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All that makes my head hurt lol

What are your goals?
I'm 5' 10" 198, Subtle Moobs, Gut.  Would like to tone up.  Not looking to get huge, but defined and would love to drop 15-20lb

Thanks for any help
I'm 5' 10" 198, Subtle Moobs, Gut.  Would like to tone up.  Not looking to get huge, but defined and would love to drop 15-20lb

Thanks for any help
A lot of your goals will be made from having a good diet then. just burn my calories then you take in and you'll lose weight.

You could really follow any type of bodybuilder split since your not trying to get stronger or anything.

Check these out and find one you like, they also have a lot of good info on nutrition.

I hate the expression 'tone up' only girls should say it lol
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A lot of your goals will be made from having a good diet then. just burn my calories then you take in and you'll lose weight.

You could really follow any type of bodybuilder split since your not trying to get stronger or anything.

Check these out and find one you like, they also have a lot of good info on nutrition.

I hate the expression 'tone up' only girls should say it lol
thanks for the link, note taken on 'tone up' 

I noticed a lot of the guides consist of not doing Tri's and Bi's on the same day.  Is that common knowledge?  because I have always done them on the same day.
Link to a 5x5 calculator? I'll be doing Back - Chest - Leg - Shoulder days . Just got done with another cycle of 5/3/1
I've been working out for about a year now, but only two days a week.  Just last week I decided a wanted to start getting more serious and went 4 days, and will continue to do 4 days since I felt so great when the week was done.

I feel like I need major help with my routines..

I do 30 minutes of cardio every time I go, no matter what.  After my cardio, my routines look like this:

Chest & Shoulders - Monday

3x15 Incline Chest Press with dumbells
3x15 Arnold Shoulder Press
3x12 Chest Flys
3x12 Shoulder Raise
3x12 Bench Press
3x15 Shoulder Push-Down Machine (don't know what it's called lol)

Biceps & Triceps - Tuesday

3x12 Hammer Curls
3x15 Tricep Pull Down (rope)
3x12 Reverse Barbell Curl
3x15 Tricep Dips
3x12 Curls with cables
3x15 Tricep Pull Down (straight bar)
3x12 High Pulley Curls
3x10 Tricep Pull Down (v-bar)

Off - Wednesday

(this is where I need some suggestions, should I be doing Chest again?

Back & Chest - Thursday

3x15 - Rows on a machine
3x12 - Chest Flys
3x15 - Back Flys
3x15 - Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
3x12- Chest Dips
3x12 - Seated Cable Row
3x12 - Incline Chest Press with Dumbells
3x12 - Bent Over 1 Dumbell Row

Legs - Friday

A hodge podge of ish lol..still need help with this also..

:x holy mother of volume Batman. Do Stronglift 5x5 for a few months. Do exactly that routine, stick to it. Your routine sounds like a whole bunch of wasted time for a beginner.
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Whats the rationale behind not fully extending and locking out? To protect the joint?

The joint is at its most integral state when its at complete extension. The capsule, ligaments, and tendons are in their most ideal locations when the joint is extended and the bones are in alignment. If the joint isnt at its full range of motion, theres more slack within the joint capsule and through the ligaments and more slack and freedom of movement around that joint just increases injury risk.

Ill put it this way, if youre standing do you unlock your knees or are your legs straight? If youre holding something overhead, do you bend your elbows? If youre hanging from something, do you bend your elbows. When you jump, throw,run... all these movements require you to completely straighten the joint and extend it quite forcefully. Complete extension puts the body isnt the position it wants to be in and should be in. Training the body any other way is only counterproductive.

Psychologically, I don't like knowing there's a bunch of iron just chillin on my joints. Rather make the muscle work the whole time through. Obviously, it's easier to avoid locking out when dealing with lighter weight.

But a bunch of iron chilling on an extended arm is MUCH safer than a bunch of iron chilling on a bent arm.

Also, do you guys have any idea how difficult it is to hyperextend the elbow? Its no easy task.

