The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I really don't see him turning into a villain. He seems more like Endeavor, really. Idk if you read the manga or where the anime is at, but I think while his attitude is terrible he's not evil. Another part of him not wanting to be a villain is to him villains are losers, which is why he aspired to be like All Might.

Like I said Idk where you're at in the series and I'm not a big Bakugou fan, but he is growing as character and showing remorse for some of his actions. He still has a long way to go when it comes to resolving his issues with Deku though.
Yeah. Further in the manga you get the sense that he's just an ******* but not really a villain. In fact he pretty much hates the villains and admires All Might just as much as Deku. He's just an ******* though
Bakugo is like a fake rip off of vegeta. They provide no insight as to why he hates deku that much. Ok because he gained an immense power? That's it? That's lame. This is why I like older anime that have a lot of episodes. The newer style has everything concised into less count of episodes but you feel like some things are rushed like character progression etc. it makes no sense why bakugo acts like that towards deku. And it's a shame becaused he's a great character as far as design, powers, voice actor etc.

And deku crying every episode scared of every got damn thing is starting to get annoying. I hope he isn't like this forever. Like maybe when allmight dies(?) he'll grow some nuts.

Overall good episode though
He doesn't like Deku because of his superior complex. When they were kids, Deku followed Bakugo around and he was essentially the cool kid because of his powers. Then when Bakugo almost drowned, Deku saved him. And to Bakugo having a no powered worm like Deku save him made him hate him. Then deku saved him again later on etc. it's a superiority plus inferiority complex with him. He needs to feel superior but from some reason he feels inferior to Deku

Also older anime had a bunch of filler and even then you see a lot of shows have 12 episode seasons etc. MHA follows the manga pretty closely so unless they make random stuff up, the rush is how it originally was

For my FLCL head's
Trailer came out July But I was caught up in other things and found it a few weeks ago

The final episode of Classroom of the Elite was strong. I definitely want to see more of this series in the future.
Made in Abyss is done. I was not expecting an hour long episode for the finale but it was very much appreciated.
and now we get to see Bonedrewd and the monster that he is. :smh:
It's a good thing that the anime left off here. It's a great lead up to what can potentially be a great 2nd season if it gets made.
Made in Abyss is done. I was not expecting an hour long episode for the finale but it was very much appreciated.
and now we get to see Bonedrewd and the monster that he is. :smh:
It's a good thing that the anime left off here. It's a great lead up to what can potentially be a great 2nd season if it gets made.

Hi gaiz, been a while.

What's this show about?
Hi gaiz, been a while.

What's this show about?
it has indeed been a while. :lol:
The short and sweet of it is that it's about child cave spelunkers making a one way trip down a cave that's an allusion to the circles of hell a'la Dante's inferno.

It is a good show regardless of the artstyle. It gets mature real quick in some parts. :lol:
One Piece

Pudding has really come into her own this arc. I don't think I've ever gone from hating to liking a character this fast before. :lol:
And the strawhats are getting owned. Someone has to come in and save them soon. Hopefully the German 66 come to repay the debt.
why tdogg got two accounts though :lol: :emoji_thinking:

when I troll I want you to know it's me.

(honestly i cant find the pass word to my other account) and they're oddly both linked to the same email.

One piece is great. i really want to know who's going to save who.
Why ain't any of yall say something about Digimon Adventure Tri's 5th movie being released yesterday? I just found out today :smh:
Tokyo Ghoul: RE

holy crap, we might be getting a bad end for this series. Next week can't come soon enough. :lol:
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