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[h1]'Fat-burning' supplement linked to liver failure[/h1]

[h2]Health officials urge consumers to stop using OxyElite Pro.[/h2]



First Jack3d not this, USPLabs on a roll :lol:
Know an idiot chick that had a stroke off this stuff. The issue is people taking it for months and months on end. :smh:

Legs are getting there.

My last cut, they were shredded, just lacked mass.

This cut I'm going to still focus on lifting heavy legs.
I can't stop eating at night. I get mad cravings and eat everything in sight. During the day tho I follow my diet. Amy suggestions

Cold photo.

Just got out of the shower.

I'll uploaded a better one tomorrow. At the gym.

My goal is 8% body fat this cut.

definitely need to focus more on chest pal. Looks like you have the same issues a couple of my friends have, where the shoulders/traps and arms take the brunt of the exercises while the chest lacks, either because of form, or just a lack of understanding. I'd suggest a pre-exhaust exercises and maybe some form evaluation to get the emphasis of your chest exercises back on your pecs. Just my opinion, no hate, just trying to help you get better. Sometimes it's just one small tweak that can be the difference.
I can't stop eating at night. I get mad cravings and eat everything in sight. During the day tho I follow my diet. Amy suggestions

go to sleep. problem solved.

another solution in case door #1 isn't an option....don't buy the bad stuff. You can't eat it if you dont have it. Buy oatmeal, fruit, rice cakes, yogurt, etc. Then if you get a craving, the only option will be to eat something good for you, which won't be bad for you.
First time I have ever been told I have a small chest...

Or hands...


I have a nice rounded pec, I just started doing decline for the first time two weeks ago.

I can hit 315lb twice on incline.

Flat around 385lb.

Hit 275 for 5 on decline on only my second time doing the exercise.

Do really deep dumbell flys (incline and flat).

Granted I have no tan to my chest, nor was I flexing.

Always up to hear suggestions....
First time I have ever been told I have a small chest...

Or hands...


I have a nice rounded pec, I just started doing decline for the first time two weeks ago.

I can hit 315lb twice on incline.

Flat around 385lb.

Hit 275 for 5 on decline on only my second time doing the exercise.

Do really deep dumbell flys (incline and flat).

Granted I have no tan to my chest, nor was I flexing.

Always up to hear suggestions....
No homo but if you shave your chest you will see more definition. With those weights theres no doubt you have mass there.
Chest hair is kinda my thing

Shaved arms and shoulders...

I just like the chest hair, my fiancé loves it.

And a lot of chicks dig it lol.

I used to shave it years ago. But eh.
First time I have ever been told I have a small chest...

Or hands...


I have a nice rounded pec, I just started doing decline for the first time two weeks ago.

I can hit 315lb twice on incline.

Flat around 385lb.

Hit 275 for 5 on decline on only my second time doing the exercise.

Do really deep dumbell flys (incline and flat).

Granted I have no tan to my chest, nor was I flexing.

Always up to hear suggestions....

No homo but if you shave your chest you will see more definition. With those weights theres no doubt you have mass there.

I actually remember a while back this dude was huge.
I went with a whole lifestyle change.

I was so wrapped into powerlifting, that I negated my health.

Heaviest I got was 260-265.

I cut down to 185lb.

I plan on this cut getting around 200.
Love that Gotham crossfit tee blood wouldnt mind one of them myself but I'm in England haha
chest tonight. first time back in the gym since frince. finally recovered from the drunk saturday night. crazy. I miss the gym like my ol lady
Lol dunno why they look small in that pic, they are opposite of small aha.

I do a lot of trap work.

Wide grip barbell shrugs
Close grip barbell shrugs
Behind the back barbell shrugs
Standing lateral raises
Seated lateral raises
Upright rows barbell / kettle bell PVC bar.

All exercises not done at one sitting obv.

Just my go to lifts.

Then just all the other lifts that involve trap movements.
do you do your trap work on back or shoulder day?

or both?
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