Suit Accusing Harvard of Capping Asian-American Admissions Could Be Tried This Summer

White students account for the vast majority at these Ivy League schools. I wouldn't have an issue with the lawsuit if it didn't solely target Black and Latino students who make up the smallest percentages of students. But you can't complain about affirmative action and then criticize White enrollment. If the people behind this lawsuit truly wanted a bigger slice of the pie, they have to throw White students in there, especially Legacy students. The lawsuit only seemed credible when it targeted Affirmative Action Black and Latino students because then Whites could get onboard with it.
White students account for the vast majority at these Ivy League schools. I wouldn't have an issue with the lawsuit if it didn't solely target Black and Latino students who make up the smallest percentages of students. But you can't complain about affirmative action and then criticize White enrollment. If the people behind this lawsuit truly wanted a bigger slice of the pie, they have to throw White students in there, especially Legacy students. The lawsuit only seemed credible when it targeted Affirmative Action Black and Latino students because then Whites could get onboard with it.
Thank you!! Their incoming freshman class was 33% white legacy students yet somehow affirmative action is the target and reason why they didn’t get it.
Are you trolling or is that how you actually interpreted that sentence?

Civil Rights did not put what's best for black people at odds with what's best for Asian people. It was fighting for rights for everyone. There's no comparison to this situation. Black people aren't going to support any type of legislation that harms their people for Asians. You never did anything different so to say "black people should have done the same" is a reach.

Affirmative Action is doing that. For an Asian person to be for Affirmative Action, that is to say that their child will be discriminated against for the benefit of white, black, and brown students.

Again you say, "just to have said groups not stand in solidarity with us" when the majority of Asian Americans still support Affirmative Action in spite of it being discriminating towards them. You're hostile to a group of people who are by in large taking it in the chin and supportive of a policy because they're thinking about your best interest and literally putting it above theirs. How is it reasonable or logical to be mad at Asians.

How dare you try to flip your statement of

"How are you equating the two? People fighting for civil rights came at no cost to anyone."

Into me having a comprehension issue.
Civil rights did put what's best for black people at odds with everyone else (including Asians) because we were the only ones out there in the largest of numbers getting assassinated, imprisoned, attacked, etc. And yet everyone got to benefit. It came at a massive cost to the black community. In fact we still are paying for it in covert ways of oppression because we dared to fight for our rights.
Again only to have other groups undermine us and think they are honorary members of team white supremacy and think they don't need affirmative action.
It shows a fundamental disconnect in the understanding of what affirmative action is and its reason for being implemented. But the Asian community with this lawsuit believes that they are now above discrimination without the protection of affirmative action.
I think it needs be stated just what the purpose of affirmative action is.

Affirmative action exists because white people CANNOT BE TRUSTED to be fair and impartial and not racially discriminate in admissions.

It has been proven without these quotas they will use deceptive tactics to exclude qualified applicants.

Even with the quotas, they use sneaky tactics like allowing underqualified applicants into certain schools to then turn around and say "see we are forced to let these people in" when they have appropriately qualified applicants.
It's pretty well known that the guy who supported this group who sued had an agenda against affirmative action and black people.

Just finished the books Color of Law, These Truths, and The Divide. Throughout the entire history of the nation, black people have continuously been undermined. This lawsuit on the surface looks like a move for justice, but it's really some piece of **** super conservative group using Asians to divide different minority groups. Go after the legacy students who get by more on how much their last name has contributed to the school and those abusing their power.
jw are there data on legacy applicants? by going off some of these posts, you would think most of them are straight up bums lol.

personally, if the legacy applicants have similar or better stats, i wouldn't mind them getting a nod. but that's just me.
jw are there data on legacy applicants? by going off some of these posts, you would think most of them are straight up bums lol.

personally, if the legacy applicants have similar or better stats, i wouldn't mind them getting a nod. but that's just me.
Can't remember numbers specifically, but there's been a few pieces that have mentioned if you're a legacy applicant you're a shoo-in. Not implying that means they're going to fail at those schools, but the standards are different.
33% like I said earlier

“Over 33 percent of legacy applicants—Harvard hopefuls with at least one parent who graduated from the College or Radcliffe—gained admission to the Classes of 2014 through 2019, according to documents filed Friday in an admissions lawsuit against the University.”

33% like I said earlier

“Over 33 percent of legacy applicants—Harvard hopefuls with at least one parent who graduated from the College or Radcliffe—gained admission to the Classes of 2014 through 2019, according to documents filed Friday in an admissions lawsuit against the University.”

But you are implying or thinking they're bums. What are they have better stats than the average admits?
But you are implying or thinking they're bums. What are they have better stats than the average admits?

What if pigs fly?
Point is first and foremost they should be investigating and targeting this far larger % as opposed to the already small % of students who have a legitimate claim of discrimination.

