the thread about nothing...

another work party...going away party for a coworker. She cool so i actually am gonna participate. But $10 each for the pizza order and $10 each for a gift donation :smh: who ever organizes this stuff got to be taking a rake :lol: Ledo's is worth it though

pics of this "ledo"?


like pyt mami look too good to be inhaling da homeless cologne so early in da afternoon on da E. :smh:
gotta find her again and take her outta dat lifestyle :wow:
I'm not very kitchen savvy. At 32 years old, i just discovered how easy and fast it is to make a delicious loaded baked potato. I will NEVER leave my house late again because I'm hungry, spending my hard earned money on fast food. I will forever have a sack of potatoes in my kitchen. I'm going to save so much that it isn't funny because i used to eat out way too much. It's like a curse, or an addiction.

is that you matt damon :nerd:

Something I noticed about the home-wreckers bowling team.


Takes pic of dude in hat, posts it but doesn't say when he sees him, "hey man, nice hat. Tap tap pull". Makes sense...

Crazy thing i was going to take a pic when i seen dude come out of nowhere, wanted to go up to him but he was with his fam and was moving, wasnt going to stiff arm and hurdle ppl, figure ill come here and ask
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