The Avengers or Justice League? who do you prefer?

Avengers easily. But Batman tho...he whupped Superman's @#!....with NO powers
theres no point in a vs. thread because it all depends on the writers. if the writers were to make hulk invincible, then he would be strongest etc. Also Batman wouldve already had a file on Tony Stark and wouldve slowly made him start drinking again months before a battle even occured
Originally Posted by MrONegative


The Avengers don't really exist to me. I mean you can pretend they do, but it's really just Marvel saying, wouldn't it be cool if the were all together like the Justice League. But they don't fit together at all. They're just a bunch of comic book characters standing next to each other. Justice League are superheroes in the same vein and reality that compliment and have real interactions, that don't have to be forced, with each other.

This one series, Kingdom Come, isn't even barely possible with the Avengers. There's no balance. Half the characters would get terribly marginalized or suped up or forgotten, because literally...The Avengers is what? Everyone? And funny enough an Avengers movie would be easier to make than a Justice League movie, beause there's only maybe 1 person who has to be in the Avengers movie (Iron Man), but about 6 characters who'd have to be in the Justice League movie.

The question doesn't make sense, because you're asking if you like this squad of the best and most iconic DC heroes, or everyone in Marvel pretending to roll together...imo.
Ironman is the only person who HAS to be in the Avengers? So Thor, Hulk, and CAPTAIN AMERICA ain't %@%% huh? 

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

so this thread is about who you like better or who would win in a battle? no doubt that avengers would win, they have the hulk, god of thunder, genius in iron man and a super soldier



Yeah, but we all know Superman is a !!+$!. 

Supes is nothing but a cop out character that overtime was given more "reality" because DC knew he was a cheap bastard. 

You really make a character who's invincible but to one thing? Thats a cop out. We all know that Marvel characters are more dimensional than DC characters, and Supes is the #1 proof of that. 

You can't get any cornier than Superman. 
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

so this thread is about who you like better or who would win in a battle? no doubt that avengers would win, they have the hulk, god of thunder, genius in iron man and a super soldier



right, and no one of the avengers could ever get kryptonite... if batman could do it...i bet tony stark would have less problems than that, with him being smarter
Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by MrONegative

http://i280.photobucket.c...Kingdom_Come_800x600.jpg src="">


The Avengers don't really exist to me. I mean you can pretend they do, but it's really just Marvel saying, wouldn't it be cool if the were all together like the Justice League. But they don't fit together at all. They're just a bunch of comic book characters standing next to each other. Justice League are superheroes in the same vein and reality that compliment and have real interactions, that don't have to be forced, with each other.

This one series, Kingdom Come, isn't even barely possible with the Avengers. There's no balance. Half the characters would get terribly marginalized or suped up or forgotten, because literally...The Avengers is what? Everyone? And funny enough an Avengers movie would be easier to make than a Justice League movie, beause there's only maybe 1 person who has to be in the Avengers movie (Iron Man), but about 6 characters who'd have to be in the Justice League movie.

The question doesn't make sense, because you're asking if you like this squad of the best and most iconic DC heroes, or everyone in Marvel pretending to roll together...imo.
Ironman is the only person who HAS to be in the Avengers? So Thor, Hulk, and CAPTAIN AMERICA ain't ++#! huh? 

I think what he means is that Ironman is a mainstay, where as Hulk is here and there, maybe on another planet, maybe the guy who the avenegrs are fighting. Thor only comes for certain fights and I do think Cap is needed, but the other 2 are big characters yes, but not really the faces of the avengers.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

so this thread is about who you like better or who would win in a battle? no doubt that avengers would win, they have the hulk, god of thunder, genius in iron man and a super soldier



same tired excuse.

Superman has to be the most boring big name superhero ever created.  Like I said before if your siding with Justice League then you gotta give props to Batman, Green Lantern, and the Flash.

Superman, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Wonder Woman are the lame bunch in that group.

I just picked up the recent issue of JLA with those whole "new 52" thing after someone in one of these comic book threads said that their good.  Who do I find Justice League fighting?  Darkseid.
  Like what was the point of this "new 52" thing.