My elbow at 'lock-out' looks like its maybe for people like that, 'locking-out' would be unsafe?

Some people's knees at lock-out aren't all the way straight either.
holy mother of volume Batman. Do Stronglift 5x5 for a few months. Do exactly that routine, stick to it. Your routine sounds like a whole bunch of wasted time for a beginner.
Read up on Stronglift and am definitely going to ease into it.  I have never done squats/deadlift/overhead presses before, so I think I'm going to work them into my normal routine this week and next and then begin the stronglift program the week after.

Question though, is it OK to bench on a machine?  The benches at my gym are always being used up.
Read up on Stronglift and am definitely going to ease into it.  I have never done squats/deadlift/overhead presses before, so I think I'm going to work them into my normal routine this week and next and then begin the stronglift program the week after.

Question though, is it OK to bench on a machine?  The benches at my gym are always being used up.

No. It makes your range of motion strict and unnatural.
WAAAAAYYYY too much volume, especially if you're trying to break a plateau. I would highly recommend a cycle of Smolov Jr. Take out all all overhead pressing, most of the bodybuilding and focus on the bench press. Maintain the squat and deadlift, squat twice a week and deadlift once a week. Throw some pull ups, rows and core work in there and you should blow right past your plateau in about 3 or 4 weeks.

Don't agree with you on cutting OHP.
I've been working out for about a year now, but only two days a week.  Just last week I decided a wanted to start getting more serious and went 4 days, and will continue to do 4 days since I felt so great when the week was done.

I feel like I need major help with my routines..

I do 30 minutes of cardio every time I go, no matter what.  After my cardio, my routines look like this:

Chest & Shoulders - Monday

3x15 Incline Chest Press with dumbells
3x15 Arnold Shoulder Press
3x12 Chest Flys
3x12 Shoulder Raise
3x12 Bench Press
3x15 Shoulder Push-Down Machine (don't know what it's called lol)

Biceps & Triceps - Tuesday

3x12 Hammer Curls
3x15 Tricep Pull Down (rope)
3x12 Reverse Barbell Curl
3x15 Tricep Dips
3x12 Curls with cables
3x15 Tricep Pull Down (straight bar)
3x12 High Pulley Curls
3x10 Tricep Pull Down (v-bar)

Off - Wednesday

(this is where I need some suggestions, should I be doing Chest again?

Back & Chest - Thursday

3x15 - Rows on a machine
3x12 - Chest Flys
3x15 - Back Flys
3x15 - Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
3x12- Chest Dips
3x12 - Seated Cable Row
3x12 - Incline Chest Press with Dumbells
3x12 - Bent Over 1 Dumbell Row

Legs - Friday

A hodge podge of ish lol..still need help with this also..
Start over with starting strength or a 5x5. All this bodybuilding stuff is a waste at tour level and especially if you're cutting

A lot of your goals will be made from having a good diet then. just burn my calories then you take in and you'll lose weight.

You could really follow any type of bodybuilder split since your not trying to get stronger or anything.

Check these out and find one you like, they also have a lot of good info on nutrition.

I hate the expression 'tone up' only girls should say it lol
No one should say it

Link to a 5x5 calculator? I'll be doing Back - Chest - Leg - Shoulder days . Just got done with another cycle of 5/3/1
I would aim for 85-90% of your 5rm for your 5x5 sets
Theres no real way to keep the stronglift 5x5 with my 4 day bodypart split since Im doing main compounds several times a week correct?
after about 2 1/2 hours of reading up on the stronglift 5x5...i'm definitely going to give it a go.  Should I still do my cardio as well?
after about 2 1/2 hours of reading up on the stronglift 5x5...i'm definitely going to give it a go.  Should I still do my cardio as well?

Yes, i'd do it after though, you'll want to have all your strength to complete the workouts. It's great because works, and is a structured program so you won't wander aimlessly just trying different things. After that you'll get a better understanding of the lifts, how your body works and weight progression.
I've become very interested in applying more technology to my training and the people I work with.  Reading a lot of stuff on the Catapult sensors and the GPSports system but those are more team oriented and I would only use them with the athletes.  Fuelband and other devices like it just don't come close to what I'm looking for so I've been looking at the Push Strength system that comes out in the summer,, some of you guys might be interested in it as well.  

