STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

One week left until PI

Weighed myself after 3.5 weeks

215 from 225
I pulled a new deadlift PR of 440x1 today. Dope! 495 by 2016 is the current goal. I'm thinking that I would see my deadlift progress faster if I did the movement more than once per week; this is proven to work with my squats.
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Can someone recommend some good forearm building excercises? I joined a gym about a month ago and I'm seeing decent progress in the bicep and chest areas but my forearms are still skinny
Can someone recommend some good forearm building excercises? I joined a gym about a month ago and I'm seeing decent progress in the bicep and chest areas but my forearms are still skinny

I would do grip exercises as to build that along with the main movement.
Farmers walk
No strap shrugs
Even those hand grip things you squeeze lol

I wouldnt train forearms directly, but thats just me
You guys recommend anything for shoulders? My left shoulder sits slightly further up than my right. And both are moving forward instead of staying where they are supposed to. A lot of times it causes me pain but recently it's been really bad. Pain is affecting my bench and push ups ALOT. I've been doing a lot more back and upper back workouts like pull ups and lawn mowers in very good form as per my chiropractors advice and it has helped some. Farmer carries are helping too
Sounds like there might be a muscular imbalance where your back muscles aren't as strong as your front, which might be what's causing your shoulders to pull forward

If that's the case, I'd recommend more deads and pullups

Just one theory
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Sounds like there might be a muscular imbalance where your back muscles aren't as strong as your front, which might be what's causing your shoulders to pull forward

If that's the case, I'd recommend more deads and pullups

Just one theory
That's what my chiro thinks. My chest not even like that tho(unfortunately). I've been killing it with pull-ups, rows, and more deads. Plus always making sure my shoulders stay back and activate those back muscles
pull-ups and deadlifts don't really target the rear delts if you're trying to correct that muscle imbalance. heavy rows are good and throw in face pulls, reverse flyes, bent over lateral raises etc.
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