the thread about nothing...

IDC if it looks like phlegm, Egg drop soup is

HBD @beh235 all the best man.
Thanks man, I appreciate it. We need a dub today 
Need some winter-esque clothing. I only have shorts. lol

Applying to jobs left and right. It gets a bit tiring especially when the questionnaires are so specific.
I was under the impression it was a strip club, it's more like a hood burlesque type club. There were girls, half naked, dancing, people throwing money, but no one stripping.

I dunno maybe because it was Halloween, they played by the rules.

Imma have to do further investigation...
Next time you go tell Ms Blaze & Ms. Fame to holla at a playa!
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Woke up at 12 pm. Feels good to sleep in. Turned on the TV and the notebook is on lol I guess I'll watch it
Jessica Parker came out in the movie Hocus Pocus
Just went to Tom Wahl's and ordered a burger shorty had her bare hands on my burger had her remake it. How my bro's feel about stranger's preparing your food without gloves?

Ya dun goofed.... That first burger was probably fine and I bet your re-made burger had spit and "super special sauce" in it. :smh:
Just won a $500 gift card from MacMall. What's there to get?

Don't really play video games so don't need game consoles. Already have an iPhone 6/MB Pro so don't need an iPad...
Just won a $500 gift card from MacMall. What's there to get?

Don't really play video games so don't need game consoles. Already have an iPhone 6/MB Pro so don't need an iPad...
Pretty Much work out a trade with someone
Ya dun goofed.... That first burger was probably fine and I bet your re-made burger had spit and "super special sauce" in it.
Smh I doubt it considering I could view them making my 2nd set of burgers( ordered more food for coworkers also)

You must work at a burger joint mister danky

I ment from a consumers point of few not a EMPLOYEE!!
Just went to Tom Wahl's and ordered a burger shorty had her bare hands on my burger had her remake it. How my bro's feel about stranger's preparing your food without gloves?
"Remake my artery clogging burger! I won't eat that filth!"
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