the thread about nothing...

Got home last night, felt like death. 102 fever, sweating, no appetite, no energy.

Woke up like an hour ago feeling dehydrated. Finna vape and make breakfast. Can't be feeling like a zombie on a day off.
hahaha nahh the first one was a model and the current one, i have no idea who she is. i found it on the misc
Salute LOT,

This day started off on some bull**** already :smh:. All I got to look forward to is cleaning my apartment tonight when I get home. Just great....

son stop it. srs. not fair. 

You throwing some of that on a grill? 
Gif request, does anyone have the extended version of this gif where he leaves the cape in the box and walks into the house?
Morning :x

I need to stop drinking, I feel like trash today :smh:

And I had a dream I tore my ACL :smh: :x :frown:
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