Thanks for helping NikeTalk allocate $6,820 to - now YOU can decide who we loan it to!

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
As most of you now know, we at NikeTalk donate all of our advertising revenue above basic hosting costs to charity.

Today, we're pleased to announce the donation of $6,820 to, a nonprofitmicrofinance organization designed to help connect socially conscious individuals with entrepreneurs in developing nations.

Popularized by Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen bank and recipient of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, micro-lending helps impoverished entrepreneurs gainaccess to credit without paying usurious interest rates. Though not a broad-scale anti-poverty solution, micro-loans have nonetheless proven capable ofpositively transforming the lives of their recipients.

We'll be lending this $6,820 to individuals YOU select every two weeks via a two step process:

First, you'll have the opportunity to NOMINATE the entrepreneurs you'd like us to support. You'll browse, read the profiles ofentrepreneurs in need of loans, and share your favorites with us. The list of nominees will then be trimmed down so that we can create a poll allowingeveryone to cast their votes in an organized, efficient way. Once the poll closes, we'll fulfill as much of the loan amount as we can afford - up to thefull $6,820 if necessary. If the remaining loan amount is relatively small, or if the loan has already been fulfilled by that time, we may opt to fulfill theloans of the top two or three vote-getters. Small loans are often completed quickly, too quickly for us to even vote on them, so think big!

Over time, these loans will be repaid. You'll be able to track the progress of the entrepreneurs we've supported on our kiva lender page: Thus, we can repeatthe process indefinitely.

This post will serve as both the official donation announcement AND the first nomination thread. Next week, we'll create the official poll to select ourfirst loan recipient(s). From there, we'll create a new, separate nomination thread and continue the process for a long as money remains in our kivaaccount.

Of course, you don't have to wait for the official poll results to support these entrepreneurs. It's easy to create your own Kiva account and lend aslittle as $25. Remember, these loans will likely be repaid over time - so you should have the opportunity to lend that money out again and again.

Thanks as always for your support! Stay tuned for more exciting charitable announcements throughout the coming weeks and months.
Wow, good stuff. I need to start donating to NT and become a team member. Been on this for years and have had plenty of memories. Time to start giving back.

I'll check it out after I get some sleep. Being up at 4 AM FTL.
Originally Posted by i LyricaLJKilla i

Wow, good stuff. I need to start donating to NT and become a team member. Been on this for years and have had plenty of memories. Time to start giving back.

I'll check it out after I get some sleep. Being up at 4 AM FTL.

You don't need to donate to us anymore, we're ad supported. Just make sure your browser's set to the ads appear as you view NT. Supporting ourads is what allows us to make these donations.

Whatever you were going to donate to NT can better be spent donating to a worthy charity like the ones we've supported thus far.

Including this post, we've now announced $36,425.52 in donations to 10 different charities. By the end of the summer, we'll have announced over$50,000 in total donations.

For those curious about previous donations, here's a quick recap:
Thank you for helpingNikeTalk donate over $2,500 to UNICEF!
Thank you for helping NTdonate over $4,000 to Access Books!
Thanks to you, NikeTalk hasjust donated $3,656 to the UNCF!
Thanks for helping NT donateover $2,000 to Operation Smile
NikeTalk Donates $2,553 to the American CancerSociety
Thank You for Helping NT Donate$2,768.60 to JDRF!
Thank you for helping NikeTalk donate $5,000 to Green For All!

Though the announcement posts have since been lost, we also donated $2,907 to Gawad Kalinga and $3,908 to Ettie Lee Homes.
This is going to be awesome! I've been sitting here browsing for almost an hour and wanting to donate to every one. I'm definitely going to pass thissite along. I want to nominate Las Amorosas Group from Bolivia.

LasAmorosas Group
Another amazing deed by NT.
oo i heard of something like this on the colbert report i think. they give small interest free loans to poor people in 3rd world countries and they almostalways get paid back and the system works. great cause.

here is the nobel-prize winner on the colbert report in January
Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Who knows who on the board for Kiva? Just a question.

Not sure what you're trying to imply...but why don't you spill it instead of trying to dance around.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Who knows who on the board for Kiva? Just a question.

Not sure what you're trying to imply...but why don't you spill it instead of trying to dance around.

He won't. His goal is to irritate you and/or cast doubt on the community's donations, not to actually substantiate his ludicrous and libelousinsinuations.

There's almost always a response like this... and it's almost always from Houston, TX. It's probably one of the Fitzgerald brothers or anotherchronically banned forum troll.

The donation doesn't even go to Kiva operating expenses... it finances loans to individual entrepreneurs our members select. So, how do we as a staffderive some sort of trifling, back-end financial gain from this? Are we supposed to be in cahoots with the borrowers? All our friends in Ghana and Cambodialined up to pose as entrepreneurs to borrow modest sums of money they have to pay back in a year - and we're gonna rig the polls to make sure theywin?
You know what might've been slightly easier way to get at those ad revenues... if we'd just kept it for ourselves like every other sneakerwebsite.
Has it ever been discussed to use all of this extra revenue to get off of Yuku and onto a private server?
This post reminds me why I'm a niketalk member for just about 8 years now. Niketalk members believe in selflessness.
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