THE LEBRON 13 THREAD *Elites released**Command Force 6/11/16

I'm another MKE head, first time checking into this thread.

Have you guys seen any LB13s being worn around town. I feel like the LBJ line has really taken a nose dive over the last couple years.
Nothing casually, I see Kobes a little more regularly. A few weeks ago I was at a FTL seeing a dad buy his kid the On-Court 13's, but he was more interested in the fact that they just came out and nobody else on the team except his son would have them because they were so new...
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Forgot about that wine and cork color way. I might have to risk one of these color ways and waiting for a sale. TOO MUCH heat coming out. Aquas, Maroons now YEEZYS, Plus you know buying my family x-mas crap (being a good bf, brother, son and so forth) so I gotta prioritize. I want both these and those Akronite joints. I love this model. Very dope shoe...
I was hoping to get ft13's on ndc with an assist, but i guess i'll just have to wait and hope they go down that low 
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