The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Started watching Troy. Pretty good so far. The gods manipulating people and placing bets. helen is ok looking then she got naked and I understood. Aphrodite looking like a meal.

Curious about this. Trailer didn’t really get me but big fan of Greek mythos. Might give it a shot
Watching Hardcore Henry on Netflix. This Akan dude sounds like Tommy Wiseau. I'm expecting him to ask Henry about his sex life at some point.
Troy: Series is delivering. I can’t wait to meet Achilles. I even like Paris and Menalaus.
Writing is pretty legit though. You can’t tell their budget was limited, they did a hell of a job.
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Watched 'Dating Around' last night with my girl. Six short episodes of individuals going on five first dates then choosing one for a second date. Has a reality TV vibe, but it has a variety of folks throughout the episodes. Thought I'd be bored watching it, but it wasn't too bad.
Watched 'Dating Around' last night with my girl. Six short episodes of individuals going on five first dates then choosing one for a second date. Has a reality TV vibe, but it has a variety of folks throughout the episodes. Thought I'd be bored watching it, but it wasn't too bad.
starting now.
Tiffany has a fat face but her body is actually nice.too bad shes fishing for compliments. and annoying
Luke is so boring tho. He not ready for the blonde chick but she was the coolest. Brunette chick is nice too.
Colombian chick is beautiful too.
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