they were doing holding my hand through the process. Scared of making a mistake and growing milk out my breasts :lol:
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Not me. It takes so long for your body to stabilize after and you'll just be screwed up with your metabolism and everything else. Then you might not even come back to normal after that. Might not be able to get your d up for weeks.
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I've been on TRT for about 4-5 weeks now.

When I started I was at 192 test, felt like hell always, and was just meh.

I'm at 802 test now, and don't feel like I'm on top of the world, but I do feel better. Work outs are better, and I have more a pump.

Will report back in a few weeks but I'm injecting and doing it not to blast test but just to keep my levels at a normal level.
Man there's some old lady at my gym, she's gotta be at least 65-70, but you can tell she's been hitting them squats for years.. :evil: and :x at the same time :lol:
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^speaking of old ladies... I did week 4 of DL program and the power rack in my gym is kinda in a corner but theres a small space between the wall and the rack with a ledge, i usually rest on the ledge between sets. Anyways im doing warm up sets and this old lady decides to go in that corner and do bicep curl when theres all this open space smh had to ask her politely to move. Told her its nicer over there cuz the fan doesnt reach the corner.

Got 320x2 on DL for a PR. Switched to my adidas busenitz and took my inserts out. Made a big difference. Gonna DL and squat in these kicks from now on.

Stiff leg DL 175
Bent over row 155
Lat pull down (reverse) 250
Good mornings 85

Kinda glad the circuits are over :lol:
I'm about to get some crazy beard gains for this winter. Didn't let it grow out last year but I'm ready. Can't wait for all the comments again :lol:

:lol: mine grows crazy fast. What i had in the last couple vids i posted was like 6wks worth. I trimmed it down tho...only problem is i only have a 1 guard lmao. Oh well itll be back soon. Longest i ever grew mine was prob 6mths, no trim just lining it.
Ive been growing my beard since sept 1st. I had to start this early for noshavember because it takes forever to grow my beard
Maan i wish mine didnt grow so fast sometimes. Such a pain having to line it up damn near everyday. I been rocking a beard since 18 lmao. My barber suggested it instead of having to shave everyday (i was rocking with the mustache and goatee combo) just leave the beard and line it.
Man ****.

I've been at it for 3 years now and all I got it's the chin hair and mutton chops

The rest of my cheek is just starting to fill in,this year. :lol:

Maybe I need some of that T.

I've been on TRT for about 4-5 weeks now.

When I started I was at 192 test, felt like hell always, and was just meh.

I'm at 802 test now, and don't feel like I'm on top of the world, but I do feel better. Work outs are better, and I have more a pump.

Will report back in a few weeks but I'm injecting and doing it not to blast test but just to keep my levels at a normal level.
nice. when you got the 802 reading, how close to your last shot was that? if you're on cyp, it gets good right at the 5+ week mark.
eventually you could also blast and cruise and see how you like that.
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