The overweight epidemic vol. Yes it is an epidemic

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by wren32

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by wren32

-America as a whole is just fat these days.
-Parents get fat and let their kids do the same because no one wants to hurt their kids feelings and make them lose weight and have a healthy lifestyle.
-Up until a kid is 18 its the parents fault if they are fat after 18 it their fault.
-I will NEVER EVER EVER date/sleep with a fat chick, fat people are gross.
-We all need to stop letting fat/obese be ok. its a cycle thats killing a lot of people.
-If you let your kid eat whatever they want you are a bad parent period, kids want ice cream cake and candy; when it comes to food give kids what they need not what they want.
-Working out 5-6 days a week for kids would help tremendously too.

i dunno what the "ism" is in the case... but u sound like u have a strong (racist like) hated towards fat people...

calm down

. I dont hate fat people I just dont like that parents let their kids get like that and think that they are doing them a favor. If they wanna get fat they need to do when they move out your house but parents need to take more control of what their kids eat so they develop good habits. thats all im saying.
I think parents who allow they kids to be fatties should be charged with child abuse or endangerment, or neglect.

i agree with neglect and only in the case of obese kids, not "fatties" or else too many parents would end up in trouble.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by wren32

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

Originally Posted by wren32

-America as a whole is just fat these days.
-Parents get fat and let their kids do the same because no one wants to hurt their kids feelings and make them lose weight and have a healthy lifestyle.
-Up until a kid is 18 its the parents fault if they are fat after 18 it their fault.
-I will NEVER EVER EVER date/sleep with a fat chick, fat people are gross.
-We all need to stop letting fat/obese be ok. its a cycle thats killing a lot of people.
-If you let your kid eat whatever they want you are a bad parent period, kids want ice cream cake and candy; when it comes to food give kids what they need not what they want.
-Working out 5-6 days a week for kids would help tremendously too.

i dunno what the "ism" is in the case... but u sound like u have a strong (racist like) hated towards fat people...

calm down

. I dont hate fat people I just dont like that parents let their kids get like that and think that they are doing them a favor. If they wanna get fat they need to do when they move out your house but parents need to take more control of what their kids eat so they develop good habits. thats all im saying.
I think parents who allow they kids to be fatties should be charged with child abuse or endangerment, or neglect.

I agree parents know better kids dont. 

I wonder if fat people ever think how much they're going to suffer from health problems when they get older. How can you not be embarrassed about not being able to take care of yourself.
damn I would do anything to gain a couple of pounds

I've been skinny all my life, should I ask this people for advice on how to gain weight ? lolz

I just don't see how anyone would let themselves get fat, if you see your body getting bigger from the beginning change your diet and workout, their no excuse for anyone to be fat.

Same for the parent's if you see your kid getting bigger, change his diet make him eat less.
it must be that most of the US is depressed.

some people eat and pig out to feel better about themselves, temporary happiness.  hence "happy meal", mcdonalds and ronald have your kid's GUT from before they can ride a bike! 

lack of education < poverty < cheap fast foods < obese society < angry NTers
Some of y'all think you are God's gift to women though ... you claim there are only "10 women" ...

How do you even know those 10 women will find YOUR %#% attractive?
Originally Posted by Los Benjaminz

damn I would do anything to gain a couple of pounds

I've been skinny all my life, should I ask this people for advice on how to gain weight ? lolz

I just don't see how anyone would let themselves get fat, if you see your body getting bigger from the beginning change your diet and workout, their no excuse for anyone to be fat.

Same for the parent's if you see your kid getting bigger, change his diet make him eat less.

Its simple, its because for the most part, we as americans lack focus, motivation, and discipline. Also from an economical standpoint, eating garbage and having an unheathly diet is far cheaper and more convient.
But in reality, it's the government. Lower income families have no choice BUT to eat processed foods, foods with added hormones.

We aren't lectured on this, we have to do our own research. Everyone knows that Fast Food is bad for you, but what about grocery stores?

We damn near have to spend over/under $5 extra dollars on organic foods ... but why can't all foods be organic?

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Some of y'all think you are God's gift to women though ... you claim there are only "10 women" ...

How do you even know those 10 women will find YOUR %#% attractive?
So out of all of this, THIS is what you decided to focus on? The more I read your posts, the more I am convinced that you are in fact the type of woman we are speaking of in this post. Not attitude wise, weight wise. If you lived in DC I would work out with you
(No disrespect)

But yea it is more convenient to just sell your soul to fast food companies as many have said and there is so many fast food options near lower income areas. Of course I believe it is done on purpose to kill all of us off. Used in the same manner as liquor stores are used by being placed on every other corner.

But how can we effectively make a change as a whole? People that are poor don't want to hear anything about their health. They are trying to make it day by day. Some times I wonder if there is even any reason to have hope. I want to say f-it and focus only on the people I love but I can't give up on my other folks.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Some of y'all think you are God's gift to women though ... you claim there are only "10 women" ...

How do you even know those 10 women will find YOUR %#% attractive?

Nah sis.  It ain't nothing like that.  I understand that some people are genetically big and genetically small.  It's just that there is an epidemic of very young huge women.  This isn't just coming from me, I got 50 year old women and men telling me that the young girls are fat and sloppy looking nowadays.  
It's almost like its the "in thing" to where skin tight shirts that show off their bellies.  From what the older folks tell me, back in the day it wasn't cool to dress like that.  They woulda got clowned all day long. 
Originally Posted by BallRN23

Originally Posted by AiRodney23

Some of y'all care way too much about other people's lifestyles.
Actually, it affects us all. 
Not directly.  If other people's weight causes you to question the meaning of life like it does for some people in this thread, something ain't right.  Everybody has the right to live their own lives.
Originally Posted by damnyouwoman14

Originally Posted by cguy610

Like Miami, you don't see as many fat women walking around.

 No surprise at Salt Lake City being number 1 as the most fit city.  It's really contagious out here.  You can't drive anywhere here without seeing people jogging (yes even in the winter time).  

I've dropped over 20 lbs since moving here 3 years ago.  

Exercising at altitude FTW. 

As far as this "Overweight Epidemic", I agree.  I look at fb pics of people I used to know in college and get shocked at how much weight (males and females) people can gain over a 3-4 year period.  I really believe that if you're not active, it starts showing on most people by their mid 20's and only gets worse. 
Yea Chuck was killing SA women last night LOL.

But I wouldn't even count LA and MIA women because most of them aren't even natives of the areas. Many people that reside there either
A. Have $
B. Have aspirations to be in the film industry which forces them to stay in shape
C. Know that they have to compete with 88 million other fine women so they again are forced to stay in shape.

Those are fantasy worlds and they shouldn't count in those type of surveys if you ask me.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Wait just one second.....I thought NT loved fat chicks.

I been telling you guys for years that the rest of the world (me included) thinks fat girls are disgusting and you have been calling me out on it.  All of a sudden dudes from NT are going to like fit girls now?  Are fit girls the next Foamposites or something?

Glad to see you people are coming around. 

fit girls =/= da pipe cleaners you get your rocks off...
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