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Srs question anyone wear cologne to the gym? My coworker stay OD spraying it on :lol:

Nah man. That's obnoxious. Unless you can still smell the cologne you sprayed in the morning before work or something don't do it. Plus it would probably give me a headache if I wore cologne to the gym
Wait so mans dont doust themselves in Jean Paul Gaultier before they hit DLs?

Not srs
I started seriously lifting again roughly a month ago after drilling calisthenics with some isolation exercises on the side for almost a year. When I was 250-260lbs and lifting heavy I was much stronger but couldn't do a single pull-up so once I dropped mad weight I was happy just to do them. I'm still including pull-ups and dips in my routine, but I'm now back working on variations of the big 3 lifts and just doing more lifting than calisthenics in general.

I'm still making noob gains, going up 5-10lbs every week but I'm getting smaller physically and at the same time I've packed on a few lbs. Is this normal? I'm 210lbs at 6'4'' which is the heaviest I've been all year. At the same time, I look like 180lbs max. I'm assuming that at least something is working since my strength is steadily increasing and that the size will come once I started getting some respectable numbers. My lifting routine is a 3 day full-body with a focus on heavy compounds (5x5, 5x3, 1x5, 3x5 depending on the lift) with some isolation/accessory work anywhere from 8-20 reps depending on the movement.

My macros are usually:
- 2424cals
- 193g protein (34%)
- 320g carbs (56%)
- 57g fat (10%)

This is with intermittent fasting on 8/16 as well. One of the acquaintances I see around at the gym suggested maybe I should start eating more since 2400cals is low for my height and weight. That, or maybe I have low test levels (
Are you trying to get bigger?

Cause im 5'7 165 and I maintain on 2500 calories a day. Everyone's different but if you are trying to get bigger you may need more calories.
I guess I'm trying to add strength and size simultaneously, so "powerbuilding" is my goal?

165 on 2500 calories? Damn. I'm not surprised, though. A friend of mine is around 180 and he said he cuts on upwards of 2000 calories.
I guess I'm trying to add strength and size simultaneously, so "powerbuilding" is my goal?

165 on 2500 calories? Damn. I'm not surprised, though. A friend of mine is around 180 and he said he cuts on upwards of 2000 calories.

Yea bro you definitely need more calories. I maintain at about 2400-2500 and I'm 5'10 180
Are you trying to get bigger?

Cause im 5'7 165 and I maintain on 2500 calories a day. Everyone's different but if you are trying to get bigger you may need more calories.

Chipotle........... we are about the same size I was bulking about two weeks ago went on a cut I'm about 163-166 right now got all the way up to 176.
finally in the 2 plate flat bench gang for reps.

hit 220 2x5 then hit 225 1x4

lets just count those 220 as 225 :lol:

it took me about 2 full years of lifting to rep 225.. idk why it took me so long.. my bench has always been slow to progress while my squats and DL went up pretty quickly.
finally in the 2 plate flat bench gang for reps.

hit 220 2x5 then hit 225 1x4

lets just count those 220 as 225 :lol:

it took me about 2 full years of lifting to rep 225.. idk why it took me so long.. my bench has always been slow to progress while my squats and DL went up pretty quickly.
Good work bro. And na them 220 staying at 220 :lol:.
Same deal with me. Took forever to reach 225. And I haven't been able to hit it on this cut. Being small framed and long arms attributes to my slow progress
what are we working today my dudes? About to go do some chest and shoulders and some cardio. Been in love with the battle ropes for my cardio the last couple weeks. They're getting too easy though. I have a bunch of different exercises I do with them. I love them yo. And the pump from them is insane after a chest or arm day.
what are we working today my dudes? About to go do some chest and shoulders and some cardio. Been in love with the battle ropes for my cardio the last couple weeks. They're getting too easy though. I have a bunch of different exercises I do with them. I love them yo. And the pump from them is insane after a chest or arm day.

Battle rops you say? :emoji_thinking:

Gym closed this week, so gonna be nothing but body weight stuff at home and pickaxe/sledgehammer/maul work.

Today i aint doing jack **** tho :pimp:
brooo if you have access, trust me. They're sick for HIIT training. Plus they work pretty much everything. They've been a staple in the NFL weightroom for yrs and yrs. They work grip strength, bis n tris, back, shoulders, core...hellllla core, calves and ankle stability, glutes, etc. They're fire. And you burn mad cals. Really gets your heart rate going. I drip sweat doing them.
Gym closed for a week so i did some bodyweight stuff today. Started with a set of 50 push ups as warm up then did a variation/mix of push ups, squats and other stuff.

Jog on the spot for 15sec then hit a burpee. When you hit the ground crank out 5 push ups then pop back up. When you back up hit 5 air squats then 5 elbow to knee crunches. That's 1 rep. I did 8 sets of 5. Did some core stuff after.
Got food poisoning this weekend can't even move. Also found infection in my colon. I'm pissed
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Straight up Krack! So addicted. A pack a Night. 1180KJ, 35g Protein, 14g of good fats & <1g Carbs. Ud think they'd be bad for ya! Potatoe chips are hell bad compared
I feel like someone drop kicked me in the traps 7 times.

Dl 405 3x3

Farmer walk 130 per hand lots of times. That weight wasn't **** I used to do 220 each hand but hadn't done them in a minute so that destroyed me. Gotta start again.
Did chest after work on Friday, hit up back yesterday, helped the wife out with some exercises since she came to the gym with me.

I am curious though how you guys finish a rep, do you squeeze the muscle at the end and hold the motion. For example on chest I use dumbbels (I don't bench anymore, had rotator cuff surgery so my left is weaker so I only do dumbbels to decrease the strength gap.) Anyways when doing presses I contract and squeeze my entire chest at the top of the press for a moment.

I see a lot of guys at the gym doing a press get to the top and then come back down and do another rep. Do you feel you get a better workout that way?
I control the negative, then explode on the positive with full ROM.

I only squeeze (or remember to), during chest flyes.
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