Tattoos and Aging

This topic is so tired already. You're going to have wrinkly skin and a whole bunch of other health problems more important to worry about. Your tattoos are going to be faded and will remind you of your younger days. It's always the people without tattoos who worry about this topic.
This topic is so tired already. You're going to have wrinkly skin and a whole bunch of other health problems more important to worry about. Your tattoos are going to be faded and will remind you of your younger days. It's always the people without tattoos who worry about this topic.


This is what I am saying. Take away that tattoo and you still have a hideous body.
I have 14 and I don't worry about what they will look like in the future... to each their own
What are you doing of you don't expect to live past 40? You got aids? Drink a handle a day? Live in a warzone?
You'll eventually get tired of seeing the same tattoo after a while. My cousin just got all of hers removed and she says she feels a lot better now.
tattoo's are foolish

but i will admit sometime's you do see a nice piece of art on someone's arm

i always thought about getting one but glad i never did
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Im not worried about how I'm going to look. I'm sleeved up. Gonna be worried about my high blood pressure and any other health issues i may have. not my tattoos. enjoy them while i look good. lol
An old person is gonna look like an old person, regardless of tattoos. IMO you should get a tattoo that really means something to you. If you're worried about what its gonna look like when your old, then it probably doesnt have enough meaning to you in the first place.
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You'll eventually get tired of seeing the same tattoo after a while. My cousin just got all of hers removed and she says she feels a lot better now.

your cousin doesn't represent everybody.

How is that fake? I googled his twitter and its on there.  Plus that artist is messing with the same side of his face...

you can't be serious dude. you can't be that slow.
If it's meaningful then it shouldn't matter how old you are. Because it's still special to you, and that's all that matters.

(That's how grown ups think)
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He got them when he was old tho

Yeah, those look super fresh. Sort of glad I got tattooed in my late 20's as apposed to in my teens. I mean mine are already fading to a certain degree but it still won't look as bad when I am older.
I see old people with tats all the time. You just look like an old person with tats. I think its kinda cool lookin.

I need to get a old school pin up girl tat..
All my tattoos are spiritually inspired. I took the aging process in account. I never wanted to have some silly Kaws character on my arm knowing 30 years from now it's not even gonna make sense.
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