The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Originally Posted by GetHigh420

that's me in the pic.

^Tight. For my first 52week assignment "circles/round" I wanted to do exactly that! But I don't smoke and my buddy that said he could make an "O" couldn't that night because it was too cold. In the end, I was like, well at least let me just take some photos of you smoking and ended up with this shot...http://jaydistrict.tumblr...tumblr_lfagkbl0J11qakl4cCan't embed because I'm on cell phone.
Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

explanations on how these were done. i demand them.

co-sign. tell us NAO 

Honestly it was decreasing the shutter speed. And trial and error. The droplets was pretty tricky but with the water running i guess i got lucky on the first try. Like I said I am a super noob and I just played around with the settings

wassup photo posse.. im looking into buying a wide angle for my 550d. i been looking at the tamron 17-50mm f2.8 and the canon 17-40 f4L
i need some advice.. thanks
I haven't posted in here in a short while. Let me update ya'll on what I've been shootin...

All from my 365 found on my Flickr

365_8_BeachwoodTrails by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

365_9_LonLonRanch by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

365_10_Poolhall Junkie by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

365_11_RichRecords by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

365_12_WakeUpEverybody by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

365_13_LilWayneisthatyou by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

365_14_Raaawwwrrr by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

365_15_RedVelvet by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

365_16_IkeaStateofMind by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

365_17_Maggotchie by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

365_18_SantaMonicaTown by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

365_19_Dusk by CeeMonster23, on Flickr

Add me on Flick
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Unlimited budget.

I want a DSLR with THE best video capabilities.

What do I buy?
When you say unlimited budget...
Nvm, get the 5DMarkII.

Actually I think the 7D is better in video....but you will get the full frame look if you want to shoot wide angle shots with the Mark 2. Hell.....even the T2i is good for video too.
^ correct me if i'm wrong but doesnt the t2i, 60d, and 7d all have the same video capabilities?
Originally Posted by bl1nk

^ correct me if i'm wrong but doesnt the t2i, 60d, and 7d all have the same video capabilities?
They’re truthfully all the same. Don’t bother. If you’re primarily shooting movies though, the 60D
is better for ergonomics and the 7D is better for image quality. The reasons for these are the articulating LCD and the dual DIGIC 4 processors, accordingly.

Originally Posted by bl1nk

^ correct me if i'm wrong but doesnt the t2i, 60d, and 7d all have the same video capabilities?

I don't know specifics off hand but I do know ISO does play a factor even in video. If you like to shoot night shots with video, then there will be more noticeable grain with the T2i and even the 7D (if you jack the ISO that high that is). I think the 7D and the newer DSLRs have a better frame rate then the Mark 2, but that is only useful when doing slow-mo shots.

If we are talking straight video, then honestly the T2i should be a good bang for your buck since it even has the external mic socket for better sound. But for an overall good camera with both video and photo, get the 7D.......although the swivel screen on the 60D would be an interesting thing to have for video.
thanks for the input guys, thought i heard that somewhere. not that i'm in the market for a canon, happily shooting with my d7000 and its video capabilities
^ i'd say 7d as well.....but if anything, theres a new 5d coming out this year...wait and see what improvements it has.
Thanks for the help.

Now I'm wondering if I should cop a digital camcorder (like an HG10) or something to use until the upgrade to the 5D releases.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Thanks for the help.

Now I'm wondering if I should cop a digital camcorder (like an HG10) or something to use until the upgrade to the 5D releases.

I doubt the new 5D will have any really major adjustments in the video except for maybe automatic focus. Also it is rumored to come out in November. But one of the coolest things about a DSLR aside from it being HD is using the lenses for different looks. It gives it so much range from using the bokeh in video to wide angle shots or fisheye. I doubt any hand held has that feature as of yet unless you get into the bulkier HD cameras.
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