The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

^^^^Honestly I can't even find that price I stated above. Most from what I see are around the $900-1200 range. Canon has a rebate for the 7D right now but still way more expensive then it should. If you can find the camera for the price you stated, then that is pretty good cause it even comes with the kit lense but the kit lens is crap anyways. I am sure there will always be a better deal somewhere, so if you can afford to search more, I'd say do it.

The standard lens that everyone else starts with is the 50mm 1.8. It's only like a $100 but you can get them for cheaper used and the lens is just plastic, so there is really no point in getting a brand new one. Really good for just learning how to shoot in the daytime or night. Only thing is it is really narrow, so not really for landscae shots.
Photo examples of the 50mm:

You can also get the new 40mm 2.8 pancake lens. It's a tad wider but the f-stop isn't as fast. Heard it was good for what it is.
Phot examples of the 40mm:

That setup should be good. As you shoot, you'll figure out more of what kind of photographer you are whether portraits, action, landscape, wide angle, zoom, etc. After that, you can look into getting a more expensive lens. Also don't forget to get a bag or case for your camera. Also there are filters, tripods, remotes and a ton of other things to get aside from the camera and lens.
I'll sell you my 40mm, only used it like twice because I ended up getting a Sigma 30mm 1.4 like a month after I bought it.
Thanks man. Awesome advice, and I wish I could rep you some more. I'll continue searching for a few weeks, until I hopefully find the right price , if not ill just end up paying that $900+ price for just the body , and pick up a few used lenses, a case, and a tripod.

Thanks again, I appreciate the help.

All good man. Don't even need the reps but thanks. I was in your bind before the Canon Mark 2 went down in price. I sort of knew the pickle of wanting to get something good for the price. It's good that Canon made such a good camera cause even though the 60D came out after the 7D, it is sitll the better camera. Same with the full frame area. Canon came out with the budget 6D but the 5D mark II was so good that it was just better to get an older camera rather then the newer one.

Also there is the post production of shooting digital as well. Most of us on here (but not all photographers do) dabble in photoshop, lightroom, etc just to make the photos pop a little more. Of course shooting with the mindset of not doing post production will make you a better photographer but most of us still need to correct color in some way or form. Anyways....something else to think about aside from the billion of stuff I am firing at you already. I am just bored at work.....haha!
It's an ND filter. Think of it as putting a tint over your lens so when you shoot in the day time, it looks darker then normal. Then just set it up as a long exposure shot and the water should look smooth after. They are also good for shooting high ISO during the daytime as well./quote]

Right on for the info! Appreciate it a lot.
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^Couldn't get my post out of the quotes so I had to make a new one.

I've always wondered how people got that effect. I thought you would just do a long exposure shot in the dark but that would just make the photo pitch black :lol:. I'll be looking into getting that filter. In other news Adobe launched a beta version of LR5 and you can get it for free until June 30th. Some new features have been added.

Also Yahoo teamed up with Flickr to enhance their weather app. Now it shows you different flickr images when checking the weather. It should also show you when the sun will set and rise in your area. Pretty cool.

Took some pics of the sunset yesterday. Not too happy with the results as it's my first time but after editing a few I'll post them up on here.
Some film flicks.





ya dont need to take any classes, all the information needed is readily available in forums online...
^^Depends on what you intend to use it for. I would go 50mm though. I just got these in today. These things are great! Wireless transmitter and remote. Since they plug into the camera, they can utilise autofocus. Best part, they were only $30.. I got two sets.

I have these also. Temporary for me tho. These don't have i-TTL and they have a bit of lag. My sync speed is 1/200 and I get the black bar at the bottom if I shoot at that speed. If I go 1/160th I'm golden.
Just got a canon for my bday, few shots of the "Key Largo" casino in Vegas that caught on fire weeks ago, few shots at the park with my dog the other day
Ended up going to this Meetup group yesterday and this production studio. They shoot commercial products and it was really cool seeing all the equipment they had. Learned some really good lighting techniques while there. At some point I may looking into getting more into studio photography.
Just ordered a brand new Canon EOS 7D from B&H in NYC with a 3 year warranty, tripod, 50 mm 1.8 lens, 32g flash card, and a carrying bag.

Had it shipped to my house so I wouldn't have to pay taxes, so i have to wait 1-3 days for it to arrive. After Mr. Fongstarr's recommendation , and my own personal research, it seemed like it was the best camera to go with as a beginner. :smokin

Can't wait to try out some pics once I've gone through the manual. :tongue:

thats a nice setup, should have you set

bigger sensor which gives a few benefits

-shallower DOF
-usually better low light ability
-your focal lengths will be "right"
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Sounds neat. I figured I wouldn't be able to fully appreciate a full-frame if I bought one as my first camera. Can't wait to get some experience , and knowledge under my belt.
The 7D is a great camera... you're going to be happy with it.

I went shooting near the L.A. river today.

I was roaming the train tracks parallel to the river when a cop pops out of nowhere.

When I acknowledged him (from about 200 ft away) he did an arm wave telling me to get out the yard.

I started walking towards where I came from when he screams telling me to "come here".

So I walked over to him and he tells me that I was on private property and that the train carriers had certain chemicals and that I could get charged with a misdemeanor blah blah.

He asks for my I.D. and took down my info telling me he's doing that to everybody he finds on the yards because of all the recent happenings at Boston and whatnot.

At the end he told me something along the lines of "so if there's some sort of explosion or anything expect someone knocking on your door".

Point is... F the police.
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