The 20/30 Rule of Women In Relationships... Gentlemen enter please.

Sir San Diego

formerly brolic scholar
Feb 20, 2011
The homie just put me onto game and without saying too much, I'll say this, in my experience it is true. With no further ado, may I present to you the 20/30 Rule of Women In Relationships.

Women in relationships (marriages or otherwise) who are not happy will NEVER be happy because they are looking for a man that does not exist.

If you put a panel of women together who are all in realtionships and asked them to write a list of 30 things that make the ideal man and asked them to describe the man they're with by checking off all the things on that list that apply to their own man, they would only check off about 20 of the items listed. The best man you know MAY only fit about 24 of those characteristics, which means no man can ever fill thay list completely.

Here is where cheating comes in for women. When they creep and YES men, they creep more often and with more stealth than you can even comprehend, they go out to find a man who can meet NOT 30 of those characteristics, but only the 6 to 10 that their man can't provide.

There's a few things to take from this, but I'll share with you two:

1. A man who is filling the 6-10 slot will never be able to make that woman happy on a long term basis because she will always be looking for an idealistic version of a man who can make her "happy".

2. If you try to step your side/JO role up into the full-time slot you not only have to provide what her last man provided (financially, emotionally, etc.), you have to step your game up at least 3 times, but more than likely four times (4 x 6 = 24) and guess what? You're still not that dude she really wants. Oh, you'll fill the slot for a while, but sooner or later, she'll be out looking for someone to make up for your 6-10 short comings.

Take that and run with it men. Oh yeah, discuss...
I can side parts of this being true. But I would dare to say that there are more elements as to why women cheat. I know that some women will cheat based on the lack of sexual fulfillment alone. I suppose that would fit into your theory, but all women are different.
Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

That's real interesting that's why Id rather just be that guy with %6 right now.

For the longest I thought your avy was a pair of shoes (atlantic penny ii's? Idk). Truly mind blown right now.
Trust I know about the sexual role, but even if you're bringing that stroke that's only gonna keep a woman satisfied to a degree.

Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

That's real interesting that's why Id rather just be that guy with %6 right now.
Sadly, I have to agree
my head hurts after reading that...

but.... like the homey said.. i'd much rather be the guy that does the 6 outta 10 thing...

less drama, more yambs, and no headaches...

brolic scholar...

Follow your standards and don't settle for less. People are hypocrites when it comes to following their own standards. That's why some of these females complain about wanting a man that doesn't exist . They fall way too easy
i agree smfh ... but then again how do you really tell a woman to settle for just you ? How do you say you ideal man doesnt exist , but im good enough. #feelbadman
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

That's real interesting that's why Id rather just be that guy with %6 right now.

For the longest I thought your avy was a pair of shoes (atlantic penny ii's? Idk). Truly mind blown right now.

We all want perfection that doesn't exist, I'm sure we as men have a list to check off thats probably a lot more than 30 characteristics and we cheat based on JUST one
it's just life man and we tend to over analyze everything.
Y'all over complicating things. You'll never meet the perfect ideal person you conjured up.

Over analyzing guys.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

We all want perfection that doesn't exist, I'm sure we as men have a list to check off thats probably a lot more than 30 characteristics and we cheat based on JUST one
it's just life man and we tend to over analyze everything.


I was reading OP like um this applies to men too

I can name my 30 wants and I know for damn sure I'll never find it. But 24/30 ain't bad
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Y'all over complicating things. You'll never meet the perfect ideal person you conjured up.

Over analyzing guys.

Disagree. You might meet them, but it doesn't mean that you're the perfect ideal person that they have in their mind. Be careful, men.
and i can say a guy can make a list of 30 characteristics and his woman could have all of em but if another chick has a better body then.......

no one is ever perfect. it's not about meeting a perfect person. perfect doesn't exist.

also some human beings are trife regardless of gender. accept it and keep it moving
man this makes me want to stay away from relationships... and just be the 6%
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

and i can say a guy can make a list of 30 characteristics and his woman could have all of em but if another chick has a better body then.......
and that's the truth. Both ways.

Stick to your standards. Either ppl don't or dont have standards to begin with
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