"The Master" Jordan 12s To Release (2/27/2016)

You know aside from a few ppl in here most bought to resell.

I didn't really get that impression with this release. It's just another retro. There's no collab hype a la supreme/ovo/jb/db/psny with this one. There are always people who will cop to resell with any release.
I would have to agree, that most here wear their kicks. Sure there are some people here who sell em. I cant remember the last time I wore a sneaker on the day they released, hence why there arent many on feet pics.
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Meh. The most elegant are Concord/DMP/SJ XIs and WC/BC 3s. These and the taxis could come in 3rd place though. If there wasn't so much heat coming later this year I would've definitely gotten a pair of these. I just don't want to store all this stuff that I'm not going to realistically use a lot.
The Bin 2s in my opinion is the mose elegant ever made. Just Dons and 5s were very nice. Concord / VI DMPs, BC3s, Taxi 12s, V. Red VIs, OG 2s, and OVO 12s may earn a mark on the list.
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It's a couple pages back

That's just desperation haha! People will try to use anything as trade bait for those. These are better than those boosts in every way. It's sad people just want a pair to brag that they have them. I hope Kanye does make good on his word and makes those a GR eventually.

Every time I see pictures of lines from this morning's release, all I can hear is this guy saying "It's refund season!"

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The Bin 2s in my opinion is the mose elegant ever made. Just Dons and 5s were very nice. Concord / VI DMPs, BC3s, Taxi 12s, V. Red VIs, OG 2s, and OVO 12s may earn a mark on the list.

The bin 2s are nice with the exception of that red seal on them. So are the beach don 2s. The blue pair is too gaudy to be elegant. I agree with much of your list.
I was planning on passing because of the French blues next month but I have a feeling those will be easier to grab on release day and on restocks.

With the OVO hype the all black 10s received I had a feeling these would fly.

Couldn't risk missing out on a restock later on

I'm not stressing it. I bought a new car today anyway. There's probably some guy who got my 11.5 that probably put in more leg work on the bus to get them. More power to them.
These might not be "the most elegant J's of all time", but they are certainly high up on the list. Absolutely loving this sneaker right now.
:smokin :nthat: :pimp:
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