airmaxdisciple do you know if the infrareds will be an inline or QS release? would hope to get a pair for cheap. found a pair of HOAs by the front door last week. had no idea what was in the box i use to prop the door open all this time :lol:

airmaxdisciple do you know if the infrareds will be an inline or QS release? would hope to get a pair for cheap.
i personally think that the 2015 infrareds will be a QS release

just like the 09 and the 10 release but i cant confirm this, because its now in a very early stadium

and there is no any information available about the release and availability or quantities
NEVERNEVERNEVERNEVER_NVRANAUF infraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!
By no means am I a part of the teamAMfam, but I recently rolled up on these for $37 shipped via ECAP City on a Veteran's Day sale a few weeks back. Saw the shape wasn't to my liking, and decided to take it into my own hands. 

I am really impressed with the results, and in my opinion, these are going to be wanted with the '03 Skylines start to fall apart. The process was seamless and I will look to do this to a few more GRs here in the near future. 

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