The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

One thing that I'm MAD Late on is the connection to the Money involved here.

Schultz and Paterno were partners in 100+ Million dollar deals to bring  golf resort and Apts  to Penn State area.

Developers were in the process of filing for building permits and marketing the units when graduate assistant Mike McQueary testified that he approached Paterno in March 2002 to tell him that he had seen Sandusky sodomizing a boy in the football team’s showers.

After being informed by Paterno, a week and a half passed before Schultz and Penn State athletic director Tim Curley called McQueary to a meeting to discuss the incident. No police report was filed.

It’s no coincidence that they failed to act at the same time that they were working on this project,
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Maybe I missed it but what age for the grand daughter.

I feel bad for PSU alums (beyond my obvious feelings for families and victims), nothing to do with the situation but your alma mater is just looking worse and worse and that degree becomes less attractive by the day. At no faukt of your own, just a select few
I think there is something inherently wrong w. a grandfather showering with his granddaughter at the YMCA of all places.  No matter where you stand on the issue of parents/grandparents showering w. their blood, just think about what she may have been exposed to in the YMCA showers or locker room.  There is no reason why he couldn't have taken her home to wash up. 

There is Now ZERO doubt in My Mind, Paterno, Schultz, Spanier and company covered this up All for Financial gain.

Gunna....I swear there is a bigger picture here.  The years upon years of covering up Sandusky and his crimes had to have had a purpose.  I really hope that all the truths come to light during this trial. 

There is some straight up buffoonery taking place during this trial.  The laughter, jokes, etc are all very unsettling.  Who in their right mind would make light of whats going on? 
I have never been for shutting down the entire program before. Seemed like a rash decision, after all its not like the molestations are happening now. After letting this soak in, If your gonna shut down a program, there isnt a better reason then this. IMO they should take a year off football, release everyone off their scholarships and fix their situation.

For those of you saying shut down the entire University for this, shut up.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by RyGuy45

With prosecutors focused on the sex-abuse allegations against Sandusky, the trial isn't intended to yield evidence of a possible cover-up. That's the job of Louis Freeh, the former FBI director hired by the board of trustees to investigate the scandal. His report could be released in late summer.

Spanier, who has not been charged with any crime, did not respond to email and phone messages. His attorney did not return a phone call.

Good read

Man the !@+# is going to really hit the fan, when Freeh finishes his investigation.

Let's hope he doesn't "disappear" like Gricar. 
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Never once Have I seen, heard of, or being in a shower with coaches, or older males.

I got kinda upset reading about the courtroom laughter after dude said he doesnt shower with his clothes on, there isnt a single thing funny in this case.

This.  I played hockey, baseball and a good amount of other organized sports and I've NEVER heard it or seen it happen.  Where is that even acceptable?  Where do folks say a sentence like that and no one blinks an eye?  !%#% makes my head hurt thinking about this and trying to understand how some people could act this way as if it's normal.

Same here about the laughter.  How do even make a joke about anything in a case of this severity?  IDK man.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Never once Have I seen, heard of, or being in a shower with coaches, or older males.

I got kinda upset reading about the courtroom laughter after dude said he doesnt shower with his clothes on, there isnt a single thing funny in this case.

This.  I played hockey, baseball and a good amount of other organized sports and I've NEVER heard it or seen it happen.  Where is that even acceptable?  Where do folks say a sentence like that and no one blinks an eye?  !%#% makes my head hurt thinking about this and trying to understand how some people could act this way as if it's normal.

Same here about the laughter.  How do even make a joke about anything in a case of this severity?  IDK man.
No one blinks an eye because penn state coaches have an unhealthy amount of power and institutional control.
These thigns attract predators, same danm thing happens in canadian major junoir hockey, Theoren Flurrey. 

Cultures like that can warp peoples perception of things, if coach says it's cool to shower with boys, it's cool. Just do what coach says, how many junoir hockey kids did this happen too, you don't think there are some texas high school football coaches doing this? 
And let's be real. Jerry didn't just start this in the late 90's on a whim.

You also do not participate in a decade, or two decades, or even longer of PUBLIC pedophilia and assaults on children without a single other person having knowledge. It's not humanly possible when you factor in that length of time he possibly operated. People knew, people saw, people covered up. It's mind-blowing how far up this could possibly go.

It's why I am anxiously awaiting any and all investigations after this trial is over and we move on to others.
The worst comment I read today was where one of the witness said something like "sure, Jerry showered with boys, but he didn't do anything wrong".

Except shower with boys.

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Dickie V and Coach K, Both **** heads for trying to stick up for a Chronie.

Coach K had a recent interview on Piers Morgan where he said to the effect of Paterno was fired too abruptly

what a Bunch of D-Bags

seriously ... as a duke fan ... i haven't looked the same way at him since ... clowns
[h1]Jerry Sandusky's defense bolstered by tape establishing police led an accuser's statement[/h1]
By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports

BELLEFONTE, Pa. – For 16 minutes the tape rolled, apparently unknown to two state police officers investigating Jerry Sandusky and the defense attorney of Victim No. 4 during an April 2011 meeting.

