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Nothing good happens in the lowering phase of a deadlift. Nothing. 

Virtually everything that could possibly go wrong and injure your back is in that phase. 

Just remember: nothing good happens in the lowering phase of a deadlift. So when you lift heavy do your best to drop the barbell as fast as possible without busting your eardrums. If you do, you will recover faster, you will build strength faster, and you will stave off back injuries.

Is this article serious?
Program for today. Think you guys will like it.

My score:

A. 12+6 unbroken
B. 85Kg 15, 15, 18, 2

a) Bench Press​​​ - Death By…​Using 135lbs. This will be ON THE MINUTE. The first minute, you will complete 1 bench press, and then rest until the following minute. The NEXT minute, you will hit 2, then 3 on the next, and so on. When you cannot complete the required reps within the 60 second time, then you are DONE!! Use a spotter, as your later sets are going to get tough!

b) Back Squat​​ - ​50 reps x as few sets as possible​​If you can, use your own bodyweight as your barbell weight. Example: I weight about 72kg, so I will load the bar with 72kg. Accumulate 50 reps in the fewest number of sets possible. DO NOT SACRIFICE FORM OR TECHNIQUE!!
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Quest bars taste a little better than doodoo. They're tolerable but not sure why people think they taste good.
Combat bars taste amazing though. They basically taste like actual chocolate/candy bars
Quest Chocolate Chip cookie dough are the truth. Smores is decent too. Aside from that, I'm not too fond of the flavors.

Combat chocolate chip cookie dough and birthday cake are good too.
Let's be honest, quest suck

I can't even get through one bar anymore. Texture and all, just gross.
Never had MP Combat Crunch Bars before. Worth trying? Better than Quest?

Yes, it's like a candy bar and better texture than quest. Not high in calories and low in sugar

Still don't care for them, the cinnamon roll is good. Didn't care for birthday cake.
Quest bars taste a little better than doodoo. They're tolerable but not sure why people think they taste good.
Combat bars taste amazing though. They basically taste like actual chocolate/candy bars
Even when I'm high as hell. I still despise eating quest bars. I had a power bar protein crunch or something. Tasted like a chocolate granola bar. It was delicious.....probably loaded with sugar and fat tho
Power bars are such trash, use to eat them because they were cheap and tasted kinda decent but looking at the macros and ingredients :x

All good tasting bars if you want to mix it up.
What if you're doing say 5 reps of deadlifts? Drop down fast after every rep? What about the time under tension principle for those trying to achieve hypertrophy?

Was the article only intended to describe the lowering phase of 1RM?
The article, was talking more about strength/performance then hypertrophy.

You would drop the bar after each rep.

It lowers your TUT, so you can do the deadlift/ Olympic lifts more often.

For hypertrophy I wouldn't drop the weight.
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