Steve Jobs Died...

i was going to to check out the 4s and then there it was. RIP.

i love my iphone but still hate apple tho.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

ill say it again... what would the world be w/o 2k laptops and iphones? surely Microsoft wouldve never created anything that apple pioneered...

i cant STANDDDD the way americans mythologize ppl the instant they die... let bill gates die tommorow and wed b in the 20th century w/o Windows let someone tell it

he was just a man...

i dont care ANY more about his death then anyone else who passes from cancer... sad yes but chill with all the slobbing, his success in life is comendable but i promise u the world would be jus fine if he never existed
Then sit the $%*@ down
R.I.P. To the greatest CEO ever. Your products and brand will remain timeless.
Damn, this came out of left field. I was never an Apple fan but always respected Jobs for his hustle tenacity and mind.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

here we go... gunna gas this man up all week like he invented the telephone...

what would the world be like w/o 2000 dollar laptops and iphones... thk jeebus for jobs


people like this exist 

RIP ...i use his products soo much, it's family 
Looks like twitter is down. Wonder what the TPS has been...

"At Twitter, they like to measure human events in tweets per second, or TPS. The more tweets per second, the more impressive and important the event—Twitter as the most important measure of human history. The company started releasing this number the summer of 2009, when Michael Jackson died and crashed Twitter’s service under the weight of 493 TPS.

On computer monitors on floor three, they can watch TPS for an event spike like commodities on a trading desk. The freak earthquake in Virginia in August reached 5,500 TPS, a number released to the press as a significant barometer of impact: “More tweets than Osama bin Laden,

I know he lived a hell of a life, bunch of success and hard work put into and it paid off.As jobs once said...."Stay hungry, Stay foolish"
Obviously he was sick but I didn't realize it was that bad. 

Life is short, make the most of it 
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Looks like twitter is down. Wonder what the TPS has been...

"At Twitter, they like to measure human events in tweets per second, or TPS. The more tweets per second, the more impressive and important the event—Twitter as the most important measure of human history. The company started releasing this number the summer of 2009, when Michael Jackson died and crashed Twitter’s service under the weight of 493 TPS.

On computer monitors on floor three, they can watch TPS for an event spike like commodities on a trading desk. The freak earthquake in Virginia in August reached 5,500 TPS, a number released to the press as a significant barometer of impact: “More tweets than Osama bin Laden,
What a horrible day for Cupertino/Silicon Valley today. (this along with the manhunt)

Definitely the best CEO in terms of making an innovative product, he will definitely be missed, but I think the Apple brand will remain strong. When he stepped down a couple months ago, it sorta felt something was we know.

This is just an aside, but I went to the same high school as Jobs and Wozniak, and I live right in Silicon Valley, so I'm been very familiar with Apple since I was young. Their transformation the last 5-10 years really has been remarkable in setting the trends for the future.
Damn he really made a difference in technology with the iPhone and everything else. RIP 
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