The Official Flightposite 2014 Thread Vol. Carbons, H20, Possible Coppers

Coulda got these today. Had em in my hand n tried them on but passed on em. They aint look right on me so I went with the 10s instead. They are comfortable tho n I think they will sit in stores as well
Had them in my cart, decided to let them go. Still waiting in line for the 10s.

Jimmy Jazz have the Flightposite available as well.
Copped for nostalgic purposes, didn't think it would be THIS easy tho.

Nike clearly tryin to make this the next hyped posite for the young beasts 'cept it aint working yet. From removing the zipper to make it resemble more of a foamposite to bringing out the most revered colorways, Nike is trying to get these back on the map. I wouldn't be surprised if nike drops some limited colorway/collab soon to get the hype rollin because right now its lookin like a fail.
I personally like these. I used to have all the colorways when they came out about 15 years ago. I bought them for nostalgic reasons as well, plus I am a fan of carbon fiber. Nike needs to release the air signature again.
Copped off NDC. I hate what they did with the medial side of the sneaker.

If I don't like them I'll take them back, no biggie
I hope nike realizes that changing a shoe does just that, CHANGES THE SHOE, as in they're not even a rerelease. These are its own thing not a CF retro
I am amazed these were so easy to cop.  I know a lot of people were turned off by the changes, but I didn't think they were that bad.  I say that now hope i still feel the same way when i get them in hand.  That hike in price wasn't cool though.  
The medial sole differences were not enough to keep me from buying, think about it, it's a part of the shoe that is minimally visible.
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