matt i love your collection dude, you are like me... ds is the beeeesssstttt

ha, yeah - plenty of stuff that i wear, but more stuff that i'll never put on my feet. they're just too pretty to crease up and get dirty. some of you probably think me and mike are crazy... but at least we understand each other, haha.

anyway, i suppose i could take new pics - but it's not like the shoes have changed:

one of my favorite pics:

Awesome stuff guys! Hey, Kev - come on, get in on this!!

Let's keep it going






Oh, and let me get in on the '95 white/gold and Ivory snake action.


Not as pristine as some others. Both of these get their run.
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I need those navy nubucks and blk/red L/Ms..
I do love me some embroidered swooshes. I hear ya MFP some pairs are too nice to crease up and get dirty, I hope I have the heart to unDS one of my doubles.
That's why part of me almost prefers to buy lightly used pairs. I want to wear all my stuff, but sometimes getting that first wear in is tough.
most of my stuff has gone into storage. this ds pair of 98 black/white was on the floor. gonna pack it up with the last of the save pile. lemme see if i have anything else to snap pics real quick.
Nice Laker canvas Kev, my current grails (or one of many)... how's the kid coming along? I'm 6 weeks into fatherhood and it is definitely a challenge.
Wow, Kev.

I didn't even know you had those white/forest highs.

If you ever want to move them, definitely hit me up.

In high school, my boy and I kept two pairs of sneakers in our lockers that either of us could pull out for gym if we were wearing boots that day or didn't want to wear the sneakers we had on to guy. One pair was OG Taxi XIIs and the other was these highs. I basically wore those highs on and off to gym for like 3 years in high school.

...Matching Olafs sold seperately.
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he's probably referring to bottom right. it's like forest green with a hint of aqua mixed in but the gold stitching make it even nicer. it's one of my favorites and i have not worn them yet.
Sick snakes y'all keep me coming. I only have the blk 3m snakes, cocoa snakes and the white/chocolate snakes. On the hunt for Ivory snakes and white/black swoosh snakes
how's the kid coming along? I'm 6 weeks into fatherhood and it is definitely a challenge.
6 weeks? awesome and congrats! my girl just wants the baby to come out already. due date is feb 11 and she's still working full-time and long hours. we're ready though. i'm pretty much done getting my apartment redone for my son. didn't realize how much crap we needed. thank goodness for baby showers and generous friends and family. my son isn't even born and he has 5 pairs of shoes :rofl:
these gems were courtesy of niketalk uncles aznfella and nipxd!
this thread is smoking right now :nthat: :nthat: :pimp: :pimp:

i cant keep up with you guys on the 90s stuff but i got a few pairs

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6 weeks? awesome and congrats! my girl just wants the baby to come out already. due date is feb 11 and she's still working full-time and long hours. we're ready though. i'm pretty much done getting my apartment redone for my son. didn't realize how much crap we needed. thank goodness for baby showers and generous friends and family. my son isn't even born and he has 5 pairs of shoes :rofl:
these gems were courtesy of niketalk uncles aznfella and nipxd!


I've been looking for a few pairs of older (c) jewels but haven't found any yet- I don't know how kids shoes fit. My wife went 10 days past her due date, my only advice for you right now is don't stress out if he doesn't come on time. My son knew he was having it too good in there to come out! Good luck and congrats, it's an amazing thing, I can say that for sure.
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