Even though the question is what team would win in a really doesn't matter to me because at the end of the day I'd read an Avengers storyline over JLA any day of the week.  It's wayyyy more appealing to me.  Batman though...he's on another level...that's DC's goldenboy right now and deservingly so.
We all see who won Marvel vs DC. And that wasnt even a fair fight. DC told Marvel before it began that certain heroes like Batman and Superman would have to win or they wouldnt even participate. Dc tends to make all of their heroes like gods,then you have allll the difwrent multiverse version of heroes like earth 2 superman who can fly around the earth backwards and go back in time :l
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by MrONegative

http://i280.photobucket.c...Kingdom_Come_800x600.jpg src="">


The Avengers don't really exist to me. I mean you can pretend they do, but it's really just Marvel saying, wouldn't it be cool if the were all together like the Justice League. But they don't fit together at all. They're just a bunch of comic book characters standing next to each other. Justice League are superheroes in the same vein and reality that compliment and have real interactions, that don't have to be forced, with each other.

This one series, Kingdom Come, isn't even barely possible with the Avengers. There's no balance. Half the characters would get terribly marginalized or suped up or forgotten, because literally...The Avengers is what? Everyone? And funny enough an Avengers movie would be easier to make than a Justice League movie, beause there's only maybe 1 person who has to be in the Avengers movie (Iron Man), but about 6 characters who'd have to be in the Justice League movie.

The question doesn't make sense, because you're asking if you like this squad of the best and most iconic DC heroes, or everyone in Marvel pretending to roll together...imo.
Ironman is the only person who HAS to be in the Avengers? So Thor, Hulk, and CAPTAIN AMERICA ain't ++#! huh? 

I think what he means is that Ironman is a mainstay, where as Hulk is here and there, maybe on another planet, maybe the guy who the avenegrs are fighting. Thor only comes for certain fights and I do think Cap is needed, but the other 2 are big characters yes, but not really the faces of the avengers.
Yeah but that's what the Avengers are. They're a cast of heroes brought together. Not a team built together first. Thats how the X-Men or the Fantastic Four roll... 
Throughout Avengers history they've picked up other Heroes such as Wolverine and Spiderman. These characters come from a deep background already, they weren't just made up so hte Avengers could have more pieces. These are characters who have their own personal series of comics and their character  development and storylines aren't just going to stop because they teamed up with the Avengers. 

And THAT is part of the reason why I love the Avengers more than JLA... 

Outside of Batman, DC's heroes are as generic as drawing a stick figure on paper and giving him a name. And thats what I don't like about JLA or DC comics. There isn't enough life coming from Superman or some of the other characters. They're like robots or droids made with one purpose. I don't feel anything from the storylines in comparison to Marvel. 

But hey, thats just me. 
That's why I didn't even bother to get in to why most of JL members are lame. They just are. I might not like some of the character development of Avengers characters but at least they're multi-dimensional as mentioned.

FYI, the main guys you need in the Avengers or the heroes known as Avengers is Cap, Iron Man, and Hank Pym. Everybody else was part time or revolving door status. Nothing wrong with that when they use that weakness as a strength to promote lesser known heroes in the MU. Which they continuously do.
Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by MrONegative


The Avengers don't really exist to me. I mean you can pretend they do, but it's really just Marvel saying, wouldn't it be cool if the were all together like the Justice League. 1)But they don't fit together at all. They're just a bunch of comic book characters standing next to each other. 2)Justice League are superheroes in the same vein and reality that compliment and have real interactions, that don't have to be forced, with each other.

This one series, Kingdom Come, isn't even barely possible with the Avengers. 3)There's no balance. Half the characters would get terribly marginalized or suped up or forgotten, because literally...The Avengers is what? Everyone? 4)And funny enough an Avengers movie [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]would[/color] be easier to make than a Justice League movie, beause there's only maybe 1 person who [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]has[/color] to be in the Avengers movie (Iron Man), but about 6 characters who'd [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]have[/color] to be in the Justice League movie.

