**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

I hope this will make you feel better but it took over a month for me to get my angel, I never tripped though because he did send updates through out the whole process from the wax mold to the casting and to the setting. I know that anxious feeling but as long as he responded to my text it was cool

But see that's the thing you got a "custom" Angel if they had to wax, cast, & set that's a custom job & should take that long..but mine isn't! It is a Rose gold iceless cherub & rope chain..nothing even crazy..and again I was under the impression that he had it in stocc..it's on the website..he post em on ig..actually that pic is a couple pages bacc..the pic I ordered mine off is the one with like maybe 5 gold ones & a Rose one..that's the exact one I ordered! So it should have been in stocc right?

This is the pic I'm referring to
But yo I'm through with internet shopping..dude definitely ruined this experience for me..the fact that it was supposed to be a bday present to myself & I've never owned anything Rose gold just wanted something nice & clean which he was told all of this but had to go through this bull to get it just turned me off til this altogether..if I can't walk in the store, get it, leave with it I do not want it..I just feel so played..& most of it coulda been avoided is the f'd up part..but I'm done man it's a rap
But before let me be clear about something..in No way, shape, or form am I trying to discredit his work..I've said it before I'll say it again he makes quality pieces & is reasonably priced that's why it hurts me to do this but I am in no way tryna knocc dude hustle..I understand that this is a specific situation & y'all should too..rob & I are businessmen but this has definitely strained the business relationship but I am in no way tryna deter anyone else from shopping with dude I just had vent frustrations right quicc & put the writing on the wall for all to see & people enter with precaution & have they **** in order..that is all & I am out.
In a few months ima see about getting a 18kt cuban made about 60 grams 30 inches and 5mm thick. My new jeweler said he can make one for about 1800. Lets see about that haaaaaa!!!!

Yea that doesn't even make sense considering scrap value for that is over $1900 right now :lol:
Random, but I wanna say around a month or so ago, LAX texted me outta nowhere. Apologized for being busy or whatever. Don't really remember the message (who else got it? :lol:). But I hadn't talked to him in around half a year any way so it was funny. Like he got a guilt trip into sending a message to all of his prior/current customers :lol: He's a good guy, he can be slow some times but he's not going to scam anyone. The Murikami and that Tito are really nice. I agree with whoever said the beard on the Tito might look better with the same kind of setting though.
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Does anyone know if Daniel will give me a better price if I buy something in-store? Gonna be in the area and was wondering if it was worth it to make the trip
Does anyone know if Daniel will give me a better price if I buy something in-store? Gonna be in the area and was wondering if it was worth it to make the trip

Cash is king g...just talked to my guy LAX & he's been a tight jam as of late...things happen that we aren't in control of sometimes...not justifying that month long wait but my dude is always 100 & guarantee he'll make it up to you somehow
Anyone have a mariner link chain?
If so, what pendant do you have on it?

I have one that I'm thinking of throwing a pendant on
I hear you Qualmes but communication is key bro..it ain't no slander on this side just frustration from a specific incident..whether he make it up or not we shall see..but I'm at my wits end RealTalk bro.
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