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"Got to cut the grass to see the snakes."
"You can't hide your true self forever"
Two mottos I live by.
When I first join NT I was just trying to find a thread that spoke to me on the realness. Found the OG thread and met a lot of like minded individuals that lived some of the situations I had been through. Sad to see it come to this but ****** rarely want the truth. I don't mind my opinions being dissected and dismissed,that is the beauty of debate and having your own moral code and following the own beat of your heart. We all have to wake up and live with ourselves and at the end of it all, I never ******* on anyone's ideology but I will not lie , if something doesnt sit well with me, I'm not going to hold my tongue for a friend or foe. I even hope people disagreed with me because honestly you have to find what works for you on your own path. I gave advice for those seeking, nothing more, nothing less. Funny how ****** all of a sudden want to preach TRUTH, but the first moment you have a true disagreement, they want to take shots at you because "Your happy and life is good". ***** that don't make me soft, that makes me GROWN. There ain't no need to talk about my "Resume", I know what I have done in life. Some good, Some bad but that shaped me into the Husband and soon to be Father that I am. **** I look like losing my cool on an Internet forum. **** I have to laugh at this post because in and of itself is hilarious[emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji].
What I realized is my time is truly up and I can't bring dialogue to a conversation that I'm not even part of anymore. This thread is for the single male trying to find his path and build his empire and also enjoying life and YAMBS. My services are definately not needed because I'm Good. As I finish studying for the night, my future is asleep and happy. Whether we make it or not, at this very moment, this is what I grind and live for, this is what keeps the Hulk inside of Bruce Banner. I'm going to chill and lay in the cut and let you new guns(and even the OGS) have this.
Big Homie, still got love for you. Always had your back even when ****** stayed coming at your neck in your own thread. But I know when to distance myself from the bs. It was a good run...
Wealth,Healrh and Success to all.[emoji]9996[/emoji]️


You will be missed Mugen.
Wouldn't that be a bit childish? I feel like if this relationship is real we shouldn't be doing the who-will-hit-who-up-first game

Not like that, just give her some space. Imagine you're doing something and your girl just keeps blowing you up. Not saying you're blowing her up but y'all don't have to be in constant contact. Absence makes the heart grow fonder
TAY famb...can you guys help me cool my insecurity? Gf in Miami for a conference (it's legit). I don't know what it is but I'm bothered. She went to Ohio recently to visit a friend and I wasn't concerned. Now she in Miami on conference staying at a friend house and I'm like on edge n ish. Is the reputation of the city what's getting to me? Perhaps it's that she is messaging me less? Whatever it is how do I calm my brain?

To me you can't really be concerned with what your girl is doing. Your confidence should come from knowing you can replace her with another one just as good or better than her if she decides to slip up. If anything she should be the one that's a nervous wreck wondering about you cutting up when she's not around

I somewhat agree with this.

Just have more confidence in yourself,
Know that you'll be fine and you're your own man with or without her.

(Y'all are a legit couple right)

I would drop little text here and there for her. Just stuff you guys normally talk about, or some when you get back..(etc etc) stuff.
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To me you can't really be concerned with what your girl is doing. Your confidence should come from knowing you can replace her with another one just as good or better than her if she decides to slip up. If anything she should be the one that's a nervous wreck wondering about you cutting up when she's not around

If it was me I wouldn't message her at all unless I'm responding to her text

Wouldn't that be a bit childish? I feel like if this relationship is real we shouldn't be doing the who-will-hit-who-up-first game

Just hit her up to check on her to let her know you thinking about her. But don't text a lot. And don't send consecutive texts/phone calls without a response. And most importantly IMO don't act salty or insecure if she's distant.

It's something I'm learning to perfect myself. Being supportive/showing you are thinking about her without being needy/coming off as insecure
Older chick flake on me mad heavy today story kinda funny im not even that mad .
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Had to lay some foundation down with my girl the other day. Shes a cancer so shes sensitive but she was wasting my time last Thursday when i had stuff to do andit was raining in NY.
I was tired one day andhad class later on so since she kept me waiting at her house for her i just left her umbrella on her doorknob and skidaddled. Shes trying to ignore me now so i aint talk to her since thursday...

Said eff it and went to my gym class and talked to all the girls in there and just chose a chick who had a fat bumbaaaaa no waist and prolly some C cups...her face not all that but she got a nice smile and [emoji]128068[/emoji]. Been chilling with her the past 2 days but im waiting to take her to the clinic to get tested (following the EWD route :pimp: ) before i hulk smash.

Also talked to a peruvian joint who just turned 18, she wants it bad but she got a boyfriend so i told her ill wait...dont ned my head cut off.

Thanks for everything in here TAYers, im about to go on a rampage (but safely of course) [emoji]128520[/emoji]

It is going downnnnn!
You good man. When she said y'all was over that was emotion, she ain't mean that as you can see by her talking to you willing to work it out. I wouldn't bother getting a gift and opt for planning a whole day planned with some stuff for y'all to do. Breakfast, activity, lunch, activity, dinner, nightcap

Had to rep because you were right :smokin

Met up with her after work and she cleared the plans and we had dinner last night. All seems well.

Homie above me, you really tellin girls, "take this test before I smash"?
Had to rep because you were right :smokin

Met up with her after work and she cleared the plans and we had dinner last night. All seems well.

Homie above me, you really tellin girls, "take this test before I smash"?
Havent done it yet. Gonna do it cause im ready to build a rotation right now and im tryna be extra cautious. Theres still tiny holes incondoms and my homegirl recently got diagnosed with that herp.
Went to a party last night.

Walked out with a solid yamb...

She bussed right when I put it in.

Proceeded to buss 2 more

Felt like a bawse.
It seems like these yambs have a sense of urgency since it's the beginning of cuffing season :lol:

First thing this chick said when we finished yesterday..."I squirted" :smokin
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