I received the following info, perhaps you can confirm/expand?

The story around the shoe is I-Athlete "Art ofDefense". To kick start the I-Athlete concept, we will be collaborating with a watch company called OUI, and they will be producing a custom Jordanversion of their "Worldwide Smart Watch" that will be sold in conjunction with a premium Blk/Metallic Gold version of the Game shoe.http://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asphref="http://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp">httphttp://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asphref="http://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp">://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp
These look like they took the initial rendering/sketch and just built the shoe to look exactly like that. They need to smooth the shape out and get rid of thatstupid heel. It still wouldn't look that good after that though...

Honestly, all they need to do is create an early 90s looking Jordan, call it the new sig model and it will sell like hot-cakes...for real. This space-agelooking crap will not suffice.

Like I said before, slap an and1 logo on these and these can easily sell for $34.99 at Kohls...
Originally Posted by aNYth1ng


can't seem to find anything that's in Varsity Red in these




^it says, "The Greatest There Ever Will Be"

Yeah I'mfeeling this colorway better, I don't like black on black kicks much, unless their uptowns. These photos make them look alot better.
I don't know about y'all, but where is the so-called varcity red on these? They look black and white to me; the only other color on these aregrey/stealth, and that greenish diamond thingy.
these have grown on me, quite a bit

i like how the Jordan name can be read the same upside down
Really? You?!

If that's true, please direct me to a realtor in "The Beav"...I hear you got an awesome price on your place, and I'm looking for a similar deal. Granted, I'd like to buy my joint, I'm not a slave to shady landlords and rent contracts. Thanks, "Bamma."

I can only imagine who this is.... Yeah.. I got a hell ofa deal on my spot and only 2 mins driving from Campus...I lucked out because it was bought by a Nike Employee who went to Asia, but never occupied the spot..so I swooped in.. Wasn't hard to sell either.... to another Nike future employee...

As for the explanation:

I received the following info, perhaps you can confirm/expand?

The story around the shoe is I-Athlete "Art of Defense". To kick start the I-Athlete concept, we will be collaborating with a watch company called OUI, and they will be producing a custom Jordan version of their "Worldwide Smart Watch" that will be sold in conjunction with a premium Blk/Metallic Gold version of the Game shoe. http://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asphttp://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp href="http://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp">httphttp://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asphttp://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp href="http://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp">//www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp

Not sure about the World Wide Smart Watch but yes the Art of Defense IS the Initial thought behind it. I just wish the entire story could be told or will try to be told from the Original Vision.

Each Jordan up until now has been based on the Offensive Game of MJ... All inspiration based on how his offensive game is elevated through his need to cut, drive and shoot. Well If anyone is familiar with Fencing.. Its based solely on the Art of Defense. A big part of MJs game was also Defense, although many remember his Offensive Exploits, but his Defense is what made his Offfense come so easy at times.

The Pleats which are shown in leather were originally done with a Silk Material which is used on the Fencing "Uniform" and there was originally a Carbon Fiber Heel which was so creatively GENIUS, it was not designed nor created by The Kitchen or Nike's Engineers who come up with many of the innovative things at the Swoosh... But it was developed and tested by the designer himself. I am just disappointed that it did not make it to final production, because when folks ask if its the shoes... Those joints would have been banned from the NBA Hardwood from actually increasing the vertical of the person wearing them.
Originally Posted by RockDeep

Really? You?!

If that's true, please direct me to a realtor in "The Beav"...I hear you got an awesome price on your place, and I'm looking for a similar deal. Granted, I'd like to buy my joint, I'm not a slave to shady landlords and rent contracts. Thanks, "Bamma."
I can only imagine who this is.... Yeah.. I got a hell of a deal on my spot and only 2 mins driving from Campus...I lucked out because it was bought by a Nike Employee who went to Asia, but never occupied the spot.. so I swooped in.. Wasn't hard to sell either.... to another Nike future employee...

As for the explanation:

I received the following info, perhaps you can confirm/expand?

The story around the shoe is I-Athlete "Art of Defense". To kick start the I-Athlete concept, we will be collaborating with a watch company called OUI, and they will be producing a custom Jordan version of their "Worldwide Smart Watch" that will be sold in conjunction with a premium Blk/Metallic Gold version of the Game shoe. http://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asphttp://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asphttp://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp href="http://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp">httphttp://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asphttp://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asphttp://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp href="http://www.ouiwatch.com/products.asp">

Not sure about the World Wide Smart Watch but yes the Art of Defense IS the Initial thought behind it. I just wish the entire story could be told or will try to be told from the Original Vision.

Each Jordan up until now has been based on the Offensive Game of MJ... All inspiration based on how his offensive game is elevated through his need to cut, drive and shoot. Well If anyone is familiar with Fencing.. Its based solely on the Art of Defense. A big part of MJs game was also Defense, although many remember his Offensive Exploits, but his Defense is what made his Offfense come so easy at times.

The Pleats which are shown in leather were originally done with a Silk Material which is used on the Fencing "Uniform" and there was originally a Carbon Fiber Heel which was so creatively GENIUS, it was not designed nor created by The Kitchen or Nike's Engineers who come up with many of the innovative things at the Swoosh... But it was developed and tested by the designer himself. I am just disappointed that it did not make it to final production, because when folks ask if its the shoes... Those joints would have been banned from the NBA Hardwood from actually increasing the vertical of the person wearing them.

That's a nice back story on the shoe. Can you elaborate on the carbon fiber heel? was it integrated into the midsole?
^^ Yes...

I couldn't do the explanation justice if I wanted to in trying to explain it, but I do hope its considered for later models of shoes. With Mark Smith beingat the Helm of Creative Director, he should be really allowing the Designers to do their thing and not be held back by Politics or crap from Marketing whocould switch the Inspiration of a shoe and its Story...
I hope we can get some sample photos of how the shoe could have been, and what the final product is.
yeah that kind of befuddles me a bit, Rock. When you take away integral parts of the shoe it gets harder to tell the story behind it.

So this spring plate, did it differ greatly from the heel that we are seeing? I guess what I am asking is are you sure it's not still implemented?
I understand that new tech is a good thing most of the time, but why does JB feel they need to always come up with the craziest tech on every new shoe. in myopinion, people that say they would never hoop in 1's are ridiculous. what are you too good for them? If they were good enough for Michael Jordan,they're good enough for you...... This true flight crap is just bull, give us real 7's. Again, if they were good enough for MJ himself, they are morethan enough for us. and these 2009... why put some high heels on them when we would be just fine with a regular sole.
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