TEAM AM FAM aka AIR MAX FAMILY THREAD (New Application Process)

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Originally Posted by gooeywooey

and re: the Chili name, i'm pretty sure the official c/w of the first version of the red/ gry 95s was called that, and then every subsequent retro was Varsity Red, but the name stuck. the 87s are officially Varsity Red too.
I'm pretty sure the first c/w was in '98 black/desert red.

Have you ever posted your collection gooey?

if so, link? you live in NY?
Hello Fam! I plan on wearing one of the below to take dad out for his bday dinner. Enjoy the rest of the weekend all!




Very Nice GOOEY!!!

Nice Deluxe's up there!

phnrprman - is that top 3m pair a women's release???? They're amazing!

Cris - babygirl knows! ^_^

STEVE - you're the man!!! Thanks for the head up on these!
Never thought I'd get my greedy little hands on these.


gooey - picked up the pools from the auction site a while back. its in pristine condition. they survived todays wear.

here are some restorations i recently did on an 02 bursts, using Creatix i bought at michael's. i did about 4 coats. sorry for the poor cam pics.



thanks to andrew and brian for the tips.
i feel like doing this on other yellowed-sole pairs.

and thanks to el bro for these

Cute daughter, and nice pickup on those bursts.

On the paint job, i think you could have done the sides a bit neater, but still clean regardless! good job man.
Nely- Whenever you pick something up it amazes me that you're able to find whatever it is in your size.
Cris - that's a priceless pic right there

Gooey - sick 99's

Steve - nice shot and pickup of the ST's, and those blue toes....soooo dope!
Phnpr - sick 3m's, and that jacket is dope...can't wait to get mine lol
Denver -
@ spring green pattas.....i'll be mad if that sticks considering i can't break mine out till spring

Nely - Teal lights are always a pleasure to see, congrats on that pickup again

EEntegra - good work on the midsoles, some areas could have been cleaner tho and it's a bit glossy/shiny isn't it?

i'm certain that the nickname for 87's stemmed from the the chili nickname on the retro 95's.

as for the 95's getting that nickname........i also think that it did stem from another colorway because they were many different "grey/red" c/w's and a "chili red" sounds right in line with desert red, varsity red, pimento red, etc. i could be wrong but someone out there has to know what's up.

desert red(pic courtesy of Sling)

Originally Posted by Mizz Kickz

phnrprman - is that top 3m pair a women's release???? They're amazing!
Top pair is the men's 3m pair from back in '99. I bought those in Finishline back in the day when Finishline carried some HEAT! Dang I am an old guy still collecting sneakers.
Mayhemgatz - gracias again! I am happy with them to say the least!

phnrprman - thanks for the info. For some reason or another, I thought they were women's. No worries, I think a few of us are oldies but goodies lol.

Originally Posted by marco23d

Nely- Whenever you pick something up it amazes me that you're able to find whatever it is in your size.

It amazes me too lol. But, all credit is due to Sling.. he always finds gems for me. Not including other folks.
Btw, I forgot to thank you for the welcome. I also wasn't aware that you were on NT as well, but then again, I shouldn't be surprised ;-)
Originally Posted by denverairforce

the chili nickname for the 87s must be a result of the chili nickname for the 95's since the 2 pairs share the same colorway, but I don't know who started the nickname for the 95's... if there was a chili red, it seems strange that it would be a popular nickname if nobody in a large group full of nike enthusiasts can identify a pair that ever used this color, yet the actual color used on the shoes with the nickname is one of nike's most popular ever (varsity red). why wouldn't they just be called varsity reds? if there were any worthwhile newer releases, we could try an experiment in creating a nickname that makes no sense and seeing how easily we can spread it, haha. call the chlorophyll pattas "spring greens" or something. 

It's official then,
Wearing these today:
Patta Spring Green
Originally Posted by KingWonder

Hey fam Need some help
who ever owns these how do they run and how much is the going rate
thanks in advance
they are the same as any other recent am90 release. i've worn mine 2x. nothing different to note. 
MIZZ KICKZ- I'm mad, just had a terrible experience with a seller that tried to take my money and my money back though. Props to you!

KING- those run true to size , if you can find spruces for under 2 bills, that's a great price IMO. keep in my the painted midsole isn't great..
Originally Posted by tak

MIZZ KICKZ- I'm mad, just had a terrible experience with a seller that tried to take my money and my money back though. Props to you!

KING- those run true to size , if you can find spruces for under 2 bills, that's a great price IMO. keep in my the painted midsole isn't great..

Thank you! And, sorry to hear that! I don't get what causes a person to want to do that. I guess lack of morals. Glad you ended up getting your money back.
Thank you sir. Sneaker world is such a small place, the seller is a friend of a friend it turns out.
'Sup guys. Check out ebay seller hittin-groove. He's got some pretty nice 96's (both mens and womens) in good sizes
Gooey- im gonna try that. I dont think they are falling apart but the guy prolly nicked them on something at one point but he didnt put anything about it in the description. ohh well you saw what I paid cant expect DS or anything. gonna repaint the bottoms.
DENVER- they are the 01's. Ill take a better flick of the little crack when i get my camera back. want some thoughts on that little guy!
MIZZKICKS- SOOOOO jelous of those lights!!
EENTEGRA- Them baby blue burst make me cringe! nice paint job. ill be doing that soon. there a certain brand acrylic you like to use?
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