The Grey Vol. WORST ENDING EVER!...I'm gonna spoil it for ya...thank me later

What starts as a tense and moody survival thriller fairly quickly becomes tedious, forced and far-fetched as a septet of men is preyed upon by a wolf pack in the Alaska wilderness.

Wolves are much maligned in literature and films. The Grey (* * stars out of four, R, opens Friday) takes the notion of their vicious natures to new extremes as dozens of hulking, bright-eyed beasts attack a ragtag assortment of plane-crash survivors with startling ferocity. When they're not ripping people to shreds — as seen up close and personal through an annoyingly shaky camera — they're lurking ominously nearby, howling and growling.

Liam Neeson stars as Ottway, a melancholy loner working among oil-rig roughnecks. Apparently, it's his job to keep the work site safe from animal attacks. When he's not shooting the furry denizens, he's obsessing over a letter he wrote to a woman he loved and lost. He spends a good portion of the movie rereading that letter. He has recurring dreams about his beloved lying in gauzy sheets, and he often recites the lines of a trite poem and consistently reaffirms his lack of religious faith.

Fresh moves are clearly not this guy's thing.

Subtlety is not a trait preferred by writer-director Joe Carnahan (The A Team), either. Early on, Neeson's Ottway sticks a shotgun in his mouth. Why he doesn't pull the trigger is left unexplained.

Next, he boards a small plane bound for Anchorage. Shortly after takeoff, turbulence rocks the plane and it crashes spectacularly in what looks like Arctic tundra. Bodies and plane parts are mangled and scattered across the icy landscape. Ottway takes charge, rounding up the half-dozen survivors and calming a dying man.

This all seems out of character for a guy who a few scenes earlier had seemingly lost the will to live. But he's still no match for the menacing wolves.

Suspense devolves into a rote tale of man vs. beast. The survivors don't fully capture our sympathies because no one is given much dimension. Verbal nastiness erupts occasionally between the humans, but most of their time is spent trudging through snowdrifts and getting into bloody tussles with wolves.

In a climactic scene, the wolf pack inexplicably stands patiently, waiting for Ottway to get ready, arm himself and take a few moments to recite a snippet of a hackneyed poem before they attack. It's as if they were instructed on the gentlemanly art of battle.

In every other scene, the wolves come off as more brutal than bears, sharks and anacondas combined. With its reliance on jolts, sudden movements and thunderous sounds, The Grey is more startling than frightening.


This couldn't be more precise!
People are really mad, obviously if you can't control yourself from settin foot in this thread after the warning is in the title and actually reading my post, you are an idiot
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Yo to see him fight a wolf with his bare hands is the only reason I wanted to see this movie so bad.
Thanks steezy

You see that clip in the commercial when son straps up with mini broken bottles of booze on one hand and a knife on the other...that's the ending right there....and probably the part that hyped me up the most and then BLANK followed by credits....yeah...AWESOME MOVIE...definitely something different...should be done more often.

Yup that scene is the main reason why I wanted to see it. Not even going to download it now
Oh and there was one black man, who couldn't scream out more "I'm the token blak guy here" my dude did absolutely nothing for the film and died of a pneumonia, while everyone else had some cool dramatic gruesome death.
Did you guys watch the scene after the credits?
I mean, its still pretty ambiguous, but it does provide some kind of closure. 
Originally Posted by onlyXVbutHAVEallXIX

Did you guys watch the scene after the credits?
I mean, its still pretty ambiguous, but it does provide some kind of closure. 

You cereal?...::goes to google::
Just read up on the extra scene.

Apparently it shows Neeson's head laying on top of the wolf, and the wolf is breathing slowly....I guess that adds some closure and makes things a bit better....blah..
Gonna have to disagree with OP completely. Movie was very good. It's much more than just a story about men vs. wolves. The way they ended it was good, if he kills the wolf or lives then it's just like okay that happened and it goes against what the director is trying to message to the audience. Again, the story is a lot more than what it seems to be. I highly recommend this film.

And if you're really that unsatisfied there's an extra scene after the credits.
I want a wolf, luckily I'll put the 10 dollars I just saved from not watching this movie towards my wolf fund.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

I just used quick reply but you obviously didn't stay after the credits...

I actually thought I should have stayed, but was too pissed and it didn't seem like the type of movie that would have an extra scene...I don't think it would have made much of a difference....but ah well...
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Gonna have to disagree with OP completely. Movie was very good. It's much more than just a story about men vs. wolves. The way they ended it was good, if he kills the wolf or lives then it's just like okay that happened and it goes against what the director is trying to message to the audience. Again, the story is a lot more than what it seems to be. I highly recommend this film.

And if you're really that unsatisfied there's an extra scene after the credits.

When you really break down the really not that great...starts out strong, but then it has a lot of faults....that review I posted is exactly the way I feel about the be fair though...would it had a better ending I would have been content, ad it did keep me entertained and hooked to see what was gonna happen.
I wasn't pleased with the ending either. I suggested to the people I was with that maybe we should stay for the credits in case there's another scene afterwards but they decided against it.
For example....there is 4 survivors left, and they reach a point where one of them must jump across a cliff into some woods 30 feet apart and miraculously makes it...the whole point of that was to be able to get away from the the last guy is crossing the line and as expected he falls, movie is beyond he falls, hits every branch of the tree possible on the way down...only to get eaten at the bottom by the wolves that apparently had already made the jump and were already waiting for them on the other side

That's great directing to you dudes
Didn't watch, but this youtube comment made me lol: "They were gonna fight, but decided just to cuddle instead"

(Based on those last two seconds)
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I'm not lying man....homie calling me lame must have awesome taste in movies...

one review
So yeah, lets listen to one NTer....

When 8 out of every 10 PROFESSIONAL MOVIE REVIEWERS gave it a "Fresh" rating.

Makes sense.


For sure critics are always on point.Listen to this guy, AWESOME MOVIE GUYS....let me know how you feel at the end.
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