the thread about nothing...

Im still not over that "fight", my dude victor was ready for rounds.
I fell in love with him cause that HBO show, he is a cool kid.
first day of physical activity in 2 months after my car accident. I got a pretty good run, so happy right now lol
I'm going through with No Fap May, I RARELY think about sex and porn is just getting boring to me.
I want to do No Fast Food May too but I'm too lazy to make myself a lunch everyday.

I've gone 6 months with no fast food before but I think I'd rather do a liquid diet than giving up fast food.
why am i watching this bad girls club reunion, i didn't even watch the show

this chick Camilla though

i need awl that...
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

With a 1/3 of 2012 in the feces bout to get real? 

apparently the calender they used back then didnt account for leap years and the extra day, and that day passed months ago.
I have a problem of getting enough sleep.. I wake up at 7:00 am and lay in my bed for 2 hours trying to fall back asleep and it doesn't work.

I feel like %@@$ during the day now because of it
Man someone just stole my bose headphones right under my nose..I go shower come back they are gone..Nm found them..I just pulled an amare on my wall for no reason
Finished Breaking Bad season three and damn that whole show is CRAZY. Now I have to try and watch season four some way don't know how but I gotta try. Any suggestions?
Ex texted me out of the blue. Good hearing from her. Everytime we talk or text, she always wanna know if I'm dating. I wish she'd stop that.I'm good. And I don't wanna know her situation.I haven't been anywhere for the past few weekends. Me and co workers make plans but they always flake.Can't watch a lot of movies on cable at the moment because they remind me of the ex.I like going to therapy, but it has opened a lot of old wounds that I wasn't ready for, now I'm emotional wreck loose.Can't wait till next week. My bday. Going to ny and chill with some relatives, go to the neeley's new bbq resturant, plus cop a pair of cav iv's.
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