Sunday March 13th, 2011 is Freedom Sunday - lets end slavery

Jan 10, 2005
I am not sure if a post has ever been made about the issue of Human Trafficking but since today is Freedom Sunday, I want to make this post so that you guys can read up on this tragic issue that we are facing today. 
Today, more people are captives in slavery than at any point in history. There are more than 27 million people enslaved around the world, mostly women and children.  Every year over 2 million people are trafficked and in the US, more than 18,000 people are trafficked. 

Definition of Human Trafficking? Human trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor, a modern-day form of slavery.

Some sites you can read more about Human Trafficking:

just one of many articles you will see about children in slavery: 

[h2]Trafficking Children: Control And Violence[/h2]
Once traffickers extract victims from their home community, they typically sell the children to slaveholders who deal in commercial sex–for example, pimps or the owners of strip clubs, sex bars, brothels, karaoke clubs, or massage parlors. Most traffickers have a steady relationship in place with the slaveholder; hence, they know who the buyer will be before they recruit the child. Although it is more rare, some traffickers act as both recruiter and operator of their own “retail
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