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:lol in class thinking "I gotta start brushing my lips

that smell on your upper lip after sippin' on the yambs...

delicioso. num num num num num.
I've had some rank box and had to come home the next day where the fam was having a baby shower, and of course had to run errands before I could hop in the shower. :smh: I could feel all the females in my fam tearing me apart with their eyes.
Girl i been seeing for a couple weeks now, messages me saying "im going ot *insert guy name* place tonight for a little bit do you mind" guy is inlove with her and she knows, i told her i wasn't into that becuase we talked about being exclusive, you think shes going to smang him? after my last girl i have such bad trust issues 
Girl i been seeing for a couple weeks now, messages me saying "im going ot *insert guy name* place tonight for a little bit do you mind" guy is inlove with her and she knows, i told her i wasn't into that becuase we talked about being exclusive, you think shes going to smang him? after my last girl i have such bad trust issues 

Of course she is gona have sex. Dont sweat it bruh, yall only have been talkin for a few wks. Dont take her so serious. Keep your options open.
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Girl i been seeing for a couple weeks now, messages me saying "im going ot *insert guy name* place tonight for a little bit do you mind" guy is inlove with her and she knows, i told her i wasn't into that becuase we talked about being exclusive, you think shes going to smang him? after my last girl i have such bad trust issues 

Why would she tell you that to begin with ? When there's a strong chance that even if you opposed to it she would've went anyways . Dude definetly gonna try to smash .
Flight attendant chick talking that stuff about her box is right and etc. Not sure if want to take the chance of her flying here and coming to my spot or just take a flight to Dallas.
I'm strangely hungry now
:lol: :pimp:

I haven't ate box in like 2 years. That's because it was the last time I was exclusive with this chick I really liked but we weren't official. Can't be doing that to these randoms, they give me head though. :pimp:
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Girl i been seeing for a couple weeks now, messages me saying "im going ot *insert guy name* place tonight for a little bit do you mind" guy is inlove with her and she knows, i told her i wasn't into that becuase we talked about being exclusive, you think shes going to smang him? after my last girl i have such bad trust issues 
Of course she is gona have sex. Dont sweat it bruh, yall only have been talkin for a few wks. Dont take her so serious. Keep your options open.
Unfortunately, this. In 2014 most females know whats up when they go to the crib, no Cosby.

Until you're actually 'exclusive' it'd be best for you to add another to the roster. All my 'talking' phases have lasted at least 3 months before I considered making a move, even if they brought it up.
I've had some rank box and had to come home the next day where the fam was having a baby shower, and of course had to run errands before I could hop in the shower. :smh: I could feel all the females in my fam tearing me apart with their eyes.

Wash ya face b.

Naw I ain't eat that. Matta fact that's the box that stopped me eatin all over the place, couldn't stand the smell. Rancid but it felt good so I finished.
Just want to leave this with you guys. (Mostly for the people like me/used to be like me)

Back in September, I saw this girl on campus when I was sitting with my boy (turns out she's the same little cutie I saw a month prior at some event). I saw her and was instantly attracted to her - she seemed like my type. I could've caught up to her but I would've had to move my food + stuff from the position I was in and then run to catch her. I just let her go. I saw her again the next time we're at school and we make eye contact - cool. Fast forward about a week and half. I noticed a cutie from afar and thought "this girl is cute. Let me wait until she comes closer to verify my assumption". I realized that it was this same girl. So I have my headphones in and I'm just staring at her giving her that look. She's staring intently at me as well and I notice she walks a tad bit slower. Then she does this little lip bite/quiver thing and her eyes get all low/fluttery. I let her walk past me though. I choked. I choked up.

I hit Mugen up with some advice for next time and he strengthened my confidence so to speak. However, days and months passed and I didn't see her at all... that was until Monday. I saw her when I came around a corner and I was excited a little because it was my time to finally approach. Not so fast though...about 3 seconds later some dude walks up. It's her boyfriend. 

Moral of the story: I just wanted to share for the people out there who are having second thoughts, overthinking, scared to approach, have those "I'll do it next time" thoughts, etc. You see something you like then say something then. Don't wait for a perfect opportunity or let excuses and what-ifs get in your head. Because that's just giving the next dude that's on their way to approach an easy lane. Even if you say something stupid or stutter or whatever, at least you said SOMETHING. Don't be like me and let an opportunity pass and let a what could've been, turn into a we'll never know. I heard something awhile ago that went a little something like this.

"It's not all the rejections and overlooking women have given me. I could care less about that - it's what made me better and gave me experience and confidence. I don't regret it. But what I DO regret is the what-ifs and the times I never approached someone I wanted to. I forgot most of the women that I did have encounters with but I've never forgotten the ones I was too scared too approach" 
Today was an experience
I was at planned parenthood and as I walked in this chick was telling her sister how much her behind hurted. Probably got a shot for dat dere syphilis. I hope I'm wrong. But I got tested and checked up. No hiv :pimp: and the urine dip came back good. Just have to wait for the other results. But one thing that struck me was a screeching yell from a lady in another exam room. It's a scream I won't forget. All I heard was "lord no please no!"
I'm telling you brehs, running up in alleycats is great and all but please protect yourself.
I've been dry doggy for 8 months but reminders such as that helps me stay dry.
Stay safe out here.
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