The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

I just recently upgraded cameras about a month ago, I just bought a Nikon D750 and so far im enjoying it. My current issue is that lightroom isn't recognizing my raw files, does anyone know how to get around this? I also tried getting a DNG converter from adobe labs, but it still doesnt let me edit them in lightroom. Can someone help me? 

What version LR do you have? I believe you need LR6 for the newest cameras. I don't think my LR5 updates the camera raw anymore. Photoshop cs6 continues to update, but I don't think Lightroom does.
Had a big shoot today and photographer had a D750. Camera was beast.

I understand how 50mm on a full frame works compared to 50mm on my crop.

Whats the cheapest Canon full frame? Would it even make sense to a better camera that's not full frame?
Picasso ..

I like you my dude ...

But you really need to learn your camera.

You have asked several questions that IMHO shows that you still don't have good fundamentals.

For example - I can get great bokeh beyond 1.8 - is it easier at 1.2? Yes, but is it impossible at f/4? No ...

No it seems that you just want a good rig, whether its FF or Crop - if you don't understand the camera, results aren't going to change.

You like the 50 on a FF, might want to look into a 35 on a crop.

Either way there's more than just getting the best camera and lens - that's not going to change bad photography (not saying that yours is bad).

Show us example of what you want to achieve?


Don't forget Post Production which plays a big part as well!
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I just started summer 16 so I still consider myself a novice. I ask a ton of questions cause this is probably THE most helpful/mature topic I ever been on, and ive been on NT since like 06. :lol:

I get the 35 is like a 50 on a crop, I just ask questions that seemingly dont have any previous knowledge behind it but for photography maybe I just dont how to ask the right questions.

I can get by with my photographt now for what im doing (IG) but if you want an example...

This is my pic.

But this just looks so...dope.

How sway? Mostly post production? I just love the colors and tone.
I just started summer 16 so I still consider myself a novice. I ask a ton of questions cause this is probably THE most helpful/mature topic I ever been on, and ive been on NT since like 06. :lol:

I get the 35 is like a 50 on a crop, I just ask questions that seemingly dont have any previous knowledge behind it but for photography maybe I just dont how to ask the right questions.

I can get by with my photographt now for what im doing (IG) but if you want an example...

This is my pic.

But this just looks so...dope.

How sway? Mostly post production? I just love the colors and tone.

there is a slight difference in crop vs full frame, you do generally get less noise and better low light performance, that while maybe not super perceptible, is a real ting if you after that look...

the difference between your shot & the example could be a lot of things, camera & lens used, aperture, lighting, camera angle, white balance, how the camera metered for the frame, and how the image was processed...lots of variables, but you just got to try a bunch of things until you get want you want...

part of the reason that image has more oompf than yours is the deeper depth of field in your image compared to the other image and as a result there isn't as obvious what you are supposed be looking at in the image; everything is of equal importance... as well as less contrast in your image, did a quick edit to add blur, contrast, & warmth to your og image, it is a lil' over the top & imprecise but hope it helps

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Anyone got any cool bag recommendations? I want to start traveling/hiking/maybe even camping a lot this year.

Was looking at the Brevite bag someone posted a few pages back, the peak design every day backpack and some f-stop bags. Is it even that serious? Should I just cop whichever and stop overthinking?
Anyone got any cool bag recommendations? I want to start traveling/hiking/maybe even camping a lot this year.

Was looking at the Brevite bag someone posted a few pages back, the peak design every day backpack and some f-stop bags. Is it even that serious? Should I just cop whichever and stop overthinking?
I have the Lowepro Flipside 400AW. Love it

looks like this:

I see what youre saying. My pic "forces" you too look at everything whereas his pic the focus is obviously the bag.

I just like his general tone. Maybe ill look into the white balance thing but repped for the info man.
I have a lowepro photosport for hiking. Has a waist strap to alleviate stress on your shoulder and compartment for water bladder. Good for day hikes.
i still wanna get one of those peak clips

Love mine. The extra locking screw thing on mine is kinda messed up after a few years of heavy use but I haven't noticed any issues during operation. Still trust it holding my camera while on my motorcycle.
Alright fellas, need some help here, I went shooting today with my 750 and did a couple edits on some shots, this one being one of them. 

However when I exported to my dropbox..the image wasn't as crisp as it was on my LR. 

What am I doing wrong? This issue is really prevalent when I go on my IG on a computer, alot of my shots look really compressed, examples provided below.

shot by me

Perfectly clear, shot by my friend.

Image sizing is set to long edge, 1080 pixels, with a resolution of 72 pixels/inch

I've asked several friends what the issue may be, because I used to upload straight to my cloud which we thought was the problem originally..then switched to Dropbox and it started working better however the images don't look the same online as they do on my IG app.

Final note: This image on the post looks way clearer on my LR also, which the bottom pic is a screenshot of the develop module
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I see what youre saying. My pic "forces" you too look at everything whereas his pic the focus is obviously the bag.

I just like his general tone. Maybe ill look into the white balance thing but repped for the info man.

for that you need to learn framing. im no pro at it, but i know it helps. learn about the golden ratio and rule of thirds.

Edit: looking at it again my eyes are drawn to the wood flooring and i believe thats a framing issue. just research what i mentioned above and go from there
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for that you need to learn framing. im no pro at it, but i know it helps. learn about the golden ratio and rule of thirds.

Edit: looking at it again my eyes are drawn to the wood flooring and i believe thats a framing issue. just research what i mentioned above and go from there

Yeah I been read about rule of thirds and all that. My framing for actual fit pics is fine, but product pics like that im still learning a lot on and experimenting.
ig makes pictures less sharp and people sharpen in ig to make up for it. i personally dont care and what gets exported is what gets uplaoded to ig.
The focus isn't really on IG as much since as soon as I export the file from LR it seems to have been compressed.
Daughter's first time seeing and playing in the snow. Edited just using the tone curve...I thought it came out decent.

I don't use iPhoto, but if you're just importing to your machine, you can just drag and drop from the sd card if you have a card reader.


Finally tried Lightroom on a compt this weekend (instead of mobile app). pretty overwhelming at first but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Here are some more random shots from this weekend.






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I believe it was just my LR export settings, used 5000 pixels, long edge for this with 300 DPI.

As far as resolution goes, are there better settings to capture all detailing?
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