**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**


Thank you maxair59 maxair59 for the HeyZeus Piece.
I gotta get a new chain though, the clasp doesn't fit through the bale.
yooo can anyone help me identify what type of chain this is? my in-law was rockin it today, but didn’t know what it was called since his mom got it for him. joint was gorgeous yall, sits like a herringbone bone chain but it’s thick. this might be the next piece i get instead of a franco

You know me and JPs lol. Working on this update to Kanye Jesus Piece.. Rough wax will def clean up and then make sure to have nice clean final wax model. Trying to stay true to the Kanye JP Face. Still not even close to done i hope to have the model ready in next month or so. Working also the crown area to sit like Kanye's.

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