The Official Jordan XXXI Thread

Thinking about making the drive down to Culver City, but it's a 2 hour drive. Dunno if it'd be worth it just to be told they don't got 'em.
I'm pretty sure they'll be done by then

 i hope your score tho

Thanks, Grizz.

And it's only a mile and a half from where I stay so it's not out of the way. I'm sure I can find something to pick up to mask the hurt from the Zebra release.
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Trying very hard not to grab the xxxi lows for 104 plus 10% ebates. Someone talk me down from the ledge please!!
2 locations wow 
I feel like doubling up on a pair of the MVPs, see a pair listed for $400, not that bad, don't know if it would be fulfilled though.
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