the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by 916kid

summertime. song is chill and i don't even smoke.

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo

My dog is terrified of fireworks. He has been freaking out every time he hears them.
Crazy, Some of my co-workers were having a discussion about this today. One gives their dog plugs so it doesnt spaz out

Another co-worker said their dog was so scared, they couldnt find him until days later, they found him hidden off...he died of a heart attack

My dog is only freaking out when he's alone. When he's with my parents or me, he is totally fine - the fireworks don't seem to bother him.
So, I'm watching Back to the Future III, and I started thinking and came up with a possible easier solution to get both Marty and Doc back to 1985.
Well, Doc got transported to 1885 because the Delorean got struck by lightning. He could not return due to a chip in the time machine being fried. So he buries it in a cave for Marty and the future Doc to rebuild it. They fix it, and Marty goes to 1885 and rips the fuel line, and can't return because they cannot acquire gas. Here's where I started to think....

Since Marty went back to 1885 after recovering it from the cave, him going back in time theoretically means that Doc still has the Delorean that transported him to the old west. So, why couldn't they've just replaced the fried chip from Doc's Delorean with the chip from the Delorean that Marty came back with?

I was away 
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Nobody wants to answer me.....WHAT THE %$!# IS INSIDE THE CASE IN PULP FICTION !!!!????
It's either

Spoiler [+]


Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Nobody wants to answer me.....WHAT THE %$!# IS INSIDE THE CASE IN PULP FICTION !!!!????

One of my top 3 fav movies. I think it's what ever the viewer wants to speculate. It's part of the intrigue. Unless I've missed something the 30+ times I've seen it
I've been watching it for YEARS and I still keep wondering . That and I don't get it when did Butch kill Vincent ?? He's alive at the end ?
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

I've been watching it for YEARS and I still keep wondering . That and I don't get it when did Butch kill Vincent ?? He's alive at the end ?
Story isn't told in chronological order. When Butch and Vincent meet, it's technically not the end of the story.

I assume they meet after the robbery at the diner
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Nobody wants to answer me.....WHAT THE %$!# IS INSIDE THE CASE IN PULP FICTION !!!!????
I just assume that it's drugs or money.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

I've been watching it for YEARS and I still keep wondering . That and I don't get it when did Butch kill Vincent ?? He's alive at the end ?
Story isn't told in chronological order. When Butch and Vincent meet, it's technically not the end of the story.

Ah I see. But that happens after Jules leaves and way after the actual ending of the movie ?
Am i the only one who thinks French ruined that song? I was smh when i first heard it. If spitta had another like the first 
Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Just heard a good friend of 15 years has been given 8 months to live. Cirrhosis of the liver. 31 years old. Livin that party life caught up. So young. Hurts my heart. Damn.
Damn dude must have been drinking hard to get Cirrhosis at 31
crazy.. sorry to hear that

Thanks everyone. We all partied a lot in hs but he never stopped. He went to rehab in our late teens. Got off drugs but the drinking got much worse. Couple DUIs, still lives with his parents. Thing is, he comes from an affluent family and a super loving home. Lots of NTers like judge others but he truly is a great guy, loyal friend, big heart. Always wondered what was going on internally though. He's actually on hospice at this point so I fear 8 months is if he's lucky. A reminder to always tell people what they mean to you. Don't just assume they know.
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

I've been watching it for YEARS and I still keep wondering . That and I don't get it when did Butch kill Vincent ?? He's alive at the end ?
Story isn't told in chronological order. When Butch and Vincent meet, it's technically not the end of the story.

Ah I see. But that happens after Jules leaves and way after the actual ending of the movie ?
Yeah it's basically the last scene, jules and vincent drop the case off to Mr Wallace is where they first see Butch, so from then he screws up the fix for the fight, Vincent and Jules go through their debacle and end up splitting with Jules leaving the game. Which left Vincent solo on his mission to take out Butch for Mr. Wallace

Edit: I meant it's technically the end of the story in my first post
Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Just heard a good friend of 15 years has been given 8 months to live. Cirrhosis of the liver. 31 years old. Livin that party life caught up. So young. Hurts my heart. Damn.
Damn dude must have been drinking hard to get Cirrhosis at 31
crazy.. sorry to hear that

Thanks everyone. We all partied a lot in hs but he never stopped. He went to rehab in our late teens. Got off drugs but the drinking got much worse. Couple DUIs, still lives with his parents. Thing is, he comes from an affluent family and a super loving home. Lots of NTers like judge others but he truly is a great guy, loyal friend, big heart. Always wondered what was going on internally though. He's actually on hospice at this point so I fear 8 months is if he's lucky. A reminder to always tell people what they mean to you. Don't just assume they know.
so sorry to hear about that fam.
if you don't mind me asking, how hard was he partying.?
I often wonder if im doing too much, and this is definitely  reality check.
prayers and thoughts for our dude.  hope his time is blessed and awesome
(would add
) but instead will add
in light of the situation
ever have one of those no effing way moments?

so lately ive been seeing gifs/pics of ariana grande, however I had no idea who she was until lurking this thread.
this chic is dope, dime for know like why cant i run into girls like that..
so i give her a quick Google search witch leads me to her wiki page.. a year younger then me..but wait shes also grew up 5 mins way from me?
..but wait thats not it..she attended the highschool (prep school) that my grandfather offered to pay ever i declined because it didn't seem "cool" so I went to the garbage h.s i was zoned for #%$ man not cool. Could of had that opportunity bros.
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by rice boy 45

I'm convinced I have the worst screen name on NT & that's why no body takes me seriously.

hmmmm, not really bro- your SN isn't bad at all- just makes you seem like you're in to rice-burner cars. If what you say is true I would blame your avy if anything. You're good people regardless

fasho bro thanks
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