the thread about nothing...

The 2nd one. The first season is still very good, but the main premise from the pilot was dragged on too long (being left at the altar and the breakup) and that is really my only complaint.
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The 2nd one. The first season is still very good, but the main premise from the pilot was dragged on too long (being left at the altar and the breakup) and that is really my only complaint.
Thanks for the info.

I'll add the show to my to-watch list. was the first website I ever visited
I remember my very first time on the Internet in like the 2nd grade. The librarian put me on
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I need more money...(Don't we all?)

What can I do?! Legally only :lol:
Sell some stuff you don't use anymore.
Nothing really is worth selling. Besides some shoes I'm trying to get rid of.

I need more money...(Don't we all?)

What can I do?! Legally only :lol:
have 3 tickets that need to be taken care of :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

powdered white donuts >>
Alright you win.......At losing :lol:.

I'm taking my girl to San Diego and some extra money would be superb right now. Hotel is disgustingly expensive :x!
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