The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

^^^^Well that is the kicker. I don't have any. I actually saw this photo online and somewhat want to duplicate it to a degree:


But I am thinking of having one flash to the left and one to the right. The other catch I have is I only have one really tall tripod. The other one I can use of my camera but it only goes to eye height sort of like below.


I might even have one flash behind cause I like that look but wonder if one flash in front will do the trick. Any suggestions? Do I have to get some sort of modifier? City hall is lit with blue and yellow right now. I think I am heading there after blue hour. Will the flashes be to harsh without it?
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^^^Yo Tokes. Can you post the OG version of the second to last photo? I know you shoot raw but I want to see how much you were able to pull from it. Thanks homie.
^^^Yo Tokes. Can you post the OG version of the second to last photo? I know you shoot raw but I want to see how much you were able to pull from it. Thanks homie.

no problem:


it is a bit too overdone, the processed version looks like hdr, but it gives a good idea of how much information is in a single raw file
no problem:


it is a bit too overdone, the processed version looks like hdr, but it gives a good idea of how much information is in a single raw file

Wow....that is amazing. I wasn't even expecting that little detail. I thought you'd see a cloud somewhere. I actually thought I'd see the sky more darker and the flowers underexposed. I really have to try and shoot RAW more often.
May someone explain to me how I can post Flickr pictures on here ? I searched the thread and found one recommendation, but it didn't work.

Thanks in advance !

go to your photo, click the arrow/share button, grab the bbcode for whatever size you want to share, and paste it here

Wow....that is amazing. I wasn't even expecting that little detail. I thought you'd see a cloud somewhere. I actually thought I'd see the sky more darker and the flowers underexposed. I really have to try and shoot RAW more often.

if you look closely you can just make out some of the clouds, actually did shoot some frames where a exposed for the sky and the foreground was dark but there wasn't quite as much room to push the shadows and retain strong color...

I think it's a good idea to try it out for anyone who has a camera with the capability to capture raw to at least shoot raw+jpeg. it may not even be a need for most shot, in which case delete the raw files or store them untouched but it can be really useful in those situations when you expect or need to push the values. if just to use the all that the camera is able to do...
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Sony has announced the a7R II, a 42.4MP mirrorless camera with an image stabilized full-frame BSI CMOS sensor. Unlike its predecessor, the camera includes on-sensor phase detection elements for faster autofocus, which continues to work with other brands' lenses. The camera also has a revised shutter mechanism, rated to 500,000 actuations but also promising less vibration than the one on its predecessor. The sensor is by far the largest backside illuminated CMOS chip to be released, allowing the maximum expanded ISO to rise two stops to 102,400. The camera will cost around $3,200.

The a7R II also gains 5-axis image stabilization that is rated at 4.5 stops, according to CIPA standard.

The camera can capture 4K (UHD) video at 30p/25p or 24p in the XAVC S 4K format. The 4K video can be taken either from the full sensor width or from a Super 35 crop. Even this smaller crop over-samples by around 1.4x.

[COLOR=#red]Continue to sleep on Sony. It's the best thing that can happen to them. Oh and this will have autofocus capability with 3rd party and lens used with adapters. 1st Full Frame with 4k vid and backside illuminated sensor, throw in a 399 point pdaf system, and a 5 axis stabilization system and you have one of the best cams on the market. Yall can keep those incredibly big and bulky DSLRs. Welcome to the future of professional cameras.[/COLOR]

^^^^I was actually waiting for you to post that. I think your statement in saying "sleep on Sony" is false. Matter a fact, I think people are doing nothing but embrace the A7 lines. This camera seems to have addressed the main issues that plagued the ones in the past but it does come with a price tag. I really think that might be the only thing stopping everyone from getting it cause the older A7s seemed budget friendly. I can't wait for Sony to make another A7 with a smaller pixel size but with the updated autofocus. That would be the camera of all cameras for general users.

