THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Originally Posted by sc2413

i cant wait, but is is the last 1?
With the Bale/Nolan tandem? Yes. They'll reboot in a few years with Nolan producing, not directing.
Originally Posted by akanote  

It's true. DC announced a complete line of reboots
If Christian Bale doesnt come back to be Batman in 2015..

I heard Armie Hammer (the social network) could be the ideal replacement..

probably Batman in the Justice League movie also..
Originally Posted by Smyrthil

If Christian Bale doesnt come back to be Batman in 2015..

I heard Armie Hammer (the social network) could be the ideal replacement..

probably Batman in the Justice League movie also..

Dude that played the Winklevoss twins? Doesn't seem like a good fit. I can't picture him playing Batman.
What's with these studios going after the guys from the Social Network to play big name heroes? Next we'll see Jesse Eisenberg cast as Flash 
Originally Posted by Smyrthil

If Christian Bale doesnt come back to be Batman in 2015..

I heard Armie Hammer (the social network) could be the ideal replacement..

probably Batman in the Justice League movie also..
Huh. If it's a reboot doesn't that mean original actors aren't in it? I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a new guy.
Armie was slated to play Bats several years ago:
Armie Hammer Recalls Playing Batman In Canceled 'Justice League' Movie

Posted 9/30/10 11:16 am ET by Josh Wigler in DC Comics, Video, interviews

With Marvel's "The Avengers" on the horizon, many fans are wondering when DC Entertainment will announce a "Justice League" film. There's no indication of when or if such an announcement will be made, but fans nearly had a "Justice League" movie to call their own three years ago before it got canceled — largely thanks to the Writers Guild of America strike in 2007.

"The Social Network" star Armie Hammer was one of the young actors cast in "Justice League Mortal," a film that never got off the ground but came quite close. Hammer, who would have played Batman in the film, recently spoke with MTV News and recalled the events that led up to the project's termination.

"We had gotten a long way into pre-production," said Hammer about the ill-fated Australia-set production. "We were about to start shooting when the writer's strike happened at the end of 2007, and then the Australian government denied a 40% tax rebate that they thought they were going to have, so a lot of things just when wrong."

"It's unfortunate," he continued, "because the amount of work that was already done — I mean, they had finished pre-production and they were a couple of days away from starting to shoot, so it's a shame that nobody got to see all of the work that got put into it."

But Hammer has a positive outlook on the situation, taking a silver lining away from the film's cancellation: "At the same time, it was a great experience to get to go to Australia for a month and a half!"

On top of that, it's hard to complain about playing the Caped Crusader, even if Hammer only wore the superhero's costume a handful of times in pre-production.

"I loved it," Hammer said of wearing Batman's costume. "But I didn't even get a picture of it!
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Armie was slated to play Bats several years ago:
Armie Hammer Recalls Playing Batman In Canceled 'Justice League' Movie

Posted 9/30/10 11:16 am ET by Josh Wigler in DC Comics, Video, interviews

With Marvel's "The Avengers" on the horizon, many fans are wondering when DC Entertainment will announce a "Justice League" film. There's no indication of when or if such an announcement will be made, but fans nearly had a "Justice League" movie to call their own three years ago before it got canceled — largely thanks to the Writers Guild of America strike in 2007.

"The Social Network" star Armie Hammer was one of the young actors cast in "Justice League Mortal," a film that never got off the ground but came quite close. Hammer, who would have played Batman in the film, recently spoke with MTV News and recalled the events that led up to the project's termination.

"We had gotten a long way into pre-production," said Hammer about the ill-fated Australia-set production. "We were about to start shooting when the writer's strike happened at the end of 2007, and then the Australian government denied a 40% tax rebate that they thought they were going to have, so a lot of things just when wrong."

"It's unfortunate," he continued, "because the amount of work that was already done — I mean, they had finished pre-production and they were a couple of days away from starting to shoot, so it's a shame that nobody got to see all of the work that got put into it."

But Hammer has a positive outlook on the situation, taking a silver lining away from the film's cancellation: "At the same time, it was a great experience to get to go to Australia for a month and a half!"

On top of that, it's hard to complain about playing the Caped Crusader, even if Hammer only wore the superhero's costume a handful of times in pre-production.

"I loved it," Hammer said of wearing Batman's costume. "But I didn't even get a picture of it!
           Thats dated in September 2010 though... In march 2011, the president of WB said Justice League is going to happen in 2013 .. I posted the
            article not too long ago, cause he was saying he wanted to do a Flash movie and a Wonder Woman tv show from it.. 
Originally Posted by Caerus

Originally Posted by DMoney82

It's true. DC announced a complete line of reboots
Word? Wheres the list, I wanna see what movies are getting rebooted
The president of the Warner Bros. motion picture group, who recently sat down for an extensive interview with The Times, discussed his long-term strategy for DC beyond movies already in the works, such as June’s “Green Lantern
^ Oh yeah Bruce got him at that building. Still though all the hell he raised I would be surprised if they didnt talk about him.
I always assumed that the Joker would be in the third film, especially after Eckhart had said that it was Heath who would move forward. Meaning even though Harvey was dead, the Joker would return. Nolan & co. never confirmed or denied that, but given the fact that the Scarecrow was given the opportunity to at least be in TDK, it would stand to reason that Batman's greatest rival would have at least a nod  in TDKR.
And as for the Justice League film, Wonder Woman was canned after the T.V.  pilot was ill received, and based on the recent box office, Green Lantern is still approximately $200 million in the red. I doubt the Flash will fair any better.

If I was an executive at WB, I would just scrap JL and just stick with a World's Finest (Batman/Superman) film. For each sequel I would slowly introduce some of the "B-list" heroes and based on that spin-off a film off of their characters.
Ra almost destroyed the whole city of Gotham and released a bunch of prisoners/psychopaths and I don't think he was ever mentioned in TDK.
Looks like Ra will be a part of TDKR though in some way, probably a flashback.

And just to bring up some topics for discussions, people were assuming that the Lazarus Pit will bring Ra back but Nolan has made this series realistic so anything magical or supernatural just wouldn't fit. I mean it looks like he isn't even going to cgi Bane to be bigger so I really do hope/wish the Pit ins't included in this film.
Originally Posted by RFX45

And just to bring up some topics for discussions, people were assuming that the Lazarus Pit will bring Ra back but Nolan has made this series realistic so anything magical or supernatural just wouldn't fit. I mean it looks like he isn't even going to cgi Bane to be bigger so I really do hope/wish the Pit ins't included in this film
          ^^ Looks like your hopes and wishes may be down the pit...the Lazarus Pit

The Teaser Trailer shows a young bane crawling out of a deep round well-like hole in the earth. I'm sure that explains the "pit" covered in a green screen. 
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