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because bench is a compound, you guys should be onsidering all of the other muscles that go into it, there in may lie your problem. work your shoulders, work your traps, triceps, your core. When you're moving up in weight, humble yourself, don't be afraid of those 5lb plats on each side, or hell, even 2.5 lb plates. Whether you're moving slow or fast, you're moving forward. Cest day is easily my favorite day and body part, so I've literally tried it all. I used to hate my chest, now I love it and am proud of it, all from experimentation and realizing that I wasn't going to allow the weight to rule me. Patience is key. You can grow in every aspect in time. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Lol I need to get my game up I did 305 3 times in DL think I can maybe crank out 325 or something idk. I see dudes so the over/under grip but it looks wild awkward to me
Lol I need to get my game up I did 305 3 times in DL think I can maybe crank out 325 or something idk. I see dudes so the over/under grip but it looks wild awkward to me

Mixed grip makes it way easier to pull. Just gotta make sure you alternate hand positions so you don't create and imbalance and to keep your supinated arm straight to avoid a bicep tear if you're trying to somewhat curl the weight up.
because bench is a compound, you guys should be onsidering all of the other muscles that go into it, there in may lie your problem. work your shoulders, work your traps, triceps, your core. When you're moving up in weight, humble yourself, don't be afraid of those 5lb plats on each side, or hell, even 2.5 lb plates. Whether you're moving slow or fast, you're moving forward. Cest day is easily my favorite day and body part, so I've literally tried it all. I used to hate my chest, now I love it and am proud of it, all from experimentation and realizing that I wasn't going to allow the weight to rule me. Patience is key. You can grow in every aspect in time. Rome wasn't built in a day.

That's very true. Weaker triceps and shoulders prevent from what your chest can actually handle.
Stick with the regular overhand grip.
I need to stick with regular but these damn calluses are a ***** 

Need to grind these babies down some 
Hate them lol. I usually keep em under control with the soft part of a nail file, but I've just been like **** it lately. It's all fun and games till they mess with your grip
Yeah bro I stole my moms filer and use it sometimes but for some reason I always forget on pull days 

Have you or anyone ever tried liquid grip? BB reviews on it are great but I want to know its worth it compared to regular chalk.
pretty sure my form is fine, i rarely bench because i never move up yet i have great form with dumbbells and even while cutting ive been moving up in weight.
Use PedEgg for calluses, it works great. I still have those "imprints" left, but it's better than what I had a few years ago before I got serious about lifting. Girls used to tell me "wow you have really soft hands for a guy!" :lol: Doubt that was a good thing
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Hate them lol. I usually keep em under control with the soft part of a nail file, but I've just been like **** it lately. It's all fun and games till they mess with your grip :lol:
Yeah bro I stole my moms filer and use it sometimes but for some reason I always forget on pull days :smh:

Have you or anyone ever tried liquid grip? BB reviews on it are great but I want to know its worth it compared to regular chalk.
From everything I've heard, regular chalk or bust. Never tried liquid, but I've heard that it isn't worth it.

Gotta try the PedEgg. I used to hate that soft hands knock lol. Mines are far from rough, but who wants to be told that their hands feel like a newborn's ***. :lol:
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Just scrolling through a bunch of different "fitness" accounts on Instagram and I see thee dumbest things. Gimmicky workouts, horrible advice and it seems like EVERYBODY is selling training/meal plans with zero qualifications. And these people have thousands and thousands of followers... Just put "fitness" or anything relative to working out in your name and look like you are semi in shape and ignorant people believe everything you say smh
From everything I've heard, regular chalk or bust. Never tried liquid, but I've heard that it isn't worth it.

