TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Son said she known him for 10 years and kissed the tip. :wow: :x :rofl:

Idk what to say to that one b.
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Whats up everybody, I got a question I dont know who else to go to so I guess this is the best place. I been seeing this girl for about a month now, this weekend we smashed raw, she told me that shes on birth control and tested negative for HIV. Last night i bought 2 of those home testing kits we both took the test and both came back negative, but she was acting really strange about the whole situation. Now my question is it possible to tamper with an HIV test?  
I've done some cornball **** back in my day not realizing and fumbling P that's been thrown at me but homies story is on a whole nother level. Absolutely ridiculous
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Whats up everybody, I got a question I dont know who else to go to so I guess this is the best place. I been seeing this girl for about a month now, this weekend we smashed raw, she told me that shes on birth control and tested negative for HIV. Last night i bought 2 of those home testing kits we both took the test and both came back negative, but she was acting really strange about the whole situation. Now my question is it possible to tamper with an HIV test?  
What? :stoneface:
**** a home test. Go to a doctor and get tested. If you're in school, go to the clinic on campus. This is your life b. Come on.

**** a home test. Go to a doctor and get tested. If you're in school, go to the clinic on campus. This is your life b. Come on.
I know, I already went to see a doctor he told me that I need to know the chicks status, thats why I got the home kit. But she was acting all crazy when I even suggested it, Im thinking of taking her to a doctor too. But dont know how to tell her that I think she tampered with the test, she kept on going on about how she gets tested on a regular basis and all but I dont buy it 
How and where did yall meet?

If she gettin tested REGULARLY that should tell you somethin doggy.
If she gettin tested REGULARLY that should tell you somethin doggy.

I'm not seeing this as a negative thing. Everyone should get tested regularly if you're sexually active w/ multiple partners. I'm assuming women get tested more than men since every time they have a gynecologic exam or Pap test they can asked to be tested for STIs as well. This isn't uncommon for women I've dealt with in the past. Maybe that's what she meant. Or maybe she just has a lot of sex and gets tested regularly for that reason. You could get burnt either way but I'd rather have someone tell me they get tested regularly than they haven't been tested at all lately.

savagelord savagelord 's concern for AIDS is pretty random though, I feel like there's more to the story here.
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Yeah testing is offered to women when they do check ups, no need to be hung up on the regularly. It is a bit strange this crazy concern after a month, wouldn't mind more details before jumping to conclusions.
I know, I already went to see a doctor he told me that I need to know the chicks status, thats why I got the home kit. But she was acting all crazy when I even suggested it, Im thinking of taking her to a doctor too. But dont know how to tell her that I think she tampered with the test, she kept on going on about how she gets tested on a regular basis and all but I dont buy it 
Then find another doctor. Never heard of a doctor turning you away because he said "you need to know her status first". If you feel like you have something, be proactive about it. And I feel like there's WAY more to that story though.
How and where did yall meet?

If she gettin tested REGULARLY that should tell you somethin doggy.
I can't explain how false this is as well. Everyone needs to be tested regularly. I'm in a relationship and have been for a while now and I still get tested. You should call your doctor fam. :smh:
I think yall may have took ' regularly ' too hard.

The way i read it, she made it seem like it was somethin done As often as payin a phone bill :lol:

I dont know anyone going once a month for that

Im aware that doctors offer women for testing.
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If it's that serious where you gotta do pop quiz hiv tests on a chick, after she already told you shes been tested, and you still think shes somehow lying or tampering with a test then maybe you should leave her alone. If this is the type of person you view her as, someone who would have unprotected sex with you while knowingly having hiv, you shouldnt be messing with her and should have considered all this before you went raw. Youve know her for a month, if this even seems remotely plausible for her to do something like that then shes clearly not someone you should be around. And you've pretty much already implied, to her specifically, that thats how you think of her.

I understand wanting to be safe and all that but you doing a lot right now especially if this is all just random post-sex paranoia and you dont have a specific reason for basically accusing this broad of trying to murder you. Of course shes gonna look at you strange especially if she knows shes clean. Put yourself in her shoes, you looking mad funny right now. Normal people dont pop up with home hiv kits the first time they have unprotected sex.

Oh and im pretty sure if you have sex with someone with hiv it takes well over a week for it to show up in any kind of test, especially a home test.
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