It's pretty crazy how we are back at this megapixel war. Never did I think camera companies would jump straight to 50mp range rather than going up to Nikon's 36mp sensor. The details from the 5Ds alone is amazing but really only notable in print. I don't ever see myself getting one but I know print photographers are going total use of it.
Continue to sleep on Sony. It's the best thing that can happen to them. 
Serious question; why is that the best thing that can happen to them?

hahaha! don't think they would co-sign that...

as it is they make sensors for something like close 50% or more of all the other camera manufacturers anyway (as well as gopros & iphones!!!), so it may not really matter if people sleep or not...on some level it probably would be better for sony if they just concentrated on making sensors & selling them to everyone else, but sony has a rich history as a product company that makes innovative stuff, and as they've fallen so far i'm sure they want rebuild they brand with consumers...

and "sleep" is the wrong word, as i understand it, even with the a7 series doing work out here (supposedly sony is controlling the mirrorless segment of cameras by a pretty healthy margin), people have real concerns about these cameras. for one, is this mismatching of size; the bodies are compact but the (quality autofocus) lenses not so much and many of the lenses are pricey as well as not having many that are autofocus enabled. the autofocus hasn't been all that great on any of the a7 cameras as compared to their dslr bredren. not to mention that many just don't like the experience, handling, or the interface of sony cameras. and even though the a7 bodies are still pretty tiny in comparison to dslrs they seem to be getting bigger, combine this with the size of the glass it kind of takes away one of the main benefits of the camera: being small & light for easy portability.

cameras are tools, and as such people are given to have all manner of preferences about them, lens selection, big pixels, small pixels, small light cameras, big sturdy cameras, image quality, low-light, low noise, on & on...for pros that are deeply invested & familiar with other systems it makes sense that they'd be wary of switching up especially when the equivalent may not be available with the sonys, that may change with their cameras going forward but it will be interesting to see how, if at all this changes what canon & nikon will do next...
Sold my old cam on Amazon. The buyer sends me an email claiming it was damaged in shipping and he wanted to return it. I went ahead and authorized it, and this guy sent me his old water damaged camera back :smh:

Money's still in my account, but gotta see what Amazon has to say. Some slimy dudes out there...
^^^^I was actually waiting for you to post that. I think your statement in saying "sleep on Sony" is false. Matter a fact, I think people are doing nothing but embrace the A7 lines. This camera seems to have addressed the main issues that plagued the ones in the past but it does come with a price tag. I really think that might be the only thing stopping everyone from getting it cause the older A7s seemed budget friendly. I can't wait for Sony to make another A7 with a smaller pixel size but with the updated autofocus. That would be the camera of all cameras for general users.

It's pretty crazy how we are back at this megapixel war. Never did I think camera companies would jump straight to 50mp range rather than going up to Nikon's 36mp sensor. The details from the 5Ds alone is amazing but really only notable in print. I don't ever see myself getting one but I know print photographers are going total use of it.

[COLOR=#red]Hey what's up Fong? Yeah the price is steep for sure. I'm likely getting the A7R ii in early July.

Tokes 99 they have addressed the issues with the first generation of A7's. Progress has been made. All that slow autofocus and loud shutter crap has been dealt with. The A7R version 2 is the camera to beat. Also it will have the ability to have autofocus with 3rd party lenses and lenses using adapters. Read the specs and the early reviews from the respected sources in the industry. This camera is a monsta.
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[COLOR=#red]Hey what's up Fong? Yeah the price is steep for sure. I'm likely getting the A7R ii in early July.

Tokes 99 they have addressed the issues with the first generation of A7's. Progress has been made. All that slow autofocus and loud shutter crap has been dealt with. The A7R version 2 is the camera to beat. Also it will have the ability to have autofocus with 3rd party lenses and lenses using adapters. Read the specs and the early reviews from the respected sources in the industry. This camera is a monsta.

i don't doubt it, i think what sony is doing is dope, but no camera is perfect for everyone...the previous generation a7 series were/are plenty capable and impressive, as i expect this to be; there will be many people who will be eagerly anticipating the august release of this camera...
[COLOR=#red]Hey what's up Fong? Yeah the price is steep for sure. I'm likely getting the A7R ii in early July.