Gotta try the PedEgg. I used to hate that soft hands knock lol. Mines are far from rough, but who wants to be told that their hands feel like a newborn's ***.
Word regular chalk is cheaper too, bout to get a pound of that shiiiit 
any supplement / vitamin recommendations for strictly cardio work 5-6 days a week? Looking to lose this last bit of belly fat that is being evasive
any supplement / vitamin recommendations for strictly cardio work 5-6 days a week? Looking to lose this last bit of belly fat that is being evasive

diet and cardio is all you need to lose fat

supps wont do jack! keep your diet in check and you will lose that fat easily. i promise you that
diet and cardio is all you need to lose fat

supps wont do jack! keep your diet in check and you will lose that fat easily. i promise you that

I'll just keep pushing through and losing it than, little by little, just wanted an accelerant :lol:

I Wonder if me not drinking protein shakes has anything to do with the slow process of it? I dislike the taste of them and hate using them as meal replacements
NT school me on Creatine. I know this probably has been asked hundreds of time.
But, is it true it mess up your Kidneys? I was thinking of trying it for the first time.
Pros and cons? I been reading online and **** is confusing. So much contradiction. :lol:
screw bench brah, my bench is pathetic for how long ive been lifting :smh:

seriously how are you supposed to improve? probably the most frustrating thing ever

If you're looking for strength gains in your bench, I say try 5x5. Pick a weight thats fairly heavy to you, but can complete the reps. Go up gradually every week, and make sure you kill your triceps with JM presses, dips, pushdowns etc. This regimen worked for me in highschool. Took me from 315 to 375.
It always trips me out when jking, sneakerfan, and zyzz post near each other. I used to get ysll confused. Same thing with Freeze, big boss, and stuntman Mike.

For those of you having trouble benching, be honest, are you actually following a program? Get on a program you can be consistent with, make your gains 5 lbs total at a time. Because benching is such am ego lift the tendency is to try to make huge jumps in weight rather than consistently progressing. Also while your form may be good in that you touch your chest, don't flare elbows, etc, you may have a ****** setup. I've always found benching to be pretty easy. My 5x275 that I got last errk is definitely my best lift across the big 4.I find that one thing that had helped me a lot is getting a strong setup. A lot of the guys I see struggling in the gym aren't necessarily struggling because they are weak but more because they start out with ****** positioning. Benching is a full body lift. You need a strong base from your feet on up. Make sure you tighten up your upper back and pinch your shoulder blades together.

i never bench

i use dumbbells

i know i can rep over 300 easy though if i had too

lucky you look great, you got sloppy as hell i didnt realize how big you were until i peeked in here ages ago

im proud for you. it feels great doesnt it. wish more out of shape ppl would take control like you did. madd respect yo. keep doin ya thing

my dad lives in GA next time im out there ill have to hit you up so we can get some reps in.
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how wide should my stance be when squatting atg? is it possible to have too wide of a stance? also, how much should the feet point out? thanks

edit: to clarify, i figured I should pick a stance/foot placement that I'm comfortable squatting in without any weight (bodyweight). After experimenting I found the most comfortable way and the only way I can remain balanced at the bottom (hamstrings on calves) is if I use a wide stance and my feet point out at like 30 degrees. Of course once I add weight balancing isn't a problem, but I was wondering if I should stick with what felt comfortable when doing it without weights.
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NT Bretherens, Need some help. I've been on my bulking diet for about 2.5 weeks now and I haven't seen any weight put on me. Maybe 1-2lbs but it seems like my belly got bigger but my arms, chest, legs are still the same. I've been able to increase my weights by about 5-10lbs during certain exercises but nothing major. Not sure what seems to be the problem. Every morning I take a dump and I feel like I just lose all my calories.

Here's my diet. (Vegetarian btw)

Breakfast-3 eggwhites and spinach, 1-2 slices of whole wheat bread, broccoli.
Meal 2- 2nd half of the shake, nuts, peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Meal 3- Broocli, Brown rice, Sandwich (Wheat bread, 1 slice pepper jack cheese, spinach, tomatoes, olives, soy product, sriracha)
Meal 4- 1/2 shake (2 scoops mass gainer, 1 banana, 1/2 cup oats, 1 spoon peanut butter) before workout, other half after workout and yams or baked potatoes, brown rice, broccoli, nuts, fruits.
Meal 5- brown rice, sandwich, mixed veggies.

I know I need to get some potatoes and cottage cheese in there.
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