And considering what we know from college cheating scandal, this 33% community of students already have a massive advantage.
What if pigs fly?
Point is first and foremost they should be investigating and targeting this far larger % as opposed to the already small % of students who have a legitimate claim of discrimination.

And considering what we know from college cheating scandal, this 33% community of students already have a massive advantage.

that's the thing, if they have already done research on the legacy applicants, which is what my question is asking, and they found that legacy applicants to have better all around stats, how would you target them?

for instance, if the majority of legacy applicants had the top 5% in stats + had family who were alum, why knock that?

and no i'm not saying i'm a fan of eliminating AA.
When did I call anybody a bum?

when did i say you called them a bum?

by continually point the finger at legacy applicants as if you know they are the problem without presenting data, one can argue that you are implying they don't belong or worse than the non-legacy applicants.

once again, all i was asking if there's data regarding this.
If the parents of an applicants is an alum and are known to be good alums (donating, public figure, pipeline for students to get into their company, etc.) and the kids are excellent applicants (test scores, grade, soft skills, etc), why shouldn't the kids not have an advantage to get in?
that's the thing, if they have already done research on the legacy applicants, which is what my question is asking, and they found that legacy applicants to have better all around stats, how would you target them?

for instance, if the majority of legacy applicants had the top 5% in stats + had family who were alum, why knock that?

and no i'm not saying i'm a fan of eliminating AA.

Look at all of the ifs you are adding. The point is they didn't bother to do this study and release the data. Instead, as they have been trying to do since its inception they target black students and affirmative action.

We can what if, what if, what if this to death and derail this entire subject. But no, lets stay on task.
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Look at all of the ifs you are adding. The point is they didn't bother to do this study and release the data. Instead, as they have been trying to do for since its inception they target black students and affirmative action.

We can what if, what if, what if this to death and derail this entire subject. But no, lets stay on task.

lol im not sure why you are going at me. i only ask one simple question.

I literally said "and no i'm not saying i'm a fan of eliminating AA."

Also, how do we know the legacy applicants are the problem if you don't have/provide data backing this up lol
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It's offensive to assume that the majority of Black and Latino students in Harvard are there because of Affirmative Action. Especially when so few even attend. If this lawsuit took that same logic and applied it to White, Legacy students, I would respect the lawsuit more. At least then, they're going after everyone. But instead, they're using Affirmative Action as a rallying cry to get Whites on board with their ridiculous lawsuit.

I'm not a fan of his comedy, but Hasan also covered this lawsuit on his show

33% like I said earlier

“Over 33 percent of legacy applicants—Harvard hopefuls with at least one parent who graduated from the College or Radcliffe—gained admission to the Classes of 2014 through 2019, according to documents filed Friday in an admissions lawsuit against the University.”

"If you look at the credentials of Harvard alumni and alumnae sons and daughters, they are better candidates on average,” Fitzsimmons said. “Very few who apply have no chance of getting in.”
"If you look at the credentials of Harvard alumni and alumnae sons and daughters, they are better candidates on average,” Fitzsimmons said. “Very few who apply have no chance of getting in.”

DEAN OF ADMISSIONS and Financial Aid William R. Fitzsimmons ’67 previously defended the “tip” he says his office gives to legacy applicants—which he described in a 2011 interview as a “self-selecting group.”

He has a huge incentive to justify what he has been doing given his position of admitting said legacy students.
But given what we know of the ultra-rich and the college cheating scandal I don't doubt that many of them do have great credentials (possibly unearned).
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Semi-Related and Interesting

For years, two administrators at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) have been withholding notifications of National Merit awards from the school’s families, most of them Asian, thus denying students the right to use those awards to boost their college admission prospects and earn scholarships. This episode has emerged amid the school district’s new strategy of “equal outcomes for every student, without exception.” School administrators, for instance, have implemented an “equitable grading” policy that eliminates zeros, gives students a grade of 50 percent just for showing up, and assigns a cryptic code of “NTI” for assignments not turned in. It’s a race to the bottom.
Y’all ever watch the Hunger Games series. Notice how each district was made to specialize in a very specific task. College application process is the same. Kids are thought to specialize from pre-k in certain fields/tasks.

If an Ivy say.. hmm I don’t have enough funny AA that’s a major part of their community, does a lot of community service for this major, that doesn’t need to be a genius yet intelligent enough to not make stupid mistakes and stands over 6ft tall.. why the outrage

Do you all know they also have height requirements as well.

The Ivys knows the society their geniuses have created already
Semi-Related and Interesting

For years, two administrators at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) have been withholding notifications of National Merit awards from the school’s families, most of them Asian, thus denying students the right to use those awards to boost their college admission prospects and earn scholarships. This episode has emerged amid the school district’s new strategy of “equal outcomes for every student, without exception.” School administrators, for instance, have implemented an “equitable grading” policy that eliminates zeros, gives students a grade of 50 percent just for showing up, and assigns a cryptic code of “NTI” for assignments not turned in. It’s a race to the bottom.
Can this be categorized under white supremacy?
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