"The Last Dance" Michael Jordan & Chicago Bulls Docuseries

All of those things can happen at the same time.
Without question you are correct. But as you know, we all dont have the same personalities and we react differently to critisizm.
If you lead a team or a crew of some sort to accomplish anything, some will have to be pushed harder than others do. Some will respond to the nice treatment or direction and some wont. Some will wait till your red lined pissed off before getting the message. Those are the people that get the treatment in a negative way because it appears that they do not want to have the drive that you or others around you have.
The best way to lead imo is purely by example. That way your cred is always there.
If you lead and still find yourself working harder than the people around you, it can create a negative reaction.
I have 21 year old son and a 15 year daughter that cant take being told they did something wrong. Which gets frustrating because when you screwed something up when I was younger, at home or work, you got told about it and wasnt candy coated.
Now a days you cant be that way to anybody.
One thing's for sure, I don't wanna see all of these "Chamillionaire" -type dudes, crying in front of their IGs and tv cameras after MJ's funeral, waxing poetic about who he was, after the fact. For every 1 of those "MJ is a jerk" stories, there's 20 more that completely contradict that. One point of view doesn't shape the totality of a man, especially a man that a lot of us will never even meet.
1976 born here and I cannot WAIT!! Less than 24 hours to go!! I As an "oldhead" on the forums, this whole documentary is going to just make me smile and make me geek out! I can remember where I was for every Bulls playoff run during each championship. Always had my newest Jordans on while I watched.

Speaking about the shoes, being I'm from '76, my first technical pair was a pair of kids Sky Jordan 1s, when I was little. I remember going to my dad's work (he was an auto mechanic, and the smartest man I know, who can still, at 83, rebuild an engine for a Model T or Model A Ford), and when I walked in to the garage he worked at, his co-worker, who was a Bucks fan (who suffered misery in '90 when the Bulls beat them in the playoffs), noticed the shoes (the black/reds) and said "Sky Jordans"! Yup, already.

But my real first pair was a pair of black cement IVs from the local mom & pop sneaker shop. Was going for a pair of Lava ATC II, but my mom asked if I wanted the Jordans since they were only $10 more. That's why when they can back, I got 2 pairs right away.

It's going to be fun watching and listening to local sports radio (I'm in the Philly burbs and we got WIP here). They will be talking about this along with Eagles draft coverage. Gives me a reason to call in (as the morning show host, one Angelo Cataldi absolutely HATES MJ). I cannnot wait!!!
They gonna put parts 1 and 2 on the ESPN app after they air it? I’m getting a new tv Monday and want to wait to watch this on my new tv.
Cant wait for this! Growing up loving and playing ball as well as being a basketball history nerd I was worried id be seeing a lot of footage that ive already seen a million times (still wouldve watched this 30 for 30) but those Shelbourne tweets got me even more juiced
They gonna put parts 1 and 2 on the ESPN app after they air it? I’m getting a new tv Monday and want to wait to watch this on my new tv.
I'm sure they will. That's what they did for the OJ doc

The ratings for this is gonna be insane. Only his Airness could generate this much hype :pimp:
The things mentioned here aren't mutually exclusive.

You can be a great competitor that pushes those around him with/without being a jerk. It is possible.

Also, if someone finds someone a jerk that pushes folks around them in a "negative" (subjective) manner, it doesn't mean they aren't competitive and/or haven't been in their own personal wars. It COULD just mean they think hat person is an a**hole.

It isn't as black and white as you are speaking.

We can be motivated humans, while respecting Jordan's drive while still calling him a jerk. The same way people view Kobe.

All of those things can happen at the same time.
It is pretty tough talking objectively to people who are super fans of an individual, those who feel that their hero is somehow infallible.
What I find funny is that the stories about Jordan verbally abusing teammates gets “Yeah MJ!” “Atta boy” response from a lot of his fans, knowing damn well a lot of these cats wouldn’t tolerate that type of treatment themselves if they were subjected to that (unless you have no backbone).

even Bill Cartwright had to check MJ with the threat of breaking his legs before MJ toned it down, to which MJ did.
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What I find funny is that the stories about Jordan verbally abusing teammates gets “Yeah MJ!” “Atta boy” response from a lot of his fans, knowing damn well a lot of these cats wouldn’t tolerate that type of treatment themselves if they were subjected to that.

even Bill Cartwright has to check MJ with the threat of breaking his legs before MJ toned it down.
You can tell how players from that school of thought were coached. If they came from an abusive coach, ala Bobby Knight style? They feel that it made them tougher, and that if you weren't coached that way? You do not know how to respond to pressure, and you do not know how to win. This is the very reason why I dig Dr.J much more than Jordan. While Doc only has one chip in the NBA, you'll never hear any of his teammates, coaches, say one word against him. He proves that you can win, be considered one of the best, without being a complete butthole.
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