Also, what are some of you guys fitness/training goals for 2014? How do you plan on achieving those goals?
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Yes, i'd do it after though, you'll want to have all your strength to complete the workouts. It's great because works, and is a structured program so you won't wander aimlessly just trying different things. After that you'll get a better understanding of the lifts, how your body works and weight progression.
I downloaded the stronglift report and just finished reading through it and have one question if you don't mind answering.

He mentions "never jump straight into your work weight" on squats, hence the warm up sets.  My question is, when do I begin doing warm up sets when my work weight in the beginning is only the bar?

Do I only start doing the warm up sets when I reach 135lbs on squats?  2 sets just the bar @ 45lb, 3 sets of 90lb, then I get into 135lb.
Yes, i'd do it after though, you'll want to have all your strength to complete the workouts. It's great because works, and is a structured program so you won't wander aimlessly just trying different things. After that you'll get a better understanding of the lifts, how your body works and weight progression.
I downloaded the stronglift report and just finished reading through it and have one question if you don't mind answering.

He mentions "never jump straight into your work weight" on squats, hence the warm up sets.  My question is, when do I begin doing warm up sets when my work weight in the beginning is only the bar?

Do I only start doing the warm up sets when I reach 135lbs on squats?  2 sets just the bar @ 45lb, 3 sets of 90lb, then I get into 135lb.

That sounds like a good plan, i'd drop a set or two since it's just warmup. It'll be laughable to you after a certain point though.
Also, what are some of you guys fitness/training goals for 2014? How do you plan on achieving those goals?
I plan on doing a powerlifting comp in 2014. I just need to tighten my diet up and drop some weight to get into my desired weight class.

What about you?
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\Also, what are some of you guys fitness/training goals for 2014? How do you plan on achieving those goals?
i'd like to finally get down to some real ab definition. right now i'm eating at a little below maintenance and i'll keep it at that through the holidays and then get real sometime in jan. so much crap food starting to float into our office and i'm doing my best to resist. doing ok so far.

after that, just focus on improving my lifts on the big 3 without getting hurt. relatively speaking, my deadlift is my weakest so i'll start with that.
Also, what are some of you guys fitness/training goals for 2014? How do you plan on achieving those goals?

- Eat Better
- Drop these last 15 lb's
- Drop BF%
- Improve Oly Lifts
- Keep kicking *** and taking names.
I plan on doing a powerlifting comp in 2014. I just need to tighten my diet up and drop some weight to get into my desired weight class.

What about you?
I've been contemplating doing a powerlifting meet as well, also gonna look into an olympic lifting meet.  Just going to keep progressing in the gym and bust some PR's.  Idk if i'm going to step on stage to compete in physique again though, I seriously doubt it right now.  One of my friends is trying to get me to do a cross fit open but I have no idea how that works.
Just copped an Omron Body Fat Loss Monitor...anyone have any experience with it? Want to ditch the scale and focus on droppin BF% instead of lbs.
somewhat unrelated topic, but what kind of jeans do you guys wear? I feel like having half way decent sized quads it's hard to find anything that fits my quads while not being too big in the waist
Just copped an Omron Body Fat Loss Monitor...anyone have any experience with it? Want to ditch the scale and focus on droppin BF% instead of lbs.

return it, seriously.

worthless and not accurate or correct
somewhat unrelated topic, but what kind of jeans do you guys wear? I feel like having half way decent sized quads it's hard to find anything that fits my quads while not being too big in the waist

Visit the Dressing Better 2.0 thread. This question was addressed in the last 10 pages.
somewhat unrelated topic, but what kind of jeans do you guys wear? I feel like having half way decent sized quads it's hard to find anything that fits my quads while not being too big in the waist
J Crew Straight leg 34 x 36 fit me pretty well.
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