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So what are the things to look for to tell if someone is juciing besides back acne and small hands? I hear "capped" delts, I mean I have nice delts but Idk if people mean the OD huge delts which is obvious. I pretty much assume ever huge dude at my Gym is juicing.
that was a crazy story man. you think your test levels were that low from doing the anabolics with no pct? the emotional part was from the test aromatizing into estrogen right? you weren't taking arimadex or something for your estrogen levels? how much test are you pinning now as prescribed by your endo?
So what are the things to look for to tell if someone is juciing besides back acne and small hands? I hear "capped" delts, I mean I have nice delts but Idk if people mean the OD huge delts which is obvious. I pretty much assume ever huge dude at my Gym is juicing.
Small hands? how does someones bones get smaller? What you mentioned are all myths. Some times you can tell, but you never know. If you see a guy gain 20lbs of mass in 2 months is pretty obvious :lol:
that was a crazy story man. you think your test levels were that low from doing the anabolics with no pct? the emotional part was from the test aromatizing into estrogen right? you weren't taking arimadex or something for your estrogen levels? how much test are you pinning now as prescribed by your endo?
I believe my test levels were low because of 1 of 2 things. 1, I had naturally low T. 2, the andro I was popping in my late teens/ early 20's. I believe its the latter. When I look back at it now, my sex drive was pretty low in my early 20's. When I first took test it was night and day, so thats when I got my levels checked. Its funy, cause if I never too steroids, I wouldnt know I could feel "good" and have a higher sex drive.

The emotional thing, Im sure its the estrogen, and I feel im pretty sensitive to it especially if my own levels of test are low. Now that my natural test levels stay the same no matter what because of HCG, it doesnt affect anymore.
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Now this is where I made a mistake I regret. For my second cycle I decided to try the "god" of all steroids. Trenbolone Ace. mean.gif It's advised all over the net that tren is one of the last you should touch because its so powerful. But it was like the apple to eve, It was tempting, I just had to try it. I did Tren Ace and Test Prop at "beginner" doses for 6 weeks. It was the worst cycle of my life laugh.gif . Not because it didnt work, but because it made me emotionally unstable. I was a woman on her period times 100. Ive read some dudes cry while watching romance movies and what not, but it had me on a whole nother level. I was balling at the end of ' Seven pounds' with Will Smith laugh.gif. At work, driving, every thing that gave me a sad thought id cry. My mind was so messed up. I couldnt even finish the cycle. I cant lie and say it just came out of no where, it was a life even that triggered the emotions. 3 weeks after cycle I finally started to get myself together. I lost all my gains cause I was depressed and didnt eat, all my strength, everything.
im sorry but :rofl:

:lol: @check his meat
Damn reading that makes me want to try it.
Really? You trying to be all emotional like a female dog? Thanks but no thanks, from what Ive heard you should only make the decision when youve reached your genetic "limit". Working out for a year or so isnt long enough to decide to go that route in my opinion.

I don't knock anyone that takes that route because its their body, just like I choose to get tattoos but some of that **** freaks me out no lie. Im not built for them mood swings and **** 
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Nah man like I want to try it not for the physical gains, but just for the emotional feeling. Like real talk that must be jokes to be watching like Pursuit of Happyness and just stat screaming and crying 
Its not cool man. When you're going through it, you dont notice it like that. What makes it worse is you start making emotional decisions. Some of the things that went down I wont even mention :smh:
Sade had my mind all ****** up :lol:
Respect on the info. Seems like it's hard to find anyone actually speak to all this stuff. My two questions (although I know you already somewhat addressed the first)

1. Were your hormone levels affected by this stuff and is that common or were you a special case?

2. Where do you buy this grey market stuff?
If any of you are suffering from pain and haven't been able to pinpoint the cause of it, I STRONGLY suggest you find someone that practices Neurokinetic Therapy. Learning about this system has completely changed the way that I look at pain, dysfunction, and movement. It's an absolutely invaluable tool for anyone interested in high level performance and health in general. Most systems don't tell you WHY there is pain, dysfunction, etc., but NKT is brilliant in this regard. I've recommended things like SMR, Trigger Point Manual, etc. in the past, but they are like shooting in the dark. NKT gives a very accurate and effective assessment of the root cause of the dysfunction.

Find a therapist skilled in it or take a seminar (if you're a manual therapist - DPT, DC, LMT). You can thank me later.
I mean know what your doing.  Believe it or not if you know what your doing this isn't that serious.  I know docs who have been on test/gh for years.  Run the proper supports pct whatever you'll be fine.  And I still don't think there is any proof to test and being sterile.  I know plenty who got there women pregnant while being on.  There was a test somewhere with men on test for 6 months and there sperm counts all recovered to normal levels.
Respect on the info. Seems like it's hard to find anyone actually speak to all this stuff. My two questions (although I know you already somewhat addressed the first)

1. Were your hormone levels affected by this stuff and is that common or were you a special case?

2. Where do you buy this grey market stuff?
When you juice alot more than your hormones are affected. But everyone is different and im fortunate to not have alot of the negatives that some with it.
When you juice your body stops making its own testosterone. But for me thats not the case cause im on HRT. HCG to be specific. LH (Luteinizing hormone) triggers your testes to produce testosterone. When you juice the LH stops thus your testes stop producing testosterone. HCG mimics LH, which in turn triggers testes to produce testosterone. So basically my testosterone never shuts down because of HCG.

And this isnt grey market stuff. Its black market and highly illegal in the U.S.
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