Tokes 99 they have addressed the issues with the first generation of A7's. Progress has been made. All that slow autofocus and loud shutter crap has been dealt with. The A7R version 2 is the camera to beat. Also it will have the ability to have autofocus with 3rd party lenses and lenses using adapters. Read the specs and the early reviews from the respected sources in the industry. This camera is a monsta.

I do agree unless reviews say other wise. If I had the money and had to choose from a 5Ds, D810 and even 5D Mark 3, I think I would go for the Sony just cause it has the image stabilizer in camera and the new updated auto focus. It does have a lot people eager in getting this camera, so Sony definitely is shaking things up with this camera. Even the that new RX camera is dope. That literally is the best point and shoot and full frame, all from one company. Says a lot.
[COLOR=#Red]this is a major feature set on the A7R ii. Now I'm officially buying it.

Fong the true story is I highly respect CaNikon and DSLRs. I'm just a guy that loves innovation and risk taking ventures...which exactly explains Sony's foray into high-end Mirrorless cams. [/COLOR]

PDAF will work even with third-party lenses via existing adapters, including in continuous AF tracking mode.

This is potentially a huge deal - especially for Canon users. We've used an a7R II with a Canon 24-70mm lens and a Metabones adapter, and focus is indeed very fast indeed. We'll be looking at this in more depth as soon as we have a production sample camera, but for now, we're highly impressed.

According to Sony, the shutter is considerably better damped, but an electronic first-curtain shutter is the real story here, in our opinion. It eliminates all potential for shutter-induced vibration, which was a problem with the a7R, especially when paired with longer focal length lenses. Furthermore, a full-resolution 'silent' mode allows you to capture images without the shutter curtains moving at all. This might mean that the a7R II is the first high-resolution camera we've seen that really, truly solves this problem.
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Thinking of picking up a P&S for when I cant bring my DSLR to certain concerts and sports arenas. Any suggestions for less than $500?
Thinking of picking up a P&S for when I cant bring my DSLR to certain concerts and sports arenas. Any suggestions for less than $500?
Honestly you're better off just using your phone. You can get great quality pics and videos with new phones no need to buy a p&s
Get the Sony RX line. It has a f/1.8 lens but not sure how it will fair with concerts unless lighting conditions are okay. I seriously think that is one of the hardest things to shoot just cause the ratio of good to bad shots are so small. Even with my setup, I come back with only a handful of decent things to show. I'd want to see a Sony A6000 perform at a concert just cause the auto focus is so fast and they have that 35mm which would be a good range for concert stuff.
[COLOR=#red]That reminds me that I need to up my knowledge on point and shoots. Maybe demo a few of them from all manufacturers.

However here's a pre-production A7R ii showing that they have indeed fixed the slow autofocus issues...and the demo was constructed in a not so well lit room where autofocus can get hung up at times. Mind you pre-production units aren't usually tweaked for final production performance parameters. My only complaint, and not a small one is that weak *** battery that they put in all their mirrorless cams. If you don't have a backup or three, you are setting yourself up for failure. Though a backside illuminated sensor,in body image stabilization, low pass filter delete, and full frame make up for that and will allow for excellent low light capability.

I'm definitely getting in in July, but dang north of $3k is a lot no matter how you slice it, especially when it's body only. Good thing is that I can use my 50mm 1.8 prime for my a6000 on it until I can buy a Zeiss Touit. [/COLOR]

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It's only a matter of time before Nikon and Canon produce something similar. But Sony is def turning heads. I switched in May from Canon to Sony at its has been an amazing ride. I currently own the A6000 and the A7ii which I love. I would suggest testing them out via a rental or at a local Best Buy.
It's only a matter of time before Nikon and Canon produce something similar. But Sony is def turning heads. I switched in May from Canon to Sony at its has been an amazing ride. I currently own the A6000 and the A7ii which I love. I would suggest testing them out via a rental or at a local Best Buy.

Any regrets moving on from an SLR?
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