5)The question doesn't make sense, because you're asking if you like this squad of the best and most iconic DC heroes, or everyone in Marvel pretending to roll together...imo
1) That's the point of the avengers...they shouldn't have to fit the hell you gonna have a thunder god fit in with an industrialist fit in with a scientist?
2) This comment i'll account to your obvious bias towards one side, and you not reading any avengers material out there.
3)Balance? homie you have Superman on your team....the ultimate sob story.  He is the basic crux as to why the JLA isn't balanced.
4)the reason we are able to have an avengers movie is because JLA does not have marketable characters the same way Marvel does it.  How many times does superman need to be made for DC to figure out that a JLA movie would never work...whatever happened to that Wonder Woman movie we were supposed to see?  The JLA only need 1 man to get the job done...BATMAN.  You know why you need 6 people in the Avengers?  because each of them has a weakness.  They're dependence on each other to get the mission done creates cohesion as a team.  I wonder why directors have never been able to take the team cohesion from the JLA comics and transfer them to the big screen?
5)Hey smart guy here are the Avengers...Cap, Thor, Iron Man.  Everyone else is a reserve member of the Avengers and come on and off when needed.  Just like the Justice League....what about Hawk, Dove, Spectre, Mr. Terrific, Barda, Captain Atom, Plastic Man, Hawk Girl/Man, Cat Man, Black Canary, Zatanna, Dr. Fate.....yadda yadda.  How is that not akin to rolling people together?

The New Avengers is a comic I would read over JLA any day.

In their respective universes, the Justice League of America and the Avengers are considered to be teams of the "world's greatest/mightiest superheroes," and when some huge menace threatens the DC or Marvel universes, the people turn to the JLA and the Avengers to save them. To underestimate the JLA and say The Avengers would womp them is ludicrous, though. Read Superman/Batman to see how they handle large groups.

Is there no love for Aquaman? Aquaman is very underestimated in that he is a solid combatant who has greatly enhanced strength and bulletproof skin to also stand on (yes, even on dry land) that could take on Iron Man or Captain America and come up victorious.

And for the record-

Superman beating Thor was badly written. The descision was based entirely on DC not wanting their star hero to loose. The fight should have been much closer that it was written. In said fight, Thor did alot of stupid %$%$ he normally wouldn't do.
Man, the only excuses against Supeman is his boring? We are talking about the JLA, someone said no one can beat the Avengers, I show Superman man handling the Hulk and carrying Caps shield and Thors hammer (both from legitimate comic books) and the only thing against how strong he is that he is a boring character anyways?
The pictures I posted had nothing to do with story lines and his personality, admit it, dude is just too powerful for his own good and that is why you don't like the character.

In sheer power alone, Silver Age Superman is unbeatable and there just isn't denying that. He is so powerful they had to knock him down a few pegs because he did get boring and it wasn't believable to even have villains. He was that strong. Heck in Kingdom Come, Superman became immune to Kryptonite.

As for Bats, you know he just got nuked when Bats beat him right? In Hush, when Supes was controlled by Poison Ivy, Bats Kryptonite ring was useless and Supes almost killed him. And you guy also know that Superman himself gave Bats the right, right?
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

In their respective universes, the Justice League of America and the Avengers are considered to be teams of the "world's greatest/mightiest superheroes," and when some huge menace threatens the DC or Marvel universes, the people turn to the JLA and the Avengers to save them. To underestimate the JLA and say The Avengers would womp them is ludicrous, though. Read Superman/Batman to see how they handle large groups.

Is there no love for Aquaman? Aquaman is very underestimated in that he is a solid combatant who has greatly enhanced strength and bulletproof skin to also stand on (yes, even on dry land) that could take on Iron Man or Captain America and come up victorious.

And for the record-

Superman beating Thor was badly written. The descision was based entirely on DC not wanting their star hero to loose. The fight should have been much closer that it was written. In said fight, Thor did alot of stupid %$%$ he normally wouldn't do.
How "they" manage large groups?  You mean how batman handles large groups.  And this is my point...DC has put soooo much responsibility on Batman yet they still let Supe get the shine.  Dude is undeserving at best.

Superman vs. thor?  Even if it was Superman vs. the living tribunal with the infinity gauntlet, phoenix force, M'krann crystal, 4-5 cosmic cubes, and an ultimate nullifier...DC would not let their boy lose.

I mean it's nice when you have your super-hero come back at the last second to win, but I think some of you who see certain avengers get their +#% handed to them think that this is something good for the DC argument.  Your actually d evaluating your characters by always letting them come back at the last second to win.  The best villain superman ever fought was mogul, because he violated superman.  I don't know of any other villain besides darkseid (at times) that has done that to him.

