STEEL CITY (Pittsburgh) NT'ers STAND UP!!!

Just arrived today - glad to finally have my pair in hand (literally):

Pic from yesterday's Saints-Steelers game.  I had a great time, my Saints rolled the Steelers.  I was honestly surprised to see so many people leaving Heinz Field so early - it started clearing out at the beginning of the 4th quarter!

@skep  Your boys are lucky to be down by only a TD at half.  Don't worry, the Jets will figure out a way to screw this up!
fins FTW :D
gotta thank the saints for knocking the steelers back, miami is back at the front of the hunt hahaha
^I told you the Jets would find a way to lose! I don't know what anyone ever saw in Gino Smith - he is horrible.
What's up fellas. If anyone sees the black/gums Is in stores please post where, I'm trying to find a 9.5
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