It's turned into the strongest evidence yet that could create reasonable doubt in the minds of jurors about the guilt of Sandusky, who is facing 51 counts of child molestation. And it all played out Tuesday morning at Centre County Courthouse.

During the 2011 interview with police, Victim No. 4 was on a break and not in the room. The tape was left on and recorded a candid conversation between police and Victim No. 4's attorney. Sandusky's defense attorneys, and even Judge John Cleland, suggested Tuesday that it may call into question whether police led witnesses in their lengthy investigation.

"The issue is whether or not seeds were planted by the officer," Judge Cleland said during a procedural argument with the jury present, inadvertently giving the defense the ultimate line to build its case around.

From the start, the Sandusky defense has alleged the former Penn State defensive coordinator was subjected to an overaggressive investigation that targeted him for years.

On the recording, state police corporal Joseph Leiter and Victim No. 4's attorney, Ben Andreozzi, discuss the case. At that point, Victim No. 4 had not detailed the full extent of Sandusky's alleged crimes, which would later include multiple accounts of forced oral sex in Penn State locker room showers.

Leiter tells Andreozzi about incidents with other alleged victims that police had uncovered.

"Oh, you're kidding, the time frame matches up?" Andreozzi said. "Can we at some point say to [Victim No. 4], 'Listen, we have interviewed other kids, other kids have admitted that there was intercourse. And they've admitted. Is there anything else you want to tell us?' "

Leiter acknowledged they could and that doing so isn't unusual.

"Yep, we do that with all the other kids, 'Listen, this is what we've found … This is what we found, this is how he operates. … This has happened and this has happened and that has happened," Leiter said.

The conversation continued for 16 minutes until Victim No. 4 returned to the room and was given a Sierra Mist to drink.

Leiter then addressed Victim No. 4.

"You're not the first," he said. "I've interviewed probably nine kids, nine other adults. And you're doing very well. It is amazing. If this was a book, you'd be repeating word for word what other people told us. And we know from these other young adults who talked to us that there is a pretty well-defined progression that he operated and he still operates to some degree.

"Often this progression goes on into a long period of time leading into more than just touching, there's been actual oral sex that's taken place by both parties and it is classified that an actual rape has occurred. I don't want you to feel that again.

"I don't want you to feel ashamed. You are a victim in this thing. What happened, happened. These types of things happen. We need you to tell us what happened. Again, we're not going to treat you any differently … You are a victim of this crime.

"We need you to tell us as graphically as you can what took place. I just want you to know that you are not alone in this … I just want you to understand your not alone in this. By no means are you alone in this."

Victim No. 4: "I understand."

Leiter: "OK, we're going to restart the recording. It is now 12:37. Again, we are going to continue the recording."

Sandusky's attorneys hammered Leiter and fellow state trooper Scott Rossman on Tuesday for potentially leading the witness and describing specific acts when they thought the tape wasn't running.

They noted both officers previously testified they hadn't done such a thing and that they never discussed specific acts with any of the 40 to 50 children they interviewed during the course of the investigation.

When recalled as witnesses, both had to acknowledge that in this case there had been discussion, although both officers declared it proper police tactics.

"Were there any other victims, witnesses, people that you interviewed that you would go off tape [with]," defense attorney Karl Rominger asked Leiter.

"Not that I remember," Leiter said.

"Not that you remember, but you can't say for sure," Rominger said.

If anything, the defense was bolstered by a comment from Judge Cleland. In open court, with the jury seated and listening, the two sides argued to the judge how much of the tape should be allowed to play.

That's when Cleland first said, "The issue is whether or not seeds were planted by the officer."

He later said the issue was actually whether the officers' testimony may not have been accurate when they said they never discussed specifics with witnesses. He used that reasoning to rule the prosecution couldn't play more of the tape.

What effect the tape could have on the verdict is unknown. It was the first strong bit of evidence presented by a defense that otherwise has mostly relied on character witnesses for Sandusky. It goes to the heart of one of the key defense arguments.

And it may have been the judge that offered the best summation of what the defense was trying to accomplish.
If that *$$@*%@ tape gets him clear for FIFTY ONE counts of abuse, 51 that we know of,............
The judge is defending Sandusky better than his own defense team 
This better not be enough for the jury to let him off all the charges.
Respect: lost

For both Coach K & Dickie V. Heck, I'm still not over how JoePa has fallen from my graces.

But I can't side w/ someone who knowingly ignored what he ignored, nor can I side w/ someone who can side w/ that kind of person.
i believe at the end of the day whats wrong is wrong no matter where you are from. they gonna drop the hammer on that sicko
Sandusky Smoking Gun video in which he said this:

“I didn’t go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that I’ve helped. There are many (children) I didn’t have — I hardly had any contact with.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Sandusky Smoking Gun video in which he said this:

“I didn’t go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that I’ve helped. There are many (children) I didn’t have — I hardly had any contact with.â€

but it NEVER went on air....


Has NBC said why this wasn't aired? 

Not to be insensitive regarding the nature of this whole thing, but it's almost gotten comical at how some of this stuff as been handled. What the hell is wrong with people?
I know they BS'd some excuse but seriously, why wouldn't they air this?
They're not stupid, they know what the comments infer and insinuate, why wouldn't they air this?
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