Your defending fishboy though?  I mean Marvel has their own fishboy in namor...but now this dude is a mutant and rocking with the x-men.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by hombrelobo
Your defending fishboy though?  I mean Marvel has their own fishboy in namor...but now this dude is a mutant and rocking with the x-men.
You're so mad about Superman, though. What's wrong with including Aquaman in battle discussion? I'm by no means an Aquaman fan, but I do understand the importance his role would play into said battle with The Avengers.
just to make it clear...the question is not about who would win in a's more of who do you like between the two....but if you feel like talking about battles, then go ahead
Originally Posted by Air Kalo

Marvel > DC, so... yeah.


that's not what this post is about tho....the question is only Avengers and Justice League
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by hombrelobo
Your defending fishboy though?  I mean Marvel has their own fishboy in namor...but now this dude is a mutant and rocking with the x-men.
You're so mad about Superman, though. What's wrong with including Aquaman in battle discussion? I'm by no means an Aquaman fan, but I do understand the importance his role would play into said battle with The Avengers.
I actually like Aquaman but damn, dude gets no respect even from it's on publisher.





Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Your defending fishboy though?  I mean Marvel has their own fishboy in namor...but now this dude is a mutant and rocking with the x-men.
You're so mad about Superman, though. What's wrong with including Aquaman in battle discussion? I'm by no means an Aquaman fan, but I do understand the importance his role would play into said battle with The Avengers.
I actually like Aquaman but damn, dude gets no respect even from it's on publisher.
Grant Morison's Aquaman during his JLA run >
I read some of House of M and all of Civil War with most of the outside issues that tied in if that counts for anything.

I agree that individually the Avengers are much much better, but they're the X-Men writ large. It may go to how basic and broadly written the JLA characters are, but that works hand in hand with the group dynamic. You talk power and Superman...I talk myth and a Norse god fighting beside humans with power-ups. And just basically a lack of necessity to the team. I'll admit I overlooked Cap...him and Tony are two sides to a coin, but I just got to thinking of what happened in Civil War...and everything else is musical chairs.

My question is, what do you think I'm trying to compare? So you're comparing all those infinite earth storylines or lanterns to the Skrulls and Civil War?
You're comparing Mark Millar to Alex Ross to Brian Michael Bendis to Grant Morrison to Geoff Johns...I mean writers are writers and there will always be lever ways to put together and tell stories about well-realized characters, but this speaking as a unit.

The Justice League is iconic and well rounded and more balanced and a true collection of heroes to me. The Avengers are just what they all themselves when they happen to be in a similar place dealing with a similar bad guy. Thor is Thor, Hulk is Hulk, Cap is Cap...The Flash is a member of the Justice League. Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern...members of the Justice League. And mind you, that might be a testament to their characters not being so well rounded, versatile or deeply written on their own, but together they work naturally in a way the Avengers doesn't.

Avengers is just what you call it when a bunch of Marvel loners get together.

I mean...Age of Apocalypse...
A better question would've been Justice League or X-Men to me.
not going lie, i dont read either comic..

but from the little i have seen (comic movies or shows), the whole justice league isn't that great to me.. it's like batman is the brains of the operation and superman is the muscle.. then there are things thrown in to give the other guys stuff to do

with the little stuff i seen with the avengers, you have great individual characters who have to face an immense enemy or force and put aside their personal differences to save the world (or even simply learn how to work with someone else for the greater good).. you have this huge internal conflict because of the personalties of the individuals who are thrust together because they have to in order to save the world

just look at the personalties of the main avengers (just going by the movie cast.. although all named are members of the cartoon movies i've seen):
cap: conservative dude who is trying to figure out how exactly he fits into this new world.. AND then is asked to lead the group
hulk: uncontrollable force that they are somehow trying to find a way to control (has been as much of a problem for the other avengers as the enemy itself in one of the cartoon movies i watched)
ironman: egotistical snob now being asked to be part of the group
thor: dude is a god, how the hell you going tell a god to fall in line

and then you have the regular joe's somehow trying to get these guys to play